21 and barely pubes on my face, how fucked am i?

21 and barely pubes on my face, how fucked am i?

>he actually WANTS to shave

Its a sign from God that you're not meant to remain this way. Everything will become clear once you transition. Your penis is a lie that taints your feminine soul.

You have a low Androgen value. stop masturbating, take up exercising, boost testosterone level, thus boost androgen production.

So you are telling me there is still hope, im not fucked?!?!

Puberty in males doesn't end till 25, so only if you get on it Now.

I had less than that at 21, started exercising and I now have a full beard at 26, there is still hope

Shaving seems like a better alternative than having a babyface for the rest of my 20s

How mutch exercise are we talking daylie jogs? Hitting the gym 4 times a week? Dosent diet and nutrition play the biggest part in all this shit?

Gym 3-4 times a week, good nutrition helps too. You need to stop shaving altogether, you'll look fucking homeless for the first month or two depending on how quick your facial hair grows (mine is slow as shit) but it will start to fill in properly after that

not as fucked as a manlet

Diet and Nutrition are for Gains and /fit/

Mantosterone and Mandrogens demand Manly Behaviour, Jogs are a good start, Weights/Gym are better, Make your muscles work, make your body think you are fighting and being manly.

Your body is currently baby because it thinks you are a baby, that you don't actually have to Do things and it doesn't Need to produce the test/andro

If you Really care about input, avoid chocolate (those estrogen's that ladies love are a killer for you)

You might have low testosterone, but it's also possible that given your heredity you just don't grow much facial hair.

poor facialhair growth is generally a sign of low androgen levels, heredity just means it's something that happens in your family a lot.

looks like my face since I cut my beard of a year+ off with scissors since no razor

just keep shaving it weekly at least, give it a few more years you are just a slow starter, let it grow when it starts requiring multiple shaves a week

I had nothing at 21... maybe a few hairs here and there, now 28 and have a full beard.

You gotta get that testosterone going

Cut down with the fapping and get running or lifting

Another one.

my beard didn't start coming in until I was 22 soon m8

That's pretty wispy for age 21, regardless if you're a late bloomer or whichever.

Some guys just aren't meant to have facial hair, don't worry about it.

Better start wearing a dress faggot, cause you'll never be an alpha male now

Dw, im more alpha then you will ever be ;)