I failed as a father

I failed as a father.
My college daughter is now a fucking uber-leftist, feminist asshole. Complete with hairy armpits and anti-capitalist stickers on the car she received as a graduation present.

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The real failure is your vote for trump. You will never live that one down. You can only be proud of how stupid you are until it bites you in the ass

Have a late-life abortion

Disown her

The solution is simple, dis-own her. Libtard feminazi's have no life skills making them almost completely unemployable. She won't last long without daddy's money

What do you think lead her to these decisions?

Your job as a father is not to live her life.

Pretty much this. The college has turned your kid into a commie piece of shit like there is no hope for her.

This. Rightists need to fuck off

I didn't vote for Trump. I hate the right as much as I hate the left.
Tried to instill critical thinking skills in her. It didn't work.
Actually, that's a lie. It did work, until she hit Freshman year at college.

you deserve it for being a little dipshit

Don't worry, as soon as she grows up and the novelty of living in a hippie commune/tent/tree fort wears off she'll move on and join the normal centrist consumer population. The real risk is that his antifa spunk invades her womb and she is linked to that nonce till the end of days.

Lock him up!

The only cure for that shit is for you to finger her. You, her Father, finger her and shave her pits. And take her car off her.

>I didn't vote for Trump
That's your problem right there.

>hippie tree fort

Your fault for being an uber-right, racist redneck shitback, asshole. Go jerk off into your confederate flag.

It worked, and what you're seeing is the end-result of empathy and compassion.
She wants equality and fairness for all people, the problem is that she doesn't see it around her and is dissatisfied with the systems that prevent it.

She will either gain power and stay on or she will get overt it

I'm always amused by right-wingers' appeals to democracy and freedom, and their absolute shock when other people actually make use of that freedom.

It's raping time

>wants equality and fairness for all people

pick one

Your mother and I are very disappointed in you.

but that's wrong, you fucking clod

how are things like bodily sovereignty and equal pay for equal work anti-equality

how can you advocate against feminism for being anti-equality and yet also complain about women with unshaved armpits

Take her car away,im sure you're still paying for it.
Give her the ultimatium,either become a normal human being or kick her ass out and cut her off

its probably because you have a small cock

Your solution is simple, simply break all contact with her, cut all monetary ties with her. And refuse to support her, a disease must be cut out before the rest of the body can heal.

Or you could do the only civil thing, have her killed.

She's living with some rich kid, whose parents pay for everything. The irony of it all, and she has no clue.
She hates white people (she is white) and hates white men in particular, yet...here we are.

How are you paying for her education?


>a disease must be cut out before the rest of the body can heal

what century are you from, sir?

here in the 21st century, we have a myriad of ways to treat diseases, many of which don't involve body tissue resection

Disown her. To do anything but disown her will be enabling.

-Wage gap is a myth
-women get lesser sentencing for crimes committed
-women avoid mandatory draft

I could keep going. Today's feminism is a combination of lies, anti-whites and anti-male propoganda. "You fucking clod"

is the rich kid asian or jewish?


>Sending your daughter to college

That's where you really fucked up, should've gotten her a big to her pregnant as early and often as possible with a reliable male.

Your only course of action is to let her be a white and hope she burns herself out or just fucking kill her if she decides to burn the coal.

How can you say you are for equality when there is disparity among productivity, uncomfortable and dangerous jobs? How are feminists fighting to make sure men are given equal time with their children from the court?
Feminism isn't about equality.

So rape her. That'll cure her.

>I could keep going.

But you didn't.

>implying her getting a STEM degree instead of gender-africanamerican studies would have been remotely as bad

Congratufuckinglations captain obvious!

>Women in STEM

You mean autists or perma-thots who never have children?


there are more women than men getting, for instance, biology degrees. most of those are normal, sane women. college is not just the retard studies department.

The best part of my job is never hiring people like you. And it's certainly working. Retention is up 15% since I started.

Rape her to make ammends

i hate my life
i hate the earth
aliens pls come and rape all of us to death

>Newfags actually think this

Post sauce or gtfo , I'm tired of hearing the feminists complain about how there aren't enough women in stem if they are already over represented.

>Normal woman

Drop out detected

you will never know the peaceful death that aliens give. you will be visited by the truck of peace and tolerance and die horribly for the glory of Allah.

And your boy is about to end up jail. Serves you right for creating a a busted system that gives rednecks and uneducated hillbillies a more political power than they deserve.

Kill yourself faggot

i'm not a feminist, and i'm not complaining. i'm just telling you to stop being a retard and believing women belong in the kitchen. i'm a libertarian, women, like men, should do whatever the fuck they want, as long as they don't force others to do the same, and they are willing to live with the consequences of their choices.

>can't read
>makes emotional decisions

If the car doesn't have her registered with DMV or on title, take it back.
If she refuses, report it stolen.

Stop funding her.
Let her know that her left friends and government handouts will surely provide for her.

Things will go better than expected.

>Doesn't post sauce

I wasn't calling you a feminist, but I see you're even worse , an unironic lolbertarian. Keep you Hoppe and Rothbard memes to yourself you liberal degenerate.

Woman don't belong in the workforce not because women cant do the world it's that they shouldn't do it because it ruins them.

>Inb4 endless memes about egalitarian workforces that ignores how women entering the workforce also correlates to a reduction in real wages

me and my family live off of ebt and food stamps bcos my bitch mom gave up her life and did drugs before having 6 kids and my life sucks and this is longer than it should be but fuck this world is shit. u guys wont care tho so i dont know why i am still writing this


"From the fact that people are very different it follows that, if we treat them equally, the result must be inequality in their actual position, and that the only way to place them in an equal position would be to treat them differently. Equality before the law and material equality are therefore not only different but are in conflict with each other; and we can achieve either the one or the other, but not both at the same time. The equality before the law which freedom requires leads to material inequality.

