Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Some friends invited me to smoke soon. Never tried pot or even drugs for that matter. Is it worth it Sup Forums? Should I stay away from it? Are there anything to really gain from doing drugs?

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dont smoke much till u get a bit acclimated to the overall effects


Oh, yeah that's real legit.

>Are there anything to really gain from doing drugs?

Ask your drunk father.

>Never tried pot or even drugs for that matter

You make it sounds like people try coke before weed.

Or by drugs did you mean caffeine and aspirin?

inhale 1 small half puff. dont be tempted to smoke more. the effects will kick in in 2 to 20 minutes. give it time. dont make the mistake of smoking PRO amounts when u are not experienced. small puff = joy and happiness, large bong hits for a newbie will send you too far out....u need time to get there

I'd suggest it. You're not going to ruin your life if you try it. If you decide to do it, just take 2-3 hits and wait 20 minutes to see how you end up feeling. Modern weed is really strong, so if you smoke too much (which depends on your tolerance, which you as a newbie have none), you might puke and feel like shit.

Definitely go for it. Take it slowly and just enjoy it. If you get freaked out and in your own head too much just sit back, close your eyes, and realize that it's just the drugs, and good times are on the way.

well if you gonna smoke you should be cool about it and not in pressure, there is nothing wrong with smoking, its just a plant..

>Are there anything to really gain from doing drugs?
That's the wrong question.

You lose stuff like money. But you learn who you are, can have fun, make time speed up or slow down, or just have a crazy trip.

Best advice is to start slow...literally like a puff....the feeling is much differeent then alcohol.

They go well together but try weed first before mixing them

3 hits of todays high octane for a newbie would be a beastly high to deal with

just smoke it. you can't get addicted and it's not a gateway unless you are just someone who naturally likes to party.

Is this just a social experiment, or is Op actually asking? Is it a bunch of anti pot shills doing a study on peer pressure? Kek.

EVERYONE smokes weed these days. The only stigma you'll get is from ignorant old religious people and employers because of stupid ass corporate policies against it

Are you there Op? Or are you just some creepy fuck?

Op is probably 14 and has no clue.

You will only be nautious.. Its nothing special. Doesnt hurt to try tho, but you wont get anything from it

>EVERYONE smokes weed these days

if you've ever exercised intensely or competed in a physical sport...that feel u get when u rest, basking in the endorphins, high as fuck on natural chemicals x 100 … that’s a weed high when you don’t smoke too much.

jesus, there's even a built-in spell check

I view intoxication as an art form. There are all different types and levels that can be obtained, not to mention blending of types for a distinct third "high"

I believe that a master artist can change his body's chemistry, functionality, and will through the use of the proper drugs at the proper amounts.

But...I'm no fucking Picasso....I throw whatever I got at the wall, hope it sticks and see what happens.

Best of luck...have some tits

There are no specific demographics either. Young, old, black, white, male, female

Also to add, a lot of times people don't get high their first time smoking. I dont know if it is due to not inhaling or not smoking correctly or shittily rolled joints or what, but I didn't get high the first time. I guess it was so long ago I don't remember what happened, just that I felt nothing. So try it a few times before you give up on it.

Most certainly my friend, take it slow at first getting accumulated to the effects and keep some water handy as well.

>it is due to not inhaling or not smoking correctly

That's a way of putting it. I like your ideas.


Im using an app on my phone

Idea synthesis comes easily but realization takes effort.

if ur a fucking pussy, my first high was off an entire 0.5g joint straight to my face and it still wasn't unbearable

You don't wanna be the faggot who thinks they've died

that's not a very good excuse for stupidity

You sure you know what high octane is

>straight to my face
I don't know all this new nigger lingo you kids use, what does that mean?

It really depends on where you live, where I live everyone and there mother (literally) has, or is currently smoking tree

Newfag learning how to use reaction images

Wahahah I'm so god damn high right now holy shitty TTY I'm high as balls!!! You can get fucked!!! Hahahaha yeah... You have aids.

Get...fucking high

Pull down...your fucking pants.

And fucking.

Offffffffffff woo woo woo your a faget like Bob Saget!!

Kill yourself worthless pathetic worm. Your best argument for something is my lack of apostrophes and misspell. That only shows how stupid you are

it was appropriate

There's not even a t sound in the word you fucking retarded piece of shit.

You spelled "nauseous" as "nautios", dude

Don't mix shit at first, mainly alcohol.
See how you like it when you're not drinking then try it while drinking.

Weeeeeeew you're a faggot!!! Weeeeeeew I don't know what to do. Jesus Christ I'm high as shit tho hahahaha yeah!!

Not really.
You're new as shit


be careful OP, pot can kill you and make you permahigh.

It is not my fault that your father raped you at your grandmothers grave which forced you afterwards to go online and correct other peoples grammar (i am aware of my grammatical errors) . So please, leave it at that. Its not our fault he rammed her skull full of larvae up your asshole

Blaaaaagaggaggagaaa!!! You have nearly vanquished me with your sharp wit good sir!! However, there's just one problem: you're still a faggot!

Thats not what your dead dog said

Holy shit!!!! Wahahahaha YOU fucked up lol that's ok you're a virgin. You and I can hit the bong rips together you faggot. Although, you're very much a faggit like Bob Saget tho

God damn don't be a pussy and do it. It is just weed.

>being this edgy

I love smoking do it you'll have a good time