Name me something a nigger has done that has been beneficial to humans

Name me something a nigger has done that has been beneficial to humans

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Gather cotton?

honestly the one on the left looks like a more intelligent and noble creature

b-b-b-bbbback to Sup Forums, nazi!

> try to be clever saying the gorilla is better than the nigger
> be so inbred you don't know left from right


I honestly cant think of a single thing

lol u got me there

They murder each other by the thousands
Unfortunately, as usual with niggers, it's just not enough

kek ..lost

Chuck Berry and Jimi Hendrix.


and that's the best they can do



you literally share DNA with a lizard and with a banana

So which is which, fuck this is confusing. The creature on the left is the gorilla no? I mean right. Right is gorilla.



Helpful hint: they're both gorillas



Invented peanut butter



nothing. ever. also in 3,000 years they've never built anything in Africa that's still standing while chinks built the great wall Europeans built Gothic architecture and Mexicans built Aztec pyramids. Niggers will never do anything.

>Niggers will never do anything

dey can pimp you lil girl muhfucka


that one nigger made peanut butter supposedly..but i have my doubts


Why don't they build anything cool? Don't just shout nigger. It is a valid question.

Maybe they have trouble with geometry?

nigger stole the recipe from a white woman

When trying to be superior it's a good policy to know your left from your right.

niggers have trouble with everything that doesn't involve violence


Yeah, well you can spell it out to a nigger and they'd still get it wrong then blame white people


Only thing I can think of is support the prison industrial complex, provide jobs for law enforcement, and a steady stream of work for our court systems.

Sports and rap aren't beneficial, not sure what else they do.

The science guy is the only one I can think of.

he probably murdered a white scientist he was working with and stole his idea

I don't know about benefiting humans, but yanks can't shut up about their gold medals so niggers benefit yanks.

Its funny cause people whinge about white oppression if it wasnt for white people finding cures for diseases all the cunts would be dead

Michael jackson lel lets get real michael jackson was a shitcunt he made shit music, his dancing was shit his voice was shit and he raped a monkey

>Sports and rap aren't beneficial
Agreed, but whites have more than encouraged these worthless activities.


I guess we all owe a huge debt of gratitude, without them we wouldn't have dustpans or ice cream scoopers, not way we'd figure those out.