Discuss this girl and her blanket

Discuss this girl and her blanket

someone post the vid

Room is r/cancer

Nobody has it

no one will its over


which pixel's the blanket?


You guys need to stop complaining.

If you can figure out where the website is to the ending of this link, you can have it.


It ain't the v room

I got a vid, but it doesn't look legit at all (screenshot from video to let people know which one I'm talking about)

Post it anyway?

No proof. Post a pic from the actual vid.

Its nothing

post in r/cancer

The fuck is r/cancer

This is why I don't even post the full link.


Well what are you waiting for cunt

> millions of sites online
> find the ONLY match

Yeah, I'm calling bullshit in this being real.

Because you're a huge pussy?

Thats the thumbnail.

still working on getting the original off the insta, but it's a bit hard

Mega, maybe?

nope, the mega link (the one I've seen, anyway) doesn't contain that

Oh, okay.

not eroshare

If only there was a place someone could drop the to

Jesus has spoken


Not because I'm a pussy.

It's dropfile


V room is listed. It's r/cancer

I emailed a mega link to some guy with maili something. Wonder if he got it



Holy shit finally I was up for hours

I don't even care I just wanted to be able to say I know for a fact her nudes leaked. Why the fuck does embarrassing drama keep my interest? Im a freak.

Hey, on Mothers Day? Don't forget to call your mother, because I sure will.

Wow he made it pretty fucking obvious for anyone who frequents this kind of material. Why don't you just go to some random known video hosting sites and look at how the Url ends. Are you fucking stupid or something. Fucking cancer these days they don't even try

This is all I did, took like 5 seconds since it's a fairly common file sharing site.

i called yours instead


*69 nigga.

i'll be sure to 69 your mom if thats what you want

That's a nice pussy too

Do you think it's her? I don't completely

Give me the fucking link right now motherfucker

Going through other photos finding comparisons, it's very likely. Veeeeeeeery likely.

Change to dropfile


how do i know it's not a virus or something


Then just don't ever click it. Fucking get off the internet forever then.

yo is it actually her?


is it actually her lmao

sound like faggot bots to me


Then don't silly

I opened a video on the other thread. Just some bitch masturbating. Cant tell who is it

based on what

There's absolutely no way we'll ever know if it's legit. This is fucking gay fuck all of you

Nigga ur not too observant are u?

How the fuck could it ever be proven faggot? Fuck you