How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

I wanna cum on her forehead

Every single day.

fairly regularly

Every day.

Every day, with varying levels of seriousness.
Can't do it though, I have too much responsibility to my family.

every 2nd day after i get paid


Every three mini-seconds.

Right now
I don't want the pain anymore
I don't want the past anymore
I don't want to live anymore
I'm gone, there's only a carcass waiting to be buried here

I stop thinking about killing myself like 3 years ago. Instead of thinking about it i just do whatever to pass the time. Im not gonna kill myself even though i think about it.

But then I realize I'm still a virgin

Every day

i dont think about an Heroing myself but I think about the people I knew who did often as shit.

Suicide is the worst thing a human can do. It shows that you truly don't care about how dying will affect the people around you which is selfish and low.

Far more logical to kill those that make you want to suicide.


Why did she an hero


To answer your question OP, it's more like a toggle switch ON/OFF thing for me.
Right now things are going pretty well.

Ask me again in a week.

When I see a picture of Ritsu and get reminded that she doesn't exist.
