Literally just lost my job because I'm an alcoholic. I'll be fucking done in finances in about a week and a half...

Literally just lost my job because I'm an alcoholic. I'll be fucking done in finances in about a week and a half. Have 300$ too my name. My own house with a mortgage, utilities and internet bills. Its over kiddies, fuck.

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There's always someone out there who has it worse than you.

True but I'm white so I don't have to suffer like niggers.

Those who have survived jumping from the golden gate bridge to commit suicide say that they instantly regret it because they realize that they could have worked out their problems.

You should kill yourself

Yeah I'd probably figure that too if I was jumping from a fucking bridge.

Also if you are an alcoholic, your perception of reality is skewed. Your own mind is your enemy. You should call a friend to talk with them about what's going on. You won't be able to make healthy decisions while you are consuming alcohol. Call a friend and tell them how you feel. Don't be afraid. You're going to be okay.

My boy is literally my enabler.

It's an analogy that can be applied to all suicide attempts. If people jumping off of a bridge realize that they can fix their problems in that moment, take their wisdom, because other suicide methods you may not have this experience. Death is final. You want to live, but the depressive effects of alcohol, the constant invalidation and crises you are experiencing are fucking with your head. You don't have the coping skills that others have, but you can get them. You just need to ask for help and after you sober up and learn how to deal with distress appropriately, you will find your own nirvana.

What state do you live in?

Im about to lose my fucking job to xanax and oxy addiction. I go to work high as fuck to help with anxiety and back pain and I think they notice im nodded out all day

Who can support you if you play the pity card?

Also, the world needs you. We need you. You have much more to contribute to society, even if right now you aren't sure what that is. Don't stress though, but repeat that to yourself and remember that this distress right now is all you need to focus on coping with. Focus on improving this moment and nothing else.

hey op my dad died in front of me a fews years ago and i turned to massive amounts of cocaine/alcohol to deal with it. 4 years later and i still wake up angry i'm alive but i still push forward. I suggest you think about you hobbies or passions and go full retard with them so you might end up in a better situation. Honestly us suicidal people have the ultimate freedom to take a risk and that risk might be the catalyst needed for the next positive chapter in your life.

Get to a Dr who can get you on Suboxone and you can get your life back. I used to be addicted to oxycontin and Suboxone saved my life. I'm no longer on opiates even off Suboxone since 2012

Get a hold on yourself, nigger.
Stop drinking you fucking piece of niggers shit.
Are you retarded or what? Just get rid of alcohol or get used to the idea of suck on black dealers cock for living.
You make me sick, a huge failure.

I'm so sorry OP.
I can show a titty or two to make it better.

Also what type of job was it? Maybe you can fix this fast?

Go here and find the nearest MD who can prescribe Suboxone. You will be able to work and go through the treatment to get off opiates. You won't be in a lot of pain while weaning off. Maybe mild discomfort for a little while, but nothing that will prevent you from living a normal life and working.

Don't set unrealistic expectations. There's no quick fix to alcoholism and behavior disorders. He can get the help and work through this though. Also please show us your tits and ass.

OP I lost my job because i'm schizophrenic and I have 0 dollars to my name and my rent is 425.

Dude you realize that the xanax and oxy are exacerbating the pain and anxiety mentally right? My dad had 10 back surgeries, was prescribed fentanyl, morphine oxy and then adderall to keep him awake. Went to jail, quit cold turkey and pain completely disappeared. Now hes over 50 and doing fucking triathlons
