How much longer do you reckon it'll take till people realize that government isn't the answer and that we as a free...

How much longer do you reckon it'll take till people realize that government isn't the answer and that we as a free people accomplish more on our own? Government is incapable and inefficient of taking care of us. Instead, we'd do a better job to take care of each other with them to arbitrate our disputes and injustices.

I'm guessing when things go to shit we double down on our current direction and give government even more power, much like we did during the Great Depression.

Other urls found in this thread:

We had our chance to prove that this election, but instead we proved we aren't smart enough to lead ourselves.

We shouldn't have elected either candidate. We should have stuck with 3rd party or not voted at all. We should have become "We the people" and stated neither options are valid for leading this country, and we demand a ban on the two, and then a new process to take place.

Trump scares me, to be sure. But I have to say I'm much more comfortable with him than with Hillary.

I guess that chances of him starting WW3 are decent enough. And that is probably the worst case scenario.

But I believe our country is also facing an unprecedented economic crises that Hillary would have facilitated much more quickly. Wars are avoidable but we can't keep digging ourselves deeper into debt forever with no repercussions. I think eventually it will bite us and I think Trump is helping to reverse the inevitable, for now.

No, Hillary was just as bad in the opposite direction. Where you see Trump being a fucktard corrupt politician, Hillary would simply have done the same but you wouldn't have seen it as clearly. Mainly because she is more practiced in her criminal activity.

I don't believe WW3 will start. Not as long as the US is the instigator.

The economic crisis is because of the banks and politicians. Not because of the president. That's why Obama was revealed to be a douche corrupt puppet in his second term. Everyone realized, "Oh, the economy was going to get better ANYWAY."

i'm so glad trump has finally made america great again. half the country assumes the president is a russian spy, while the other half claims all facts are false.

Who takes care of the roads?
Who provides relief from disasters?
How would you stop the swarm of third wold trash that would sweep over our borders the moment there was 100% open borders because we have no federal border patrol?

>assumes the president is a russian spy
Comey exonerated Trump of all Russian connections in 3 different statements. The liberals are the ones who refuse to accept facts. They spew lies all day every day and then get mad people aren't falling for it any more.

That would work if we had 500 million people on the planet.

It's not so.

Humans are inherently tribal, existing in a global state goes against our nature. Now that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Most technology goes against our nature - but it makes people crazy. Things like cults emerge.

There needs to be a firm hand that can create order, or at least the illusion of order to protect the weak from the strong.

>apparently not the government
>apparently not the government
>really? Do I even need to point out how fucking retarded that statement was? *cough* meximuslim Obama

>really? Do I even need to point out how fucking retarded that statement was?

Hi Carl the Cuck

>Who takes care of the roads?
Yeah? Who? Because the roads suck, bridges are crumbling and I got two flat tires in two successive days from fucking potholes, so please tell me, who's in charge of the fucking roads?

>There needs to be a firm hand that can create order,

You might enjoy living in Russia more, friend.

Can you build an F-35 from scratch, faggot?

Oh we absolutely need government. It just isn't going to save us from all the things we fear is all. Border patrol, national security, these are basic things government is supposed to do.

National defense is part of the government's role, faggot. I'm OP.

It would be 100X worse in some fantasy anarchist commune state. Have you ever been to a commune house where like 10 hippies live? It's the most disgusting thing you will ever see. A bunch of lazy fuckers trying to get somebody else to clean up their mess.

Now imagine an entire society trying to function like that.

It can't be hard with an instruction manual.

lol liberals
Use more buzz words you learned from Sup Forums.

I'm a hippie and I shower daily, rent a nice place to smoke pot and burn nag champa in.

>Sup Forums invented the term liberal

Wow you really are a fucking retard

Which is pretty much the only thing they aren't doing, haha.

We ultimately need the force of the state to purge all invaders and parasites from the West.

Someone struck a nerve

tbh, sometime I think I'm in favor of a benevolent authoritarian government. There would have to be equal civil rights for all, they'd have to be anti-interventionist and (somehow, someway) be impervious to corruption, always working towards the greater good for society.

I feel like authoritarianism gets a bad rap because it's only been corrupt, power hungry, small men who've done it.


I was talking about the word "cuck" you standard-issue uneducated liberal retard. Jesus, you actually made me lol.


