I caught my son fapping to trap porn. I don't care if it's porn, but him being a deviant is absolutely a problem...

I caught my son fapping to trap porn. I don't care if it's porn, but him being a deviant is absolutely a problem. I told him to stay in his room while I think about how to punish him.

I have already taken his computer from him. However, I don't want to have a faggot living under my roof. Is there any way I can change his attitude and stop being interested in this kind of material?

As I see it, my options are either some sort of gay conversion therapy,or to put him on the street.

Tits or gtfo

........... I'm a man.

dick or gtfo then faggot

Be an hero. He will be better off.

Whip it out OP
>implying you're not a faggot

Be honest, you were just hoping for a trap thread weren't you


you want to punish your child for knowing what he likes to jack off to? or as you put it "him being a deviant".

i feel bad for your kid, you're clearly a pathetic parent and were probably far worse as a child than the one you're so "concerned" about now.

stay the course though, keep repressing his natural desires - he'll probably end up murdering you. good riddance, nigger.

You're new here aren't you?

Dress up in your wifes clothes, suck his dick and let him take your dick up his ass. Suddenly, he won't have interest in trap porn, and will instead want Daddy to play with him when he gets horny.

Introduce him to Sup Forums

No traps here, no sir.

Also, stop trying to live vicariously through your son. The best way to ensure he grown up a faggot it to tell him he's not allowed. Put him on the street and he'll be guzzling cum in exchange for a couch to sleep on for the night inside of 20 minutes.

rip in peace

fuck off faggots

I 2nd this


gtfo out then we're here for dicks


Son's dick or gtfo

>As I see it, my options are either some sort of gay conversion therapy,or to put him on the street.

Get your wife to suck his dick.

yeah jesus christ that was brutal

Rape him anally to show him what the gay lifestyle is about. He'll never do it again.

This is your sons dream right here.

If I can change his course he will thank me later on in life. Who the fuck wants to be a faggot? I dont get why so many young people choose that ridiculous lifestyle.

This is very clearly bait but if not...

Kys op. You don't deserve to fuck up other people's lives.

> Op is the biggest faggot of them all


>Policing sexual preferences instead of being a real adult.
>posting the worst titties I ever seen.
Loser here. I'm more adult than you.

Make your kid an hero OP
Do it for the meme

>fuck up other people's lives
by making them normal?

I have yet to see your cock faggot hurry it up

If this isn't bait the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums? Half the threads are trap threads


you still meet some sound people on here, but more in Sup Forums and less in Sup Forums nowadays.

>sound people
>Sup Forums

pick one








trap thread?







dear 4chanfags:

please just call it tranny porn, like a fucking gentleman.



Why the fuck can't the faggots leave, and let me just speak to normal people?






>normal people
>posts on Sup Forums

You are the problem




















It's because you failed as a parent. You really want to stop him? Take away his phone, go into your router and block any and all porn sites you can find.

How the fuck do people on /h/ do this? Captcha is hell





This dude thinks there's normal people on Sup Forums. You really think he knows how to do that?


Have you met women lately? If you could live without em, wouldn't you?



your son just wants attention from you, stop being so busy with work and worrying and go to your son's room and give that sissy faggot a good dicking



His fault for being a tech illiterate then.


There are plenty of perfectly fine ladies at out local church.


your gay




I will not even dignify this with an answer.