>I want a gf edition


Become a better version of yourself. Fix your hair, fix your hygiene, find reasons to go outside and socialise, find a sport you enjoy and do it at least once a week. Have a friend make flattering pics and join tinder, just to see what you can get. Talk to chicks in real life until you stop caring about rejection. Make a few fuckbuddies and laugh at your friends when their hysterical girlfriends are adding unnecessary drama to their lives again. Lie next to chicks you'll dump in half a year just enjoying the moment, not having any illusions. then get on with your life.

I wanna get fit but /fit/ is useless.

Don't bother with body building. The main reason you want to sport is to activate your body, and it feels great mentally too. I go swimming myself, got hooked after seeing all the underwater camel toes. Get some good swimming goggles tho.

I just wanna be lean and cut.

>broken up with 3 weeks ago after 6 years
>just want a cute, interesting girl to hang out with and cook for
>its either tinder slags or bar hags

Feels bad.

Once a week. Just find something you enjoy. You may have to force yourself at first, but it will become a habit. I do it mainly for the mental boost and the runners high.

That's a shame man. I always wonder if you're together for so long, why break up? Does she really think she's going to find something better? This will prolly be the longest one she'll ever have, what a waste. get your dick wet a couple times tho, it helps. Hormones and stuff.

Because I'm going through a hard time and she didn't sign up for it or whatever.

I've had a few hookups but its the company I miss the most.

Nigger are you fucking retarded. Op, do yourself a favor and lift. Make gains. Get girl. You'll realise how vain bitches are after you put on some muscle. Squat, bench, deadlift

I'm a manual labourer (landscaping), and I don't own a car yet, so I walk at least 5km a day. I also own a weight machine and some dumbells but can't be assed to start.q
I do work near a beach though, and I used to be on the swim team as a kid.

I just don't know how much/what to eat and all that.

They all leave you if you're down. Be it your mom dying, you failing your studies, losing a job. A woman's love is brittle and conditional. At least now you know. I don't bother women with bad news anymore. They're mainly for fun, that was the point right?

We are all just chemical robots without purpose.

Can you do it wthout equipment?
Like, push ups, pull ups and plenty of juice.

I know my fellow redpilled brother. You can be a total sperg and still fuck like a chad if you work out properly. But it's a start to get active, but seems like OP has that covered already.

Do you know how to cook? You can still eat like a king as long as you eat the right stuff, or better yet, avoid the bad stuff. refrain from soda, fast food, snacks etc. If you're hungry eat properly.

No we are animals who can experience pleasure, you moran.

My dad, last living family member of mine, died in a hospital bed at 6 am alone two months ago. Naturally upset about it, she decided it wasn't worth it.

I don't get it. I want to protect the people I love when they're hurting, not leave. I wasn't even being a depressed shit, just quieter and didn't want to do shit every night. Wanted to stay in.

Same here brah, only it was my mom and it was a year ago. Had a gf for 5 yrs before that but oh well. Chicks come and go, that's what I learned. Better to get ditched now than to get ditched later when you're living together/have kids. Don't blame your ex for being a woman.

I'm actually the cook of my household.
My mom can't cook to save her life, and my dad grills and spitroasts things.

Well here's a tip: get away from those two emotional vampires and go live on your own. Only then will you be free to live your life.

I would of I could, trust me.

You will one day. I hope that day will come soon enough.

Is anyone else generally afraid of women and forming relationships with them due to being jaded from past trauma?

Yes, and so are they. It's called being an alpha widow, also the reason why they'll never really love their beta husband

Yeah that same ex that killed me inside became a whore for a few years; fucked every guy in the region all the while trying to get me back through txt.

Now she's dating some poor bastard, first year since '12 that I haven't been pestered by messages.

Oldest story in the world. At least you've seen trough the veil.

You can do anything OP. You're powerful. You have options. You need only decide on a course of actions and accept the outcome. It might be easier in some ways, it might be harder in others. No one is stopping you but you. And you're also free to choose to stay with them. That might be best.

It's really up to you.

How about some practical tips for OP like how to get a job or move out, instead of spouting this "you can do it if you want it" bullshit without even knowing the context he's in.

Thx man.

I just want some peace and quiet.

I have a job at the moment. Just collecting funds.

Then you're already on your way I guess

Don't get a girlfriend bud, They suck the happiness right out of you. They make you feel amazing and happier than you've ever felt by giving sex and making it seem like theres finally someone in your life who cares... Then they slowly pull away leaving you depressed, alone, and empty. The worst part is that even after the break up, they will still attempt to control your life; they're not willing to give it up even after breaking you.

>girls are the devil, make lots of money, watch lots of porn, and buy expensive cars and cheap planes.

> If it flies floats or fucks, rent it by the hour

OP here. I know, been there.

Don't have a girlfriend, but have this
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and this dubs


Kek wills it

Or does he?


>Be stupid lazy tfw nogf autistic loser
>Get tired of my life being shit
>Take up Taekwondo for that flexibility and cardio
>Start dancing to get to know people, especially girls
>Start getting fit in general
>get my drivers license
>Get a job stacking shelves to pay for studies
>Have a lot of fun doing all of this
>Everything is great
>Finish my bachelors in math, start masters in CS
>Realize that none of it helped and everything still sucks
well it was fun while it lasted