There is nothing new, this has all happened before.

While studying economics, I found that-
the ancient Egyptians had rent control.

The new marketing fad is 'democratic' socialism. However, the swing towards Keynesian economics after the housing bubble caused lots of problems with all socialism.

Few have an accurate grasp of what actually happened.

Sorry didn't mean to, just pointing it all out as is.

>doesn't know who carl the cuck is
>wants to debate politics

>I am very smrat

You're not wrong, you're just naive.

This is what Adam Smith talks about in "Wealth of Nations". That somehow, inexplicably, when people are left free to pursue their own selfish interests, when all trades and exchanges are allowed to be made voluntarily, the person seeking his own benefit ends up providing good to society, because no one would trade with him if he did not feel he was benefiting also.

Oddly enough, it is the "do gooders" who end up doing the most harm. They don't mean to, they have good intentions, but they force trade and exchanges, they disrupt the market and information about prices and value, and of course, they never spend your money as wisely as they spend their own.

Come on now, you aren't even trying anymore.

Also, I'm going for a jog. Feel free to get the last word in. As far as I'm concerned, you're just butthurt I called you out.

No, you are just butthurt that I called you out on "really? Do I even need to point out how fucking retarded that statement was?" being the core of your argument.

Right, so we'll all get together and decide how to build and maintain an interstate system so we can ship goods and people freely across long distances?

Let's all just get together and sit at a table and figure out how we'll keep our water and air clean, and to agree on an appropriate criminal justice system that provides a semblance of due process?

Let's all just get together and decide how monetary policy works and guarantee the safety net necessary for banks to function and lending to continue?

Let's sit at the table and decide foreign policy for ourselves, let's all just agree to fund new technologies and dole out assistance where necessary to education.

You know nothing of which you speak. Anarchy and libertarianism are hopelessly naive about how society works.

And guess what would happen in your beautiful system? Another government would develop and arise. Governments are born for a reason, dipshit.

The economy survived, as did the banking system, because of a massive federal bailout and the Fed keeping interest rates at 0% forever so people would still be able to borrow.

Presidential input on monetary policy matters, and no, it wouldn't have just "got better" without any government interventions. If the banks had failed, it would have been catastrophic, and without manipulating interest rates and currency policy, almost no one would have been able or willing to borrow.

Protip: Lending is the foundation of every economy.

Anarcho-capitalism would quickly return us to a feudal system, with a few large landowners and many serfs.
Honestly, it would probably be for the better.

>Lending is the foundation of every economy.

I see what you're saying.
Intentional systems break themselves.

what is corporate America but a form of feudalism?

What makes you think you are free?

They certainly can't and won't be lending my 'capitol'. I will not invest it.
Low interest rates do not create capitol flow.
Demand side (Keynesian) economics do not/ have never/will never work.

The cuck nonsense was popularized by Bannon.

Socialism doesn't work and never will. What price is freedom worth if your throat is under the heel of the government to be crushed at any point? That's the problem with humanity, too many willfully ignorant people allowing a few elites that are no better than them to control their lives. The whole system needs to go.

That wasn't politics, just greedy bankers who had influence on both sides. Each side had bankers lobbying to accomplish the goals which they did. The republicans just opposed it more and actually pursued legislation to prevent the bigger conglomerates from having their way.

I am not sure what you are saying.

The first place I saw it was Sup Forums and it started off as cuckservative then was shortened to cuck and applied to everything you fucking cuck.

That's why the 2nd amendment is so important. they realized that all governments slide towards tyranny sooner or later, even the USA. The 2nd amendment is supposed to give the people the ability to revolt in a way that is a legitimate threat.

It's ridiculous that people really think they can march and hold up picket signs and fight tyranny.

Yeah, tank man was brave as fuck. But he was arrested and never seen again...

Long watch but worth it. Just an economic expert quantifying the housing boom and bust thus causing the second depression.

Follow the money and work backwards.
Sup Forums < Breitbart < Bannon

Because I lost A LOT of money in one afternoon, I carefully studied the 'housing bubble'. I understand it completely and need no instruction.
Thanks but no.

Watch and learn user. Unless your are one of the legions of lazy minded bovines grazing the planet.

For the last time I have and do study economics. I do not need anybodies interpretation.
Do not make assumptions about me.