You did indeed. now pls make up for it and kys worthless piece of cancer

sauce for what, women being a slight majority in biology classes? here is the first google result: aps.org/programs/education/statistics/womenmajors.cfm

you're a retard for even asking for it like i was trying to say the fucking sky is green. really, was THAT an unbelievable claim?

omg! a trumpanzee failing at fatherhood!
>how surprising!

can you imagine the FILTH a trump-supporter would raise?


You did good. This is what college is about. Now let me lick her pussy.

Divide the total population of California by the number of electoral college votes. Now do the same with North Dakota.

States with fewer people get more power per person, thanks to the very retarded original framers. America is a dogshit democracy and always has been.

Thanks for playing, idiot.

What degree did she get? Gender studies?

>Tumblrina detected

haha fuck you

Don't worry OP even the founding fathers realized women are stupid. That's why they weren't allowed to vote

Actually, if you just account for the number of extra votes these States get simply for being States, it's more than enough to make up the difference between Hillary and Trump.

That election was stolen by a shitty Constitution, and we can prove it mathematically.


And the most lethal disease we deal with is cancer, which must either be cut out or poisoned.

Sometimes the old ways are the only ways that work.

>mfw when french watching this thread.

if the rules were different, their entire electoral campaigns would have been conducted differently. and a lot more people in california or texas would have bothered to vote instead of stayin home cause they are not potential swing states.

>Just labels of biology and chemistry

I would like to know what field of biology these women specialize in, because I guarantee it's not genetics.

Texas is the only majority Red state that really has a huge issue with this. It overwhelmingly disenfranchises districts that tend to go blue.

Post pics

>Shitty Constitution
The electoral college was specifically designed to curtail Philistine lemmings like yourself

The system works, faggot!

That's because this country is a federation of states. That's why it's a federal government. We are not one indistinguished mass, otherwise the country would be called Americonia instead of the United States.
Besides, all the small leftist states get 2 senators, like Vermont, Rhode Island, etc. The fact that Texas and Vermont have equal representation in the senate never pissed off leftists before.
Anyway, senators used to be appointed by the states, which was the wise thing to do, until we changed it about 100 years ago.

that doesn't change the fact that without the electoral college the candidates would invest a lot less money in buttfucking ohio and redirect it to states where the vote can't swing cause every single vote matters. i'm not trying to say that trump would have won anyways, cause that's impossible to know unless americans unretard their presidential election system. but the election wasn't stolen. the rules, retarded as they were, were clear from the start.

In any system, if 51% of votes elect someone, then 49% are "disenfranchised". It's called tyranny of the majority. That's why you don't want to have a pure democracy and why you don't want to give the government very much power.

OP - I wouldn't worry about this too much. In college, I was a leftist for freshman and sophmore year. I started to swing the other way in junior year as the critical thinking skills my parents helped teach me started to kick in. Then for about 5 years after college, my critical thinking skills left me as I become a full blown conservative with everything except the religious spin.

Somewhere about the time I read a blog post titled "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck", I changed toward my new philosophy which is to stop caring about things that don't affect me in the slightest. One of these things is national politics.

I don't watch the news. I don't get upset about Trump. I don't care about Republicans. I don't care about Democrats. I don't really give a shit because they are not worth giving a shit over. I wish more people realized the same but whatever - I don't give a damn.

I do care about my career, my money, my family, my friends, etc. These are the things that matter OP and sooner or later people come to realize this even if they don't completely forget about things they were passionate about when young (like politics).

Give it time OP. For yourself and her. Be at peace regardless - it doesn't even matter.

You an all other trump supporters want to preserve your daughters for yourselves.

>Your daughter is just another dumb number. Sorry to tell you she is like most people who attend university/college. Brainwashed. They don't teach people to think for themselves anymore, it's all about regurgitation to get the degree. The average human being is quite simple. This is the human condition.

Pretty typical response I get when I bring this up. It's ok for the government to suppress peoples rights so long as they're people who don't agree with you.

You're the kind of people that make me wish there was a God, because there'd be a Hell, and maybe just maybe, there'd be some way, any way, for you to get what you deserve.

unless they turn to porn

Good for her. The only way that story could get better is if she was an atheist as well.

This OP. Do this. The cutting off ties part. Don't kill people.

Dad, you did good.

It would be an atrocity if you raised a #MAGA slut.

now greentext about how you molested her when she was 4, because we know you fucked her.

Commie detected.

If that is how you talk, then yes you have failed as a father. Really.

No, it's not about clear majority, it's about how you break up the numbers. Why should we need three people in California to equal the vote of one North Dakota voter? Especially in something like a Commander-In-Chief, who affects everyone.

How would you know what goes on at college when you never attended one?

How can this be true when you're an obese failson in a room full of anime posters? Triggering story for other fatty Trump cultists though, I'm sure.

Calm down, user. Did you take your autism medication? You seem to be going on a tard rage arguing over insignificant details again.

Trump is faggot.

Putin too.

freedom mean freedom to be nazis, commies, or to hammer a nail through your nuts. forcing commies to not be commies is as unamerican as using taxpayers' money to cure the nuts of a guy who hammered a nail into them.

Uh, I'm a libertarian buddy, so no it's not ok for the government to suppress people's rights.

herpa durr i dont understand a constitutional republic and mob rule

This pic is inappropriate
