Hey /b

Hey /b
How does it feel knowing your gf has been used by another man?

>implying anyone on this shitty board has a gf.


Some of us have wifes

and girls' bfs were used by another women. So what. Only virgin cucks care about this shit


Pretty hot, I jack off to the thought at least once a week.

Married my qt3.14 gf from highschool im the only guy shes been with

meh, doesn't phase me

she said she had never had an orgasm before me, and that my dick is significantly larger than her previous partners (I'm only 7.5')

whether she's saying that so I don't feel insecure, or because it is the truth, I dunno

we have great sex and I try not to live in the past

Couldn't tell, tore that shit apart.


How does it feel knowing you LITERALLY have not experienced other women?

how does it feel knowing you LITERALLY have never experienced a woman ever?

Pretty interesting how ever single guy on the internet has a 7.5' dick

Just a thought...

which is why i get my gf's from kindergarten


My woman has only been fucked by one other guy but it was on my terms to ensure she'd be too afraid to ever cheat on me. I can elaborate if any Sup Forums tards want to hear about one of the most fucked up things I've ever done.

well you sound like a psycho.
but, meh, fuck it. Cont


Honestly i dont care? I mean i have someone that loves me for me and i love her for her?

Damn dude thats savage as fuck

Didnt notice, that pussy was tight as fuck

do you keep an excel spreadsheet on it?

she hasn't though

Waifus don't count

I don't know why people might shit on you for this. If you are happy/satisfied then good for you.

No elaboration necessary, it's pretty simple that you have a cuck fetish.

>be me, just graduated college
>been dating a solid 9/10 for the past 2 years
>we get along fine, she's pretty great in bed and has goals and interests similar to mine
>decide to marry her
>buy ring, she says yes
>we're married a few months later
>flash forward about a year
>things are okay besides the fact that she still parties too much
>every fucking weekend she goes out
>i outgrew the party phase after i got my job
>decide im fucking done with it and immediately come up with a plan
>ring up my old high school "friend" Duncan
>i never really liked Duncan but since i always had lots of money i could get most drugs from him and generally get whatever i needed done from him
>go and hang out with him, bring a few 12 packs and some pot
>hang out like old times
>he tells me he works a shitty job at a 7/11 and really needs to make some money so he can pay child support for his daughter
>"you could always work for me and my dad and earn some cash"
>"yeah, what do you need?"

never had a gf

it's a lie. i have a 4 inch dick and my wife tells me that im the biggest she's ever had and that i make her cum everytime we fuck. women say what they know will make u happy.

go on...


>the moment of truth
>"i need you to rape someone for me."
>without even a thought he ask "how much will you give me?"
>i'm pretty taken back how open he was to it but i tell him i'll give him 200 dollars
>i tell him it's my wife, stay away from my place, this is where she works and when she gets off blah blah blah
>friday rolls along, i'm doing my normal friday ritual
>she calls me in a sob, tells me a guy hit her with a brick as she was walking to her car, took her to the back of a truck and raped her
>i tell her to call the police, immediately go over there, she gets rapekitted, along with some stitches in her head, she cries and I hold her
>5 months later, she's too scared to go out alone, but my plan isnt done yet
>i head over to Duncan's house again, we talk for a bit and i tell him that i need him to break in and rape her one more time so she will always need me, i tell him the date to show up

well i've used other women so it's only fair i guess

No, she hasn't.

pic related

>a few days later, i'm in the shower
>hear the window break and my wife scream
>immediately get out, put my towel on, go to my drawer and get my pistol
>i see Duncan in the living room, my wife has run to the kitchen
>he turns around and looks at me slightly confused
>i put 2 bullets in his fucking head
>cops come, cite as self defense
>my wife and all her friends for the next month constantly remind me of how great i am
It's been 3 years and I couldn't ask for a more loyal and loving wife.

She hasn't. I popped her cherry.

holy fuck, no god damn way...

