Does anyone have any information on this user? About a week ago he said he was killing himself. His kik was autist9000...

Does anyone have any information on this user? About a week ago he said he was killing himself. His kik was autist9000, but messages aren't going through anymore. There are rumors of a video of his suicide.

Anyone know?

Dude it's so obvious it's you seeing if anyone gives a shit about you. Nobody does.

Kek, but the guy actually being alive would be cool. Suicide is not nice

How about you stop pretending like you killed yourself so you can spread it around Sup Forums to get attention.

See a psychiatrist. Sage

>Sup Forums filename
Yup op downloaded a picture of himself from Sup Forums

>being this new.
Anyone who spends two seconds on Sup Forums knows that if you want to pretend to be someone posting your pictures you re download them for the file name.

You need to post this on /r/conspiracy

Look at this greasy, fat fuck. Is there any doubt the world isnt better off with this doughboy fertilizing a field somewhere?

you are all assholes.

OP if you want attention and someone to talk to just ask, dont pretend like this.

now what troubles you my friend?

A guy who constantly goes on Sup Forums for attention... tries a new way to get attention. *shock* what a groundbreaking conspiracy theory


dont cut yourself on that edge

kill yourself

I'm pretty sure you can't sage a single comment in a thread faggot

you know there are some instances where saying this can get you in legal trouble right?

I Ben pudin glash in my ash ho
Predy pllleeees heeelp mehhh
Cawl da ambulancers


Test it out for yourself, faggot. I prefer not to bump his shitty threads. Sage

fuck you

You weave a magical tapestry with your response

You are pretty good at being an idiot

hey everyone! make sure you say nothing but nice things about OP or the thought police will come and drag you off to jail!! remember! old hands! we're all special snowflakes!

thanks Matlock!

Why was he going to kill himself? Did they discontinue his favorite ice cream?

Imagine there's no Heaven what?

Dumb ass, sage works.

OP here

I was trying to cull information about sadanon. I'm sorry about the butthurt ITT.

If anyone has any information on him, please post.

I already told you you're pretty good at being an idiot. You can stop trying to prove it.

I'm a different guy but... are you trying to say sage isn't a thing?

I already told you you're a dumb ass. You can stop being a dumb ass. Sage hahahahahaha

I vote for a new meme and this man being the king of it. #supportSadanoninthecurrentyear.
>post threads everyday supporting and sharing the love with him.
>save his life.

From Sup Forums itself:

Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page. Contrary to popular belief, a sage is not a downvote, and should not be used as one. "sage-bombing" or announcing that you've saged a thread may result in a ban.

>From Sup Forums itself

You mean Sup Forums "himself"

Kill yourself.

apparently people have claimed to have views a livestream in which he slit his wrists or something and it was very hard to tell what happened but all in all the consensus from these supposed witnesses is that he lost such a drastic amount of blood that we had to have died.

>Fat boy fat boy gunna fuck his life boy
>Keeps crying cause Chad cucked him with his wife boy
>Crys on Sup Forums cause he wants attention
>Sup Forums gives him the only option of redemption
>Suicide, suicide, it's the only way out
>Load up, ready up, end of the barrel in your mouth
>Fat boy fat boy, ugly ugly trash boy
>No one likes you, so pull the trigger boy
>Everyone will like you if you're dead
>You'll look better with a bullet exit in the back of you're head

He kill himself like this faggot

i saw this photo or a similar one back in /soc/ in 2015 so he's been around for a really long time

I care about sad user, I hope he's still alive and well

But op is Virgin like the rest of us

haha sage xD rawr

now kill yourself op lol I would, I mean look at you wtf