Need someone to talk to; been suicidal ever since my dad passed away

Need someone to talk to; been suicidal ever since my dad passed away

I'm here user

Let's chat and shit

Suicide for me is a step away from the Death/Life Good/Bad Happy/Sad dilemma. Of course at the moment you want to find a steady way of staying back on the choose life path, but I feel recognition of the space between the two is relief of extremities.

its gon b k

Are you drunk?

Jesus loves you user.


nobody gives a shit. do it.

lost my cat, my sister and my Dad three months apart three years ago. Haven't been the same since. I've been slowly drinking myself to death from then until now. It doesn't get any better user. I'm just too chicken shit to pull the trigger.

Op and his dad

I'm sure I'm intoxicated. But also OP, if we become Hindi, then we can just move onto the next life? Please do not think this 'are you drunk' post suggested this. This really required serious thinking.

That's nopt good user. would you like to snuggle with me?

Suicidal discord someone? So we can chat about shit. Can't kill myself, I'm a freaking coward. Just sitting, drinking all day.

Im suicidal too man got a bunch of shit going on. Most of it self inflicted. I get high (not talking about weed) every day and drink far too much. And while it feels okay in the moment all of my problems are still there inthe moment.

Sorry brother, you'll make it through, we all must

suck a dick then eat a bullet

fucking tumblrfaggots

god has a plan for us all my children

Hopefully this makes you feel better OP

heres one


Is your mum still around and do you care about her even the slightest bit? If so, don't do it. Though I have no desire having kids myself, I've witnessed the effects of parents outliving their kids and it's absolutely devastating.

This is what keeps me from killing myself.

yea, she has been the main reason im still alive

Good man OP. I'm not going to white knight you and suggest you go seek help or stuff all that shit is a load of bullshit.

What helps me right now is alcohol and online gaming & semi anonymously talk about my problems with internet friends.

What I'd really like though is a full reset. Get rid of all my current friends, delete my social media accounts and move to a different town or country even to get a fresh start. Unfortunately being broke, no properly finished degree and huge student debt it's no option for me. If you do have the chance to do so, go for it.

I thought it was a log sandwich at first but then I saw the pigeon head

I know that 99% people in Sup Forums talking about killing themselves will not ever do it because real suicidal people don't talk about it, they just do it. The aren't seeking attention they really just want to die.

Take it from someone whose friend hanged herself and nobody knew she wanted to die until we found the note where she told us the reason so we wouldn't have to guess it.

Don't mind the countless threads where OP tried/did kill themselves.

i was like that for about a month until i had a failed suicide attempt and my mom forced me to go to see a therapist, who is helping me a lot. She helped get rid of my suicide ideations for a while but they are coming back.

OP might be the 1% that do. My grandpa talked about it and drowned himself. Teacher in high school did as well (I didn't get it because I was a dumb 13 year old but fellow teachers got the hints).

When my mom, dad, and I were sitting in his neurologist's office and I saw the book on the desk with the label 'Motor Neuron Diseases' and realized that Lou Gehrig's disease would kill my dad, shit sucked.

The last month my dad was alive, shit really sucked. Hospice was a godsend, he struggled for breath for almost 16 hours on his final day, and they allowed him to rest. Because just being starved of oxygen isn't what necessarily kills you. Its the buildup of carbon dioxide, which is also what triggers the breathing reflex.

My mom lays in a hospital, also dying of too much carbon dioxide. She smoked most of her life, but never got lung cancer. Only end stage COPD and three separate pneumonia infections in one month. She couldn't even reply to me when I told her happy mother's day because of the ventilator.

Most of my family simply thinks I'm an asshole. No one knows that I have autism, because when I was a kid, they didn't diagnose it except in severe cases. I didn't learn it until last year. My family won't ask me if I'm alright when my mother dies.

I'll deal with it. Because I have to.

Sometimes all you can hope for is that your loved ones die comfortably and not in dire pain.

my dad was a violent alcoholic but it still sucks to see him get old... I'll try and appreciate him more user