No joke, they've been trying to quell "rebellious" behavior and indoctrinate youths for the past decade or so. Even if you defend yourself from a bully you still get in trouble. It's all a gimmick against freedom and about mind control. That's why social media is so prevalent these days; it keeps would be freedom fighters and those passionate about a cause distracted with asinine insipid BS.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson

"Blind obedience isn't patriotism" and lastly, "When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty".

If there were to be a 2nd revolutionary war in America it will be over the 2nd Amendment. .

What we need is a computer program to run everything as a benevolent and incorruptible dictator. That's the only way mankind can possibly sustain itself.

If such is the case then you already know which financial institutions and polices to blame along with the politicians and previous POTUS that signed off on it.

In my opinion when the 2nd amendment falls the rest will fall soon after.

Once the 2nd is gone what do you do when they start going after the 1st? Write a strongly worded letter to your congressman?

Now I have you pegged. A propagandist.

There was more than one POTUS involved in that public swindle.

To say you are naive is as kind as I can be.

This. That will honestly probably be the case, not within our lifetime, but as technology advances at a more rapid and rapid pace, the current model of feuding nations isn't going to be sustainable. There will be too many people, and instruments of war will become too sophisticated. Think about it this way, nuclear warfare has only been around for less than a century. Nothing catastrophic has happened yet, but there have been many close calls. And so far there have only been two nations capable of plausibly ending life as we know it. What happens when that's everyone? Pop culture makes the idea of an AI based government seem nightmarish, but it's honestly the best possible outcome. A benevolent dictatorship is the best form of government, but humanity is incapable of wielding absolute power benevolently. A machine can do it, and eventually, it's going to be that or extinction.

I'm not sure if it will fall, there are too many "patriots" in America that will seriously lay down their lives in defense of the Constitution, LEOs and Military Service Members included. Many hold it dear and it is legitimately seen as an act of treason punishable by death to revoke by many.

If Americans simply do nothing like the Australians did when their guns were confiscated then yes, I agree the freedom of speech will be taken away immediately after. America will be a nanny state such as European countries and Australia; which is why so many are again giving up their right to bear arms to begin with. Rightfully so as well, armed citizens can keep a would be tyrannical government in check if and when it comes down to it.

Don't tell others not to assume anything about you when you turn around and do the same thing. ;-)

Re-read my original statement to you. It wasn't majority party politics, each side was being played.

>I guess that chances of him starting WW3 are decent enough. And that is probably the worst case scenario.
But yeah, hes the better candidate.
"Fucking stupid" should be tattooed on your forehead so no one ever hires you or allows you to breed.

>so we can ship goods and people freely across long distances
It was built by Eisenhower, who made a cross country trip as a young private in the army and it was a muddy messy fuckshow, so when he became president he built the interstate highway system. It is first and foremost a logistical military asset.

>I guess that chances of him starting WW3 are decent enough

against who?

China appears to be working with us against North Korea. More than they ever have in the past.

And Trump and Putin are gay lovers, right?

So who exactly are we going to have WWIII against if not Russia or China? Doesn't matter to a faggot like you though. Trump is still a lunatic out to start WWIII.

Plus quantitative easing (printing and circulating cash). The issue is the more of something there is the less it is worth.

A European 10-year-old has a better grasp on how the world works than you. Congrats. Fucking american trash.

You and I are done-
no harm-
no foul.

Humans fail to live on their own or govern themselves.
Ultimately, humans surpass beasts by a margin, intellectually; but aren't smart or focused enough to create an existence that is replenishable.
Human extinction is probably the best thing that could happen to the primal earth, as well as ourselves.


Why do all you faggots who love to act like you see the big picture never admit that the Sun is expected to swell to a red giant and scorch the Earth completely. The seas will boil away and it will be a charred rock orbiting the sun closer than Mercury orbits now.

The Earth is doomed. yes it will take billions of years, but it is doomed. Humans need to find a way to get off this planet and possibly spread the wonder of life across the galaxy. Otherwise it all ends here eventually.

Animals aren't going to get off the planet without evil nasty humans.

Lead by example and kill yourself.

of course I have

How about you present some sort of argument instead of asking rhetorical questions.

>I'm not sure if it will fall, there are too many "patriots" in America that will seriously lay down their lives in defense of the Constitution, LEOs and Military Service Members included. Many hold it dear and it is legitimately seen as an act of treason punishable by death to revoke by many.