If you just wanna bang chicks go for it 0 judgement on my part, but ive always wanted a family an heir to carry on the family name white picket fence and all that bullshit

You fucking Piece of Shit!
That was my Idea, cunt.

Either your wife has had sex with other men previously, or you and your wife have only had sex with eachother in which case you're probably having awful sex.

inb4 walking the dinosaur

>>too creative to be fake
youre a fuckin monster!
is this what Sup Forums used to be like?

Doesn't bother me. She's on my dick now and I'm ok with that.

Bruh... That's fucked up.
>Also, continue.

Jesus fuck..

Lmao, do it. She's straight up afraid of the idea of a life without me now. The sex is the best because she'll basically lie there and agree to do anything and if an argument gets heated I can threaten to leave and she immediately 360s and takes back everything and starts admitting I was right.


Sounds like an episode of Law & Order. They realise the rapist knew the husband, they trace the husband's calls and locations and find out he had visited the rapist. They trick him into confessing, all that stuff. I'd watch it.

>in which case you're probably having awful sex.

Nah, I had her trained by a professional. And don't even call me a cuck, because I paid for it.

master manipulator. holy fuckin shit




this is fake the police will realize that Duncan was his mate at highschool

not great but what can you do

>And don't even call me a cuck, because I paid for it.
>because I paid for it
>I paid for it

>Implying you can't be awesome at sex even if you've only been with one person.
kys, virgin faggot.

Probably about the same as you realizing that the person in that image is also a man.


Nigger if they're in the same fronking town and he works at 911 for minimum wage thaid fuckin conclude duncan donuts was to poor to get another fucking house let alone a car

this is Sup Forums
you assume any of us have girlfriends gtfo normie

kill yourselves newfags

id like this to be real

I'm clever as shit but nothing immediately comes to mind. I once got a kid kicked out of Disney world during a choir field trip my senior year of high school.
I worried about that, figured they'd ask me a lot of questions about my connection to him but they really just asked me if I knew him, which i did, and how close we were, which was not very.

She hasn't though. I took her virginity. She's an old school type that's incredibly loyal.

Part of me wishes she had been fucked before, because I don't want her wondering what other dick might be like. The other part of me is glad I'm only one that's fucked her tight pussy

Look she does anal now and she didn't before, so it's money well spent

Enjoy prison.

Actual non retarded response on /gif

>paid his own money for his wife to get fucked by a professional 673% better than he'll ever be
>thinks he isn't a cuck

yea nice screenshot

Same here. Virgin pussies are the best, You fuck her one time and she will love you for a long time

Man confesses to accessory to rape misprision and murder. Seems legit.

This is Sup Forums

>Being this autistic.

hahahahahaha, you're pitiful.


That report isnt gonna get anywhere with internet explorer

Why are you allowed to use the internet with 3rd grade spelling?

No one uses that shitty browser anymore

I'm fine with it, we have an agreement


That's usually not enough.

>assuming b even has a girlfriend or has ever had one ever

My wife was a prostitute from age 14-21 she has fucked more men than I have times fapped. Doesn't bother me at all. She is amazing in bed and is willing to do literally anything I want sex wise.


>how to take a screenshot
>male feminism

is this a meme of some sort?

only a newfag would know what a newfag does

I feel worse for you; you're the one projecting your terrible sex experiences on others.

Shut the fuck up, newfag.



Nah she doesn't fuck anyone but me now

jokes on you, i don't have a gf

How does it feel to know your entire body was squeezed out a fuckhole abused by your father and all the other men before him?


Why would anyone be mad about it, op you're a virgin and trying to put doubt in the mind of other people will lead to nothing.
>you'll always feel empty and alone

>male feminism
Found the biggest faggot on the internet...

Not too bad considering I've used several women before her

And i found the biggest retard

Better than never having had a girlfriend before. how's that working out for you?

Why do any of you losers believe this? just fucking kill yourselves. You're not passing on your genes and nobody's going to want your figurine collection. End it.