I need help. I went to my doctor today and i just found out I weigh 378lbs. I don't know how it happened...

I need help. I went to my doctor today and i just found out I weigh 378lbs. I don't know how it happened. I knew i wasn't in great shape but i didnt know it was this bad. I've been crying all day and i feel like shit. Please what should I do?

stop eating

stop eating shitty food and start taking steps to lose weight. eat whole and natural foods, not processed shit

You sound like a woman.

>378 lbs
>not in great shape
You didn't think something was wrong when you need to take a 5 minute break after climbing 1 flight of stairs?

Probably just kill yourself.

Even if you somehow manage to lose all the excess weight you'll be stuck with a fuckton of extra, flappy skin. It would take a fuckton of surgeries to get rid of that. And then you'd still be stuck with scars and stretch marks everywhere.

There's nothing but pain and misery left for you, just end it.

I would recommend a nice mixture of drain cleaner and bleach. Failing that, run a razor down the length of your arm. Either way, you are fixing the problem, namely that you are of no value to society you fat fuck.

start educating yourself on how to eat healthy. assuming theres nothing wrong with you learning how to eat properly for your body not for fun you will be fine

nail down a diet, and commit. make sure the sugar is balanced. commit to it all you can. Workout an exercise curriculum, and cut the snacks until you're sure you can control your weight. Get a gym membership, hire a nutritionist, do what ever it takes.

171kilogramm? well i guess a balanced nutrition drinking a lot of water and some rituals like going for a walk once a day. this is just a website so stick to what the doc told you to do about it. also little steps

I'm 6'3 and I wigh 230 lbs and I found myself a fat fuck

Seriously kys

Eat less. Weigh your food. Eat your basil minimum, dont adjust for exercise. Visit fit, read the sticky. After a couple weeks you will stop retaining watervand your weight should drop.

Start off easy.
Replace soft drinks with your favorite La Croix flavor.
Take a walk with Pokemon Go for one hour a day.

How could you not know you stupid round fuck
Heres a quick weight test for you other retards;
> Look down
> Can you see your tiny little earthworm dick?
If no, you're too fuckng fat.
> Can you see your ribs jutting out?
If yes, you're too fucking skinny.

>just found out I weigh 378lbs
so you've been living in space these last years? in no gravity with no mirrors? how did you just fine out that you're probably 50% overweight?

Anyway, keto diet and 3 liters of water a day.

You fat fuckin pussy. Dont come to Sup Forums actin like a little bitch. Man the fuck up and stop eatin so goddam much

Is there even a point to lose weight then

This happened to me to bro and i'm getting over it still.

Stop eating premade food. Make preparing and cooking meals a ritual because they stop you from eating out of boredom and it gets you moving and doing something productive.

Move more, even if its walking and listening to music. The more you do the fitter you become. I can now run for 5 miles but before i could barely do 30 seconds.

Remember this won't happen overnight. The time it took you to put on that weight was probably a couple of years. So expect it to take that long to lose it.

Live a healthy lifestyle and become obsessed with it.


76 kg /167 lbs here
Seriously, just reduce the amout of food you eat, DRINK PLENTY OF WATER and work out occasionally. Feels good when you can see your own penis.

Stop eating like a fucking pig, and go to the gym dumbass.

also stop watching shit when eating, focus on the meal and when you don't want to eat anymore just leave it.

We are human after all, animals can't say no to food.

Don't drink soda or juice. Drink water. Reduce your eating portions, but dont starve yourself. And work out more often.

Its an extreme step, but even drinking nothing but water (or black coffee if you need your caffeine) will do wonders. all the excess calories from drinks, and the water will help clean your skin too.

Also, running will be a big step from the start because it will be a burden on your knees, so a workout bike would be best.

Even simply counting calories and realizing just how much you truly eat in a day. Go on a TDEE calculator and find out what it is, and do somewhere between a 500 - 800 calorie deficit.

Not necessarily. If the nigger loses weight slowly, say 200 lbs over the course of two or three years, he might be ok, skin-wise.

Hang in there, mate. Just educate yourself on what a healthy diet looks like and understand that exercise is NOT optional.

Shit. Not a fat ass, but this is actually a good point. Say the guy has all the discipline to actually exercise and a eat right. Looses 150lbs. Then has all the excess skin. Insurance considers it cosmetic. Won't pay. Fuck.


>this whole time I thought I was 190.

At my highest I weight 400 - I lost 200 by going on the atkins diet. First 150 literally fell off. It took less than 6 months. then longer as I got closer to 200, then I gained 100 back because I moved in with my grandma. She's a cunt who annoys me until I give in and eat bullshit. threatens to kick me out if I refuse to eat it. It's grade A bullshit.

>i didnt know it was this bad.

How the fuck does that much weight just "sneak up" on you. Did you not look at any mirrors or even just fucking look down for the past 10 years?

I'm only 21 man

>just found out I weigh 378lbs
I hate when this sorta thing happens, takes everyone by surprise
>I don't know how it happened
Is it benign?

I started walking a mile every day. Each day, I took just a few extra steps. In 5 months I was up to 2.5 miles a day.
Usually 4 days a week.
I also let my sugar go high to suppress my appetite. I may be sleepy all day, but I'm losing weight - and that's what matters.

Diet and exercise - do more and eat less. There just is no other way.

Not OP, but how much did you weigh when you started and how much now?