Poppers. Has anybody ever tried these things? Just found out about em. (Apparently) safe, legal high

Poppers. Has anybody ever tried these things? Just found out about em. (Apparently) safe, legal high.

All content I can find on em are outdated/shitty looking websites. I'm not tryna buy some bunk stuff, for all I know these "poppers" might just be poopers and some other stupid not-so-great sex shop item.

I heard they untighten the anus so they help with gay sex

It Nitrous right? Cant you get the same effect from whip cream LOL

They make it easier to take a fat cock in your ass... both physically and mentally.

Not Nitrous - these are amyl or butyl nitrites. Cardiac patients are sometimes given these to open up the blood vessels. They make you dizzy, warm, and in the mood for anything. They also relax any smooth muscle in your body, so you go a little limp and woozy while you're getting fucked in the ass.

Pretty great getting your dick sucked on poppers.

Done that a few times on a festival, its nothing special or scary. Dont expect alot from it. You will feel warm and relaxed for like 5-10 seconds

just huff dust off same shit

Fill balloons with nitrous from a capsule, the high is longer and way better

One of my g's used to tell me that it's good with a glass of jack and a spliff

nitrous from a capsule? Like where would i get that lol

Any kitchen supply has nitrous carts for making whipped cream.

user if you want to get fucked in the ass take it like a man

Good luck actually finding them now. Nitrates aren't really used in the U.S. anymore for cardiac medicine.

they're amazing. i took the biggest fucking cock i've ever seen on them. it was amazing. i could sharer the story if anyone is interested.

>Nitrates aren't really used in the U.S. anymore for cardiac medicine.
Nitrolingual tablets are OTC. So's the spray version.
If you really want to lower your blood pressure chew on some cordite (old draft-dodger scam).

they dont use nitrites in medicine or for treatment anymore, they have too many bad side effects so they stopped using them, so the only ones you get will not be made by any reputable companies

so your best bet would be to make them yourself instead of buying online

Nitrites, not nitrates.

That shit has bitterents which makes it taste like ass. I made the mistake of spraying a lot of that shit in an unventalated alated area when I was dusting my desktop.

yea nitRATES are NO3 and nitRITES are NO2, very big difference so make sure you're specific

i tried it before.. it was not remarkable

it depends some people like them, they give me a massive headache and a red face for a few hours
that'd be nitrous

Autocomplete sucks dick.

yes they are.....


Pretty much sums it up. I got the same warm all over feeling with a mix of getting up to fast and getting a headrush nothing speacial but it can be kinda fun.

I'm a fan

Not gay but when I huff poppers I wanna be used like a trap