How do you deal with depression

how do you deal with depression

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muh man

Put a guitar in my hand. Put a pen and paper in front of me. De-preh-shun dissolves in a matter of minutes.

Here's a gift for you, Op

drugs and eliminating the causes of your depression



This and fuck random skanks from work
And sleep a lot
Best advice is to find a hobby that requires creativity, get out of the house, eat right, and exercise. But fuck all that, right?

I've drank too much alcohol to no avail. only outcome from this is finding myself in an unusual place in an unusual pose.

i know i lack motivation to do anything and that's because i'm lazy. i can't find anything to be passionate about.

With a smile, pussy.

don't mind me, just hosting this pic here because another thread hit image limit

Aspire to your view of realistic greatness, find what makes you happy and work for it. Think about how you will have it if you just do this this and this. Then do those things. Whenever you get depressed remind yourself of all the people who have achieved it before you.

absurd amounts of masturbation

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Listen to big ass rock by the full monty, joke "I want to fucking die" everytime something slightly bad happens to me and play video games. It's guaranteed to work trust me OP for real.

I basically grew up with this site and its sense of humor and community over the years. may be i'm too old now and just lack any form of desire to do anything.

I drink and choke the one eyed snake alot.
It may occur that your balls and liver start to hurt, but fuck it.

Don't give up you SOB. Watch live at the Apollo for 5 hours, chuck shit from different (safe) places and make fun of it. The only way to defeat the beast is to laugh

That depends on what is the cause of your depression.

If I assume it's related to a lack of meaningful relationships, you should sort yourself out, and stop being such a bitter cunt all the time, and maybe you'll find enough gas in your life to pull yourself through long enough to keep you in track.

Always remember that the situation you find yourself in, ALWAYS is a direct reflect of your choices. If you make bad choices you're setting yourself up for a bad future, that's a rule.

Just don't sit expecting someone/something to save you because this path you're choosing of self-destruction WILL kill you, 100% of the time, but keeping yourself walking that direction is ALSO your doing 100% of the time.

Never too old to change your life man. read something by tony robbins or some shit.

In my early life I played video games to distract myself, I started smoking weed with 13, was heavly addicted with 15 and took other drugs besides that.
Now Im on a point where I took xtc nearly 4 months straight (every day with few days of after usually two weeks) and suffer from side or withdraw effects and plan on robbing bigger dealers to fucking die since neither video games nor weed can distract me from my shitty wasted life anymore

At least you're not this guy OP

I know.

I never claimed my woes and issues are greater or lesser than anyone else's. We're all living life and we all share its ups and downs. I wish I could help others, but I fail to help even myself.

My story is different, but I don't want to talk about it. It's comforting enough to hear other anons share their experiences and show support.


I've battled depression for most of my life... still am... and to be quite honest? I don't know how I deal with it. Most people would have put a gun in their mouth and pulled the trigger by now. I really don't know what keeps me here anymore. Life sucks... esp when you're stuck in a situation you don't have the power to change. For me? Lack of income is always my downfall. There is never enough to better the situations I get stuck in. It keeps me very depressed. I really hate how money is the core to a happy life. Fucking really sucks, but what can ya do? You either cope or you check out. That's really all there is to it.

You can try to treat the symptoms, or you can try to treat the cause.

You can do things that make you feel good or not as depressed, or you can do things that will stop you from feeling depressed.

You don't.
You just keep dying little by little everyday until you stop feeling and/or die.


You've desensitized yourself too much, mate. Go to drug therapy, get your neurochemistry in check, and then maybe a psychologist.

i only wrote this to because a girl just told me her story and that she still wants to kill herself, i have heavy trust issues due to my past and that my parents are divorced is a minor reason.

I cant talk for shit with the girl but she got the same issues as me and I see her starting to do drugs heavly now what breaks my heart

just be happy :)

best practical advice itt so far.

Be yourself.

stay positive

Start following your dreams again.

>uh dunt huv nun
You did, you just gave up on them so long ago you forgot about them.

I drive in the ghetto and flash white power hand signs at Negros.

He took ecstasy 4 months straight his brain is irreversibly fucked

sue e side

what if his dream was to fuck a 12 year old pussy?

Work out, cook, eat healthy, spend time with friends and family, spend time outdoors.

Kill yourself

Don't give in to any of your urges. Live against what feels "good" to you. Don't sleep too much, don't be addicted to anything, have different plans for your days.

go out of your comfort zone, try new things, pursue your dreams and believe in yourself user.
Just joking, only way I found is alcohol

Your edge is showing, faggot.


I am doing that for quite a while to be honest, I just can't exert myself, as 30% of my body mass is excess weight and I fatigue too much.
I did give up, as I'm too self conscious and constantly prove to myself how garbage I am. It came from the way I was raised, but no matter how rational I am, emotions take over.
I'm trying
Your struggles are admirable.
Been trying, but to no avail.
I know, I never said I'm special. For the limited resource of time that I possess I just want to feel like shit as little as possible.
I am completely unaware of how that works.
I am farm raised, but for 20 years I've been physically and sexually inactive. I don't know if I can handle it.


This. Lack of funds literally tore my entire family up and almost all of my relationships at some point, my motivation to try new things and take risks in life, any and all hobbies or interests I ever had, my health and probably a lot more I'm not even realizing all gone to shit because I can't foot the bills.

I just recently decided to work towards being a monk.
Otherwise, finding a hobby helps.


Lack of money!! That is truly the biggest reason I am unhappy. I have health issues, my previous and current relationships have all gone to shit because of lack of money, my life is stuck in a dead end repetitive cycle that never gets better, it just slowly gets worse... ALL due to lack of money. Bills pile up, can never save up or get ahead. I have no hobbies anymore because I can't afford shit, and just everything good in life has fallen to the way-side because there is never money to do FUN things anymore. Fuck, I barely scrape by as it is... but BASIC shit I can't even afford. Fuck money....