Decited I'm going to an hero...

Decited I'm going to an hero, so far thinking downing rubbing alcohol or a bunch of sleeping pills anyone got better easy ideas or know if these methods will be painful

Oh look, that thread again.


What kind of sleeping pills honestly there are not many that will kill you not mention the fact you may react very weirdly while drunk and fucked up on them, source failed suicide multiple times been to ICU twice with what should have been enough drugs to kill 4 people.

Find bridge, jump.

If you have access to a car and a garage, I recommend turning the car on, closing the garage door, rolling down the windows, and breathing deep and slowly. You'll pass out first and go in your sleep--should be a painless process.

Get an needle and inject air into your blood stream.

Please don't kill yourself. your life is worth fighting for. Call these people. one 8OO 273 8255

you could improve on this by doing what my dad's uncle did - feed a garden hose directly from the tailpipe through a window

also dying in one's car makes it easier for whoever finds the body to clean up the aftermath because if you suceed, you'll inevitably shit and piss yourself, along with all of the other bullshit that happens post mordem

This, honestly the only reliable painless method of suicide for most people who do not have access to very strong narcotics. Sadly I don't have access to a car but do have access to drugs, yay poverty I can't even afford fucking suicide right now fentanyl is like 300$ a gram.

what do you know about his fucking life? let people do whatever they want to themselves.

if you have a gun i recommend using it

1. Get a rope,
2. Go to a bridge above a highway,
3. Bind the rope to the railing,
4. Make a hanging knot,
5. Make sure the rope is at least 3 Meters, so it works for sure
6. Wait until a truck rolls by
7. Hang yourself right in front of the truck.

You will die 100%.:
1. You Hang yourself
2. should the rope fail you will die from the jump
3. should you survive the jump, the truck will get you

You have a date and time planned?
Would like to watch livestream.

If this is your final choice, why don't you just give us all a happening? Don't be selfish.

I don't think downing rubbing alcohol would be a pleasant way to go.

No one cares, As long as you're out


This is what you are looking for. If you seriously want to kill yourself, a little pain at the end of your life means fuck if you don't exist afterwards

lots of xanax and some opiates is what you want

Are you going to livestream?
If no pls gtfo nigger

In my city 11 people jumped in front of a streetcar last year, 5 died... don't be so sure, also I have seen people who failed hanging and even one who cut his own throat in the hospital. Seriously suicide is not that easy especially those who don't want to die horribly (who would if your life is pain your death should be the opposite), just my thoughts and experience with ending it the hardest thing is making up your mind thinking you are clear and waking up from a fucking coma to your traumatized family. Carbon monoxide or opiate/tranq OD, no goodbye texts no getting drunk so you don't wander outside or some shit.