S/fur savage smile

s/fur savage smile

Checking in.






remember to ignore samefags


remember to ignore samefags


remember to ignore samefags



Oh god I just thought of the perfect Mother's Day gift. Such a relief.

Today is mother's day.

I sent a $60 bouquet. What are you thinking?

anyone want to rp on kik >.>

Guardians of the Galaxy everything. Get her 1st one, see second with family.




>Mothers day
>family day


Well, presumably his mom is part of his family but I guess I don't know.

Yeah, foot the bill to take her and the family out for GotG2.


But mothers day should be just you and the mother and showing her why you appreciate her on a day devoted to her





And isn't the reason you appreciate her for raising a family?


Nah when you get old enough you thank her individually

And leave out my dad? I know he wants to see it, too.

Most of my family is allergic to incense and most types of potpourri.

thats why its called mothers day and not family day

my majority of my family made an agreement to never do anything on the jewish holidays. on mothers day they mark everything up 300% and it goes right into goldsteins pocket

the majority*
sorry :P

You have father's day, buddy boy! You two can buy it on DVD and eat a delicious "manly" meal together as well.

Well, it's just an option, something I used to do when I was poor as hell.

well youre not wrong but theres the dollar tree


So what, does each member of the family get a slice of time? Who decides who goes first and last? What are the handoff procedures? How do you make it not feel artificial?


The calendar lol

Up to you

Craft make and say something originally like a moment from childhood thats special for both of you




That sounds so fake though. Like the first person hands over some macaroni art and mumbles some cheesy thing, then there's like an exchanging of spies as she moves to the next person who does the same thing just slightly different and then at the end everyone sighs and goes back to doing what they want.

I mean, if that works for your family more power to you. But to me, eh..


And as she's crossing the bridge for the last time the dad snipes the eldest son on the other side and shows them all up by handing over the keys to a new car.


I'm so mad now lol mac and cheese you suck!

I mean like create a collage with photos of you and or her in the shape of a heart with a 8x10 picture of her in the middle. As for words go, of course thank her for your birth, but then you get personal and unique and whatnot.

"Thank you mom, for taking care of us even when we were poor. That one night when dad came home drunk and passed out, you still consoled us and said everything will be fine. I was still hungry, so you sacrificed your dinner portions so that way I wouldn't be sad. You loved me no matter what, and helped me get better when dad beat me."

Something or other.




Again, if that's what's expected in your family, great. But don't pretend like everyone in the world does the same thing and shit on other people's idea of a good mother's day.


ur idea is shit lmao

A shitty idea from a shitty son, yes.
HS's was good though.

he needs work but its a start


what's going on in here?


hey b, ill be right back watch my thread for me please thanks

Heya Midi, it goes. You?

I'm alright, SSDD mostly

Stone Sober Dedicated Driver?


lolol, same shit different day of course

That also works!



namefags are here thread is toast













a new fav


What's the deal with all these blankposts? And the OP doesn't even have a question what the hell?



Ozone is a cool dude.




sure does seem that way

what's up D





