Why are you depressed Sup Forums?

why are you depressed Sup Forums?

'cause i'm a shit cunt.
what about you po?

my life is shit

Why do you want to know Satan?

Todays my birthday, I'm turning 30 and a NEET and I don't know what to do with my life

cause i never get dubs

are you living alone?
do you have a gf?
have you any source of income?

still learning to absolutely not give a fuck, im getting there though

Because Trump won

Go to river, get six pack of bells.two hearted Ales roll up some joints, take a few doses, animal collective albums and Panicstream.com check it out.

40 year old virgin.
Health is failing.
Open bite.
Teeth ate bad, pain.
Family hates me.
No drivets licence.
Dead end job.
Nothing to live for at all

Because I've never know what I wanted to do with my life. I've had several friends throughout the years, but I just keep drifting away from them.
I've been trying to finish my degree for quite a few years now and I'm tired of this shit. The more I think about it, the harder it is to focus to study for it.
Spend my whole days sitting in front of the computer browsing Sup Forums and playing vidya because it's the only thing that keeps my mind off of my responsibilities.
To be honest, I don't even have it hard. My family is somewhat supportive, even though they end up being a bit passive-aggresive about the whole situation.
At least they haven't thrown me out... Yet. I've never been a happy person, but I think it all went downhill 10 years ago when I broke up with my ex.

Maybe I just need to be loved. No fucking idea.

OP here sorry for the late reply
i doubt you want to hear my story
no thanks
Happy birthday man

>why dont you try and find love again user?

Easy to say, OP. Hard to do it when you're so self-conscious about your yourself. Maybe there's someone out there. I'm not a bad person, but I can be difficult. Love won't pay bills and I don't really feel like working, so nobody will want to have a serious relationship with me. It's a vicious cycle.

But sure, OP. Hit us with your story.

I'm not.
Used to be but now I'm pretty happy.
What I needed was a goal in life. That's what I learned in the last year.
Doesn't matter if you haven't reached it yet just having one makes everything better.
I took a year off to travel and it was the best thing I have ever done. Happier than ever

I had already typed this out from another thread I made awhile back, but I'm sorry I hear about your situation, I hope you find that motivation
>be me 14
>my mum and dad split up because my dad was an abusive cunt and my mum wasn't much better
>try to kill myself for the first time when I was midway through high school
>end up in a psych ward where I met who I thought would be the love of my life
>her name was Kayla
>we connected on a level that no one since her has been able to match
>we date for 9 months but her parents begin moving away & she needs somewhere to stay
>Im still in high school couldn't offer her somewhere to stay
>she cheats and moves in with someone else before she breaks up with me over text
>fast forward a year I'm in between houses my mother lives alone but my dad decides to remarry
>enter my step-mum who is just as crazy and abusive as him.
>she has 4 kids none of which enjoy being in the home
>mum kicks me out in the last year of high school
>no choice but to move in with my dad if I wanted an education
>fast forward 3 months
>I get a knock at the door probably 3 or 4 in the morning
>its Kayla she tells me her boyfriend kicked her out and she needs somewhere to stay
>I refuse I couldn't just let her walk back into my life
>she kills herself that night. no note no warning

>im devastated I couldn't believe what had happened and what I had done
>I go to her funeral and say my goodbyes and finish my last year in high school
>try to tell myself life goes on and everything will get better but I know deep down it won't
>the abuse at home continues getting worse and worse as each day goes by
>I begin to become close with my step siblings knowing we need to stick together
>I become especially close with one of my step-sisters because she had grown up with mental health problems and I could relate
>weeks go past and the abuse escalates verbally and physically and I end up calling the police
>I get child services involved to try and help the kids get away from the abuse
>one night when I was at work my dad beat my sister to a pulp and she ran away
>I came home and my siblings told me what happened
>I searched for her for hours and desperately trying to call her
>but it was too late
>she had jumped off a small bridge and died on impact
>my dad and step mum are now in jail 25-life on a manslaughter charge
>im living with my mum who doesn't want me
>I see them in my dreams and in the faces of the people around me
>I still visit their graves and leave flowers hoping in some way that makes up for not being good enough
>for not being there when they needed me and letting two people who I loved die
>ill probably an hero one day and when I do I hope I'm reunited with them
>even if I'm not anything is better then this suffering

Cause I miss the old overwatch

I'm in the same boat. Try to think of the work as a good thing, I know it's hard to see the rewards of working hard now but it pays off so much in the long run. Plus the anxiety of putting off work won't be there which makes you feel a lot better

That's an incredible story user. You've been through more than a child should. I hope it gets better for you soon. Can you explain why your mom kicked you out and didn't want you anymore?

tendies are all gone


I had bad mental health issues and still do but im surviving

I just got message from my ex-gf that she is pregnant. I am now desperately looking for way of escape from this shit

Try to lure her from home at night and then beat her and her belly. Next time use condoms retard.

Got herpes 1 from the wife. cheated on me some time back. Now she won't fuck me or suck me . Neither will anyone else.

I want to kill the bitch but, that wouldn't help me any.

im feeling like shit for so long that i dont even remember why anymore
i mostly just feel numb for the past few years

isn't that curable?
Cure this get hiv and fuck her.