Would you rather get fucked by a HORSE or by a guy with AIDS (no condom, duh)? There is no third option...

Would you rather get fucked by a HORSE or by a guy with AIDS (no condom, duh)? There is no third option, you are imprisoned. If you resist, you will be raped by both. After fucking, you are free. Also, medical team is present during it if you choose the horse.

Other urls found in this thread:


horse, wont become a living contagion if I survive it.

Horse Cock

Horse cock!

True, medical team will make sure you are stretched, lubed up and they will give you pills that relax your muscles and intestines.

W-Why does that sound so lewd?





W-Why is that so arousing?


Cuz you love horse cock?

big floppy cock
my fetish


Any decent links to good Beastly

I-I do? I mean... that pic is so hot...






Would you guys rather get fucked or cucked by a horse?


Horse, duh

It won't get me pregnant, and I can practice

Because taking a horse cock up the ass is a recipe for a disaster than just a torn asshole, that could really fuck your insides up. AIDS symptoms can be suppressed with meds if diagnosed early, and there's not a 100% chance you'll test positive. There is a 100% chance you'll fuck yourself up taking horse dick up the ass though.

easy choice, all horse.

W-Why not both?
It's so big...

all day


Not 100%. Medical team would stretch you, lube you up and give you muscle relaxing pills.


all you need is a little practice to warm up

Bitch in heat detected.


W-Why is this turning me on so much?
B-Bitch? In heat?

It's safer to take horse dick in the pussy than in ass. Intestines are long and it can go very deep. Pussy is not that deep and it will be harder to tear your insides.


guy with aids obviously
HIV does not cause AIDS, there is no medical science to prove it does, seriously look it up

guys dick wouldn't wreck my ass as much as the horse.

Strip down and start playing with yourself, slut.


because getting dominated by a horse's big floppy cock and being able to take all of it while it cums would feel amazing.
you know it's true

post real horse cocks
no pics already submitted

If there are real girls here, please show tits with timestamp, it will make this thread so much better.

O-Okay... I will...
Yeah... it would...




This thread needs diversity.


yet you use black bars to hide what doesn't need hidden.
please post better if you're posting hentai

Kek, wut? Enjoy your aids, I guess.





doubt everything you have been told
seriously look it up
there is no evidence saying hiv leads to aids
doctor even injected himself with the virus to prove it

How wet are you?

I-I'm leaking so much...

i think ill just do neither and play with my horse dildo thats not so big it will kill me tbh fam.

I choose to resist...


what about horse pussy, would you fuck.

Then we make fun of sandniggers for fucking goats

im a size queen and i've been fucked a few times by my stallion

so the first?

is that a third option? ofcourse I would

Don't finish just yet. Edge yourself like a good little slut.

Horses are the patrician choice.

I-I feel like I'm about to cum!

mmmore horse donuts.

does the horse have any STDs?

That guy is so wet duude. It' summer and he's fat so he's really sweaty.
You have no choice, read OP post.
Nice try, alex jones

this is now a cringe thread

no they can not transmit anything to humans

What this faggot says

i think 80% is the same fag

Beg for it.



Tits with timestamp, please.



maybe alex is right
he was right about the frogs

i wish there was more content of girls rimming horses.

That's enough, fella

> tits
im a guy


My name is Ben Ghazi, add me on facebook.

P-Please... let me cum.

jesus yes
literally need that shit
or creampie vids

anyone got the horse on dog


My mistake, fgt.

i got tons of creamepies, just want girls rimming.

>No girl will ever rim or play with a horses ponut

Good slut. Go ahead.


there are some.

I'd go with the horse though, hope i won't end up as Mr Hands.

That's not what he asked faggot.
Tits nao

don't do facebook
email me: [email protected]
but i am going to bed now 4:40am so i won't read it till tomorrow


wish you could show some..