4 U

4 U

Other urls found in this thread:

ikefoundationforautism.org/e-library/What's Happening to Ellie - A Book About Puberty for Girls and Young Women with Autism and Related Conditions (2015).pdf
google.com.au/search?client=ms-android-orange-au&ei=h6gbWfv_CMO-0AS5va7wAw&q=things ellie likes pdf&oq=things ellie likes&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.0i71k1l5.

>not giving hands on education

where and why did you find this


Here we go again...


Keep going , we're waiting .....

pls post more op

post it dumbass

here is another fun book to read while we wait for OP to stop being a fag and post the damn book



i'm interested now goddammit

if anybody finds the PDF drop a link for a Sup Forumsrother. or someone should buy the pdf and give it to the rest of us here.

I bought it, not even worth it Sup Forumsros

wut, post the book

Does she rip off her pubes and eat them?

ikefoundationforautism.org/e-library/What's Happening to Ellie - A Book About Puberty for Girls and Young Women with Autism and Related Conditions (2015).pdf

Done fags

google.com.au/search?client=ms-android-orange-au&ei=h6gbWfv_CMO-0AS5va7wAw&q=things ellie likes pdf&oq=things ellie likes&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.0i71k1l5.




nice now find things tom likes fgt lulz

I just read it and jesus fucking christ. It's written like a fucking children's book lmao. Like, I read my daughter who is 6 stories that are written far more advanced than this. This is the kind of language and style used for books written for like, 3/4 year olds who don't know how to read yet.

WHY THE EVERLOVING JESUS CHRIST-FUCK would I ever read a 3-5 year old a book about playing with her pussy? lmfao what the genuine fuck? Also I'm pretty sure this book's illustrations are actually illegal in some countries.

hahahahahahaha this is insanity. I cannot believe this shit is real. Like, this isn't a meme, this is a real book that was really published and sold to real fucking people.

Is this what parents of potatoes have to worry about? Their 4 year old daughter just giving her pussy the ole rub-a-dub-dub in the living room? Like who the fuck needs this book? I'm pretty sure that when my cum-clay hits an age old enough to be flicking the bean she'll be old enough to have a mature conversation on the topic.



Is there a documentary about pooping in India? I'm thinking that this can't be right.

is no one gonna take me up on my offer of satanic ritual abuse education for minors?

Man I just found the image, idk where it's from

I will

we have GOT to get ellie and tom together


Medfag here. There is a legitimate educational interest in teaching disabled children who have certain cognitive/neurological disorders (i.e. shit worse than autism) to not exhibit behaviors that people who have normally functioning brains have agreed are socially fucked up. Ellie is like an illustration of a prototypical special needs child. The book probably alleviates the awkward as hell conversation, therapy, and training that would be involved in the parents themselves teaching the kid not to touch herself.

hey hey tom my maaaaaaan

IMHO one of the best books out there is the kids book that teaches young girls how to deal the Elektra complex.

The fuck

....post it. post it naow

don't have it, besides you wouldn't like it. My scrot was navy blue by the end.

This is too fucking good

+1 point for this user


Protip: That ain't cheese.

I think I might be Ellie

Goddamn we should make a rule 34 of tom with Ellie

hah! YES

thats ben 10

Ellie shitting in India...This is the most I've laughed in ages.

This has cute potential.

Honestly, I anticipated cringe, and I got "100% reasonable shit that would probably help a lot of these kids". Good on whoever's making this.


lol nice

Why stop there, we need more books about Ellie and her autistic exploration of sexuality. Ellie Likes BDSM, Ellie Likes Dragon Dildos, Ellie Likes Strapons.

Ellie likes scat snuff gore CP

Why does the URL says "What's happening to Ellie" but the book is Things Ellie Likes?

If I see that fucking sperg one more time...





was it on paheal? cause that was fast.

If I see THAT FUCKING AUTIST one more time...

I want to be apart of this historical meme birth thread.

Its an actual page from the book.



I think you mean Ben 10...

That's whereI found it


His eyes are saying "At least she didn't flick the bean at the mall again."

And heaven knows there is an epidemic of aspie girls shlicking in public



Naw, look at that stare. He gon' tap dat.

I swear if I see that fucking sperg one more time...

>gee, this looks like a good spot to start masturbating

no fucking way

Dumping what I have. I've actually seen a lot of great edits on other threads.

Sorry man, this has been going around for a few days now.



I feel so old right now.

Yes fucking way, its real.

Welp. Been here since around '05, and there it is. The first thing I feel bad laughing at.

When Ellie becomes the most overused meme of a generation, I want you all to remember that I was here.

Oh, I love the Gorillaz! The new album's great!

Is there link to the Tom Likes Things?

Doubt it becomes too mainstream. Laughing at a naked slow-in-the-mind girl form an "educational" book who touches herself is not likely to get big amongst normies.

What better time to crank one out than on the way to the shower?

I'm saying just here on Sup Forums, this is going to be big.


That gave me hope


>Herpderp Days

Saturnz Baaaabbz feat. Pobcob.

My favorite single from the new album.

Funny story, had this ugly fucing girl named Abbie in a lot of my classes in HS... SHe was dumb as a bag of rocks, uglier than sin, literally she looked like a Cow fucked a Gorilla, and she was annoying. Kept repeating the same words over and over. She shlicked in the middle of class, fucking disturbing is what that was, she was an 18 year old Potato, and was chunky as hell. God I hated her.

Fucking hell.


Can someone give me the pdf to Ellie Needs to Go? I have the one for Things Ellie Likes already.

Top kek


I saw it being dumped a few days ago, sadly I didn't save it.
Shit's hilarious though.
>Ellie is having a period

I need the one for "Things Tom Likes", can't seem to find it anywhere though.

You gonna share, user?

I need that one too, yeah.