Lmfao i cant even cut properly

lmfao i cant even cut properly

Go to bed op

how about getting help instead of trying Sup Forums


fat fuck

nigger i weigh like a 100 lbs

Show tits nigga.

yea your leg weighs 100lbs

show your feminine penis


what body part is this? Elbow?

yea it's because you're screaming for attention instead of actually trying to hurt yourself. how about you go out and make some friends and do some fun things instead of marring your skin for no reason

Stfu OP if you really wanted to die you could've done it already

I'll give her attention if she shows us some puss. Emo girls are my fetish.

Timestamp some new shit

You're confused as to the difference between a cut and a scratch. Those are scratches. These are cuts.

Quit stalling and an hero already

OP what you have there is walking through a patch of thorn bushes, man up or stop "cutting"


i know nothing i do is real thats why im probably going to get a real knife isntead of pathetically pressing hard against my skin with a dull blade HOPING for a deep cut but IT NEVER HAPPENS

butthole or gtfo

But show your vag first. I want to jerk of to you.


are you 13? stop posting already

you got what u deserved. see

give me some ass before you kys its been like a year

Buy a box of boxcutter blades you retard
Its like $5

declaw cat


Prolly bait, but don't do this man, lurk more, live more, fuck more

more nudes

come on OP do something right

haha sure

live stream suicide this second newfag. you young dirty cuck. you deserve nothing but suicide. you're fake.

i'd like to formally welcome you to Sup Forums

everything here is gay, men are women, there are no women, plenty of sociopaths (urs truly), and lots of oversized dicks to make everyone feel insecure

its really a love it or hate it type a thing

You should just keep posting nudes. You seem to be better at that. Leave the cutting to professionals.

Id make you my bitch op

I also have scars like this. Haven't faded in 6 years. You don't need a sharp knife, as long as you press deep and pull across quickly, the skin will tear.


ITS DOWN THE FUCKING TRACKS. never go across the rails

Can we talk?

Ok so serious question here. I'm an oldfag, and dont understand this cutting shit. What is it that makes younger people today do this? Is it cool? Thrill of pain? My kid does this shit, and I don't know how to help her

I used a boxcutter. If the blade is really sharp it almost just feels like a sharp sting. The worst part is afterwards. When it starts to burn and itch after showering.

uhhh well idk its like the last time i did it i was mad at myself because i felt like a loser and everything and not real because my child """abuse""" wasnt really abuse because i was never flat out hit i was just strangled and roughed up and attacked but never really hit so its not real??? like i just wanted to feel that i have something thats real i guess


It's a common cure for anxiety, the pain grounds you and releases hormones that snap you out of the attack. get your kid to a doctor and get a prescription for lorazipam

I wish it was that easy. We've taken her to several doctors, and she just sits there and gets pissed off shes there in the first place. Refuses to participate, then comes home and cuts more cause we had her go. She's definitely not abused at home. I don't know what the fuck to do :(

Never too late for a late term abortion.

personally i believe abortions should be legal up the the 36th trimester

>Get knife
>Sharpen knife

Id help you out

Cuttingfag here I may be able to advise something sensible Dadanon, but need more info.
Is she cutting herself deep? In visible places? For how long? Does she have friends?

Attention whores at their finest hour.

Man you must have pissed that tiny kitten off.

Send the little whore away. She will say you raped her and ruinyour life. Get out while you stillcan

Teens are stubborn. If they're unhappy ask do they want to be happy and the only person who can make that happen is them. I'd say don't try confiscate blades and shit cos being denied an addiction will piss them off.

Harmers usually either like the blood or the pain, find out which is more appealing to them, try find alternatives.

Don't take away the blades. Say you love her and you care about her. Don't get mad at her. Ask her to stop, but don't force it, or she'll distance herself. Find her some activities, preferably fresh air ones. I got hooked up on archery.

see if she likes incest

fucking rip OP

I never really understood this, wouldn't you have a higher chance of actually opening your artery if you cut across? I don't see how even if you cut down the tracks would be in any way beneficial, you're going to bleed out at the same speed, except cutting down the tracks has a lower chance of actually hitting an artery unless you go full balls mode and go from the wrist to your elbow

just start molesting her, should do the trick.

But parameds will be able to patch you up in time, dummy.

The funny thing about this post is the fact that it's diverted so much attention from the attention seeking OP that scratched herself. Sir I hope you can sort your situation out with your daughter, I really hope you can. OP do it right or just jump off a bridge.

If you're going to call paramedics in the first place then don't do it?

Holy fucking shit