I agree with your sentiment, I am in favor of the Constitution and everything it entails, but I think a lot of Second Amendment people are looking at it the wrong way. I just don't see any outcome wherein the government tries to stage an all out assault on the people in which guns are going to be terribly effective or relevant. There's just no need.

I don't mean to try and put words in your mouth, I'm not trying to assert that this is your position, but what I gather from a lot of NRA types is the fear that the right to bear arms is the one thing standing between us and some kind of authoritarian dictatorship. That was the case at the time of the Revolution, but the system has changed since then. I don't think the Government is out to take our guns, at least not in the way that some people think it is. It's a fairly natural progression. When people have less exposure to guns, seem scary. When your only concept of a firearm comes from what you see and movies and on the news, of course you'd be less in favor of having so many of them around. Which is why the pro/anti second amendment divide is almost exclusively a city vs rural issue. Rural Americans who grow up around guns and see them as part of daily life have no reason to fear them. But the power tends to flow from the city outward. I don't think it's a conspiracy, just a natural progression of people's perception.

Anyway, I don't think the second revolution, should there ever be such a thing, will be fought as a "war" in the conventional sense. The people who pull the strings do so with economic power rather than force. The divide will be between the rich and poor, not the Patriots and Communists/etc

Pop culture makes it that way because it is very possible. If we're actually talking about true AI, it may be that any being that becomes self aware would be inherently selfish, and the AI would end up serving its' own interestt rather than the people's, much like the current governments of the world.

If we're not talking about a true AI, then it would just be an advanced program written by humans, and therefor eminently corruptible just like current governments.

I think a dictatorship headed by a truly good and decent human being would be the best government. Unfortunately, there are very, very few examples of this in reality.

>I just don't see any outcome wherein the government tries to stage an all out assault on the people in which guns are going to be terribly effective or relevant. There's just no need.

You are missing the point entirely. They don't need to do that when they can just keep taking them away inch by inch.

It's for the children. Think of the children. You want the children to be safe, right? What are you, some kind of monster?

That's actually my stance as well, deluded bible thumpers who chose to ignore reality conveniently block this out. The countdown to Earth's destruction is already halfway down; it took the first half (4-4.5 billion years just to get to this point). Humanity is a cancer to this planet, no need to spread it across the cosmos. Homo sapiens have a long way to go before they should be allowed to inhabit other planets and continue their species.

This is what Antifa actually believes.

>no need to spread it across the cosmos. Homo sapiens have a long way to go before they should be allowed to inhabit other planets and continue their species.

Why do you people hate yourselves so much?
Society continues to improve yet you crybabies act like it is worse than ever.

Crime is dropping across all aspects. It is safer than ever.

Emissions keep improving and pollution is being decreased. Ever seen the smog over all major cities in the late 70's?

Fuck all you negative crybabies. Maybe we can leave you behind on Earth.

>stage an all out assault on the people
That is not tyranny. Nobody wants to rule a kingdom of corpses.
Tyranny is raiding your house for contraband.
Tyranny is enforcing curfews.
Tyranny is throwing dissenters into camps.
You need boots on the ground for that, and that is why guns are effective.

>Higher literacy and education across the world than ever before
>Lowering infant death rates
>Women have more rights than ever
>Diseases have been removed from the world
>Crime decreasing
>Green energy becoming viable

Yeah, humans should just off themselves. You should start the trend.

>Comey exonerated Trump of all Russian connections in 3 different statements
Care to show us these magical statements?

No, I addressed that point. Where we differ is in the assumption that it is some sort of conspiracy and that when all the guns are taken they will have accomplished some kind of long con. But if that's the case, what is their endgame? I believe it was you that said to turn us into a nannystate like Australia and EU countries. That's fine, we're both arriving at the same conclusion, I just think we are heading that way naturally as opposed to some nefarious keikaku. I don't think the people that are really pulling the strings behind the government, namely ultra-wealthy globalist types, care much about the guns. They can achieve their ends with or without an armed populace. They aren't staging a coups, their only aim is to make themselves more wealthy at your expense. They can rob you without having to point a gun.

>Do not make assumptions about me.
I going to assume you're a smugtard.

If this was true government never would have happened in the first place

globalist scum.

