Can someone help me, I need it in the worst kind of way. My story starts when I met this woman about three years ago...

Can someone help me, I need it in the worst kind of way. My story starts when I met this woman about three years ago. We have been engaged for around six months. Well I got serious baby daddy drama, now. Only thing I ever do is smoke bud, but now this dudes got the task force looking at me and they even seized my car. We just want our life to get better and improve, but this dude is really just doing anything he can to mess up our already complicated lives. I need help! I'm not a criminal, this guy is literally a sociopathic liar this guy is a violent sex offender, I need someone who can help me to help me. Attached a pic of the guy. I really need someone to help me, please guys.

[email protected] hit me up

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raise your standards and quit banging single moms.

i feel completely helpless , it's not like it was behind his back. He knew about it, it's just how things ended up. I need some help man, I'm getting the worst anxiety attacks.

Guys, I need help fast, please. My time is running out.

restraining order

Why is time running out? Just go to some bikergang or some shit like that, they'll figyre it out

dude how much of a pussy are you just beat the crap out of him I'm sure he'll just cry and leave you alone. He's not even 4 feet, you're being a total bitch.

I don't want brawny bullies to scare or hurt him. Someone need to make him learn and change. Someone who knows how to handle things the right way. Some thinkers, please. My time is running because I might end up getting framed by this crooked ass government small town shit. I don't have a big family out here pulling strings for me, no family here.

If you're in Ontario, I can take care of him for $5000.

I don't know what country you live in where smoking weed warrants a task force stalking you based off of the allegations of some random dude.

stop being an inbred white trash faggot

Buy a gun, maybe a cheap .38 revolver, just practice and make sure it's not going to fail when you need it

I don't commit crimes, I literally chill and play video games and try to keep my family people happy. I don't think beating his ass will solve anything. This dude needs to learn some things about life. He cheated on her constantly, he's punched her in the face multiple times, he's even raped her, he stole 1100 out of my bank account by forging my signature at my bank, he filed a false police report on me causing my moms front door to get kicked in, he wrote a statement saying I had narcotics and methamphetamines in my house, they found some bud. I am allergic to opiates and I don't do speed.

He's done all that and you haven't fucked his eyes out of his skull? I think you deserve what's coming to you then. Go to bed. Tomorrow is gunna be a long day


I'm starting to think this is bait
> he stole 1100 out of my bank account by forging my signature at my bank
>he filed a false police report on me

At your fucking bank dude? they ALL have cameras even mexico has cameras in their banks. press charges on the fucker and sue him for everything his life has been worth claiming everything a lawyer can write down

No, he still lives.

Oh, and if you can't for whatever reason you're gonna make up then kill the fucker. Simple as that. If you care about her and this kid that isn't yours that much then you will come up with a way to lure him to somewhere secluded without any of his relatives/friends knowing where he's going

no pussy is worth this amount of trouble. what the fuck are you doing with yourself?

what country are you in?

I have pics of her swollen face, pics of them together, pics of us.

Buy a 12 gauge and learn how to use it and prepare cuz its you or him because a little bud in mist states only gets you a fine and the police would know of your habit and try to bust your dealer

Kentucky USA

if you're going to reply to someone then click on the numbers of their post

are you also the one that got fucked by his dealer earlier?

I saw her for the great potential she has, we love each other. She's had a rough childhood which she suffers from ptsd. We want our family to work.

That comforter is from wal mart.

post a picture of yourself. I just NEED to know what you look like so i can imagine a 1v1 with that guy

This is my first post in Sup Forums for probably over 5 years.

meanwhile, your life is getting fucked up. ask yourself, really, really ask yourself, is it worth it?

Fist fighting won't help apparently. Motherfucker walked in my from door one day and instigated a breaking and entering felony assault charge. Dude is still not in jail. I'm telling you his family has the judges in their back pocket

It's too late for us to give up on what we've been working towards. If we give up, it's all for nothing. I'm not a liar, and if I give up with this, I'll be a liar.

time to fish or cut bait, user. marry this girl and move to a new city, or kick her to the curb to deal with her baby daddy issues on her own. that shit ain't your problem unless you make it your problem.

all you need is a gun, or just move to another town

He does anything he can in order to manifest some type of feelings of control. It's not her. I feel like we're trapped with nowhere to go.

Please, I need help with this problem. I need it to go away

no cops, no violence.
Go see a priest

Who's going to email this guy and find out who OP is?

I need someone who can help me. Anyone tech savvy enough to help me?


are you guys for real?

Man, please, someone, help me with this problem. My heart is like, racing over this shit.

So OP let me ask you a any proof? I'm not talking about any of your he said / she said crap I mean honest physical or digital evidence? You know, something we can get behind, not just your word?

also what's the payout for us? Feels just ain't cutting it for me tonight.

I have pictures of my finances swollen face following the first assault. From what I know, he raped her the night before, and the next morning when she tried to leave, he hit her at least once right square in the forehead. Huge goose egg. I have pictures documenting her face and the doctor office should have records of the er visit. I have the piece of paper containing the passwords he used to get my bank acct number. The police report contains documentation of the burglary/assault at my home. The bank has the footage of him withdrawing money and signing my name. The pictures of her swollen face is the hardest evidence I have.

I have only dead ops arcade 2 knowledge. I don't have any money, the cops took off with my car when they kicked my door in, trying to say I traffic. That's why I'm 30 living at home with mom, right? Hell, a true friendship is worth more than most things. I suppose atm all I can offer is my friendship. a good friend at that

post what you have dingus also link to his police's public record

think outside the box in terms of payment start posting chubby redheads for me

Here's one

And the other

what name does he use on FB

Here's a screenshot from the gcnewsgazette

Move the fuck on my man.

Nathan logsdon

anyone feel like messaging dear old Nathan to let him know his good buddy is over here trying to do what he's doing? I have to go out for the night but I'm sure there MUST be some concerned anons on tonight willing to lend a hand?


Guys, he's a sociopathic liar. I need help man. He good at lying. I wouldn't ask the Sup Forums hood if I wasn't serious. We need help.



>Sup Forums hood

double fucking kek
serious advice time, learn to be a man...this means leaving the bitch in question it also means that the next time he comes around you with anything other than his hat in his hand you beat the mortal shit out of him, no fucking can not keep running from your problems and honestly you need to grow a fucking set. Now why don't you run along and grow the fuck up.


I think he left and those are just pathetic
pls see

I had presumed that I would let him cause his own demise.

