Ok fags

Ok fags

What is the worst job you can imagine and what salary would tempt you to do it?

I'll start.
Job: sucking off sailors for 8 hours a day. When I finish another naval dick appears right in from of me.
Salary expectation: $50,000 a day

Pic not related

>pic not related

oh, I'd like to believe it is.

Job: dealing with snot-nosed shit-pansed kids in a daycare from 9-5

Salary Expectation: one dead child a day.

Your job would be ok. I'd defo prefer it to sucking off sailors.
What you gonna do with the kid corpse?

Job : washing toilet with tongue
Expected salary : 2.000.000 a day.

probs make op suck it's dick.

50k for a full work day of dick sucking?
You poor fuck.

A high end escort makes more than that and they aren't even putting in 8 hours a day

Well I don't think you can call OP high end

You know the format would be better if we offer our salary expectations for another posts job then post our worst job and other fags then do the same.

To clean toilets with my tongue:
I'll need $10k a day and unrestricted access to Megan Fox

Next job: testing the sharpness of razor blades with my knob head

Ill fukken do that for free. I already do

How much can you earn a day sucking dick?
I may need to increase my rates

That's not what they mean by 'second decimal'

Testing the strength of various types of acids in my asshole
12 cents a month

Fair enough, what's the worst job you can imagine?

I love how op immediatly goes to sucking dick. Like heres some convaluded way to get around looking like a fag but guys: Op ==== faggot


This is fun to me but id have to say the absolute worst is probably working for a church. I was abused as a child by my mother who was very religious and the emotional trauma of having to be near that stuff every day would be many times worse than a bad job. Given X time id get used to acid in my pooper or shit in my mouth. Itd suck at first, but the body will evolve. My mind wont

Shhh I suck at spelling Im a stem major not an english major

Yeah I just love sucking your mums dick. Love a big black veiny cock. She says 'Hi' by the way

the guy that tests ejection seats of helicopters ... his job suckes

Dude thats hot as fuck. I love watching people suck the black cock on the bleach white woman i was born from. Its so girthy and greasy

>wants 50k/day for what would probably be between 16-24 blowjobs
underage b&?

Fuck that's dark man.

What is it about religion and child abuse though?

I was actually talking to a friendo of mine today who also has religious parents. Ive noticed a vast majority of religious kids seem to be abused or at the very least have bad realtionships with their parents. I think religion is your deal and it should be illegal to impose religous beliefs on children because 9/10 times its detrimental. She was homeschooled (her parents had 6 kids because they didnt believe in birth control and her dad makes money but is a compulsive spender and has chronic depression... probably from having 6 kids and living in bumfuck nowhere georigia so theres no decent schools around) and took anatomy in highschool. Her course was non-objective and she learned about abstinace and how gay marriage lead to poorly rasied kids... like this is a course on how the body works at the intro level and its half religion. On her final on question was does life start at conception and it was true or false...

Yay dubbbz

Dank u polip more ills
New movie with James carey