They have that OP, it's called all the worst countries in Africa. because people are shitty, and without government and law enforcement, the strongest people with the biggest weapons kill people like you and take your shit.

A free government free society has never managed to function in all of our history.

Would you still have a military?

Would police enforce laws when people do wrong, or would you just hang them or something. Would you arm yourself and if a bunch of guys started killing your neighbors would you just decide it's not your problem?

What about money? Who decided the value of a dollar? Do you go back to simple trade, and if so, do you cut yourself off from all other countries who stuff use modern currency?

This would not end well.

>Lead by example and kill yourself.

He said he wan't being investigated in three separate statements, as per this letter. The guy you're arguing with is either drawing his own conclusions or is privy to some sort of information that we are not. Either way doesn't particularly matter, the investigation is ongoing whether Sup Forums likes it or not. I doubt it will turn up the sort of Earth shattering realizations some people hope it will. There are almost certainly connections, but I doubt highly that it is 'treasonous' in the traditional sense. Just business ties. Whether or not that will be enough for a successful impeachment/removal will depend on where Trump's numbers stand if/when the Democrats reclaim congress. If he's popular, he can be impeached and still keep his head above water like Clinton in the 90s. If he is unpopular, it could lead to a resignation.

Whn Russia or China is ready to invade.

You still need law. Otherwise all the shitty people out there, including the ones who aren't shitty because they fear going to jail or losing what they have, would just run rampant and commit 10x the crime with no organized response in play.

I like to nigger

I like to nogger

I like to nigger nigger nogger nogger

Because the vast majority of homo sapiens are stupid, worthless, non-contributing parasites to the rest and the majority of them are play right into the system that a handful of other homo sapiens control. You're born into broken and unnecessary existence and chose to fight for a system of economic slavery that ensnares all. Humans don't have a right to exist if they chose to live slaves under a false sense of freedom. Their primary focus of consuming and possessing resources around them for superficial reasons shouldn't infect other solar systems.

>A machine can do it
That's fucking stupid.

>all the guns are taken they will have accomplished some kind of long con

That's exactly what is happening. Look at Venezuela. Private gun ownership was banned in Venezuela in June 2012. Now there are massive riots that border on all out revolution as their economy is collapsing. And what do you know, people aligned politically with the incumbent government get to have guns!

But that could never happen in the USA. I'm just paranoid...

>Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he will expand the number of civilians involved in armed militias, providing guns to as many as 400,000 loyalists.


Here's why this wouldn't work OP: You live in your anarchistic society, and I don't. I gather a few thousand men who don't have much and I promise them more, food, wealth, shelter, etc. I then take what you have and give it to them. And your neighbors. And bam, you live under a new, much least pleasant government who thinks democracy is a shit idea.

You are a conquered people in a shit nation. And if not me, some other dude. Unless you have a few thousand friends, an organized military, and someone overseeing it all... then, you're back to government.

OP is an idiot.

Libertarianism is naive, especially in the age of nuclear proliferation.

A vacuum of government power doesnt mean youre free to be you, it means the guy who ends up with the most force decides for you. Anarchy is worse, at least you get a vote and the system has a modicum of social cohesion. You literally have to know nothing about human nature, history, technology and game theory to be a libertarian.

Liberals are right, not neo-liberals like hillary, not the liberals your crowders and your paul joseph watsons train you to hate, not the liberals in your freshman english classes... The ones publishing papers with peer reviewed science in the intellectual gauntlet. Putting the only thing they have on the line, their reputation. Enough hatered of the ivory tower, quit pretending you know more than people who study their whole lives in one disipline. We need a constitutional republic like we have, we need many many more legislators, we need to ban party membership, we need to publically fund elections and/or make a cap to individual donations, we need instant run off elections and we need laws based on peer reviewed science and empirical study. It really is that simple. The people making it identity politics in any way shape or form are making money off of your stupidity and willingness to be vindictive assholes, that goes for both sides.

Clinton wasn't acquitted because he was popular it's because the charge the senate tied on the vote the president of the senate cast the deciding vote, which was...Al Gore. Partisan bullshit, just like now. It's all a big game for money and power.

>vacuum of government power
That's not libertarianism, sugartits.

>we need to ban party membership
Factions naturally arise. It's human nature. We are tribal by nature. It's how we evolved.
