Describe Sup Forums in two words!

Describe Sup Forums in two words!

shower curtain.

Fuck Niggers

literally bisexual


Two words.

It's shit

Worst board

Very nice

Horribly impressive.

Dogshit Taco

Newfags everywhere

fug :DDD

Cancer pit

Shit show

Mother's basement

Fuck you

permanent residence

Back tumors

Seth Rich

Closet homosexuals.

internal faggotry

this thing

I would define Sup Forums as a lot of edgy newfags that want to be as the old members.

But in two words? "Nothing intresting"

arrested development

>only need one


Porn hub

loli feet

Social anxiety

help me

High schoolers

Never Good

Degenerate children.

loser trap

Eh, alright.

Perpetual cesspool

Nigger faggots

backtracked memes

haxxx house

dubs matter


edgy edgelords

only friends



I'm disappoint

Probably can't count

Feminine penis

Sh it

do what?

>>pedo cucks

closet horsefuckers

Cancerous cesspool

Vigorous masturbators

sometimes awesome

Eternally summer

decent mediocrity

Shit show

>>Shit Posting

>>Twat Waffles


Wholesome Fun

Kill me.

posting your dick on a page FULL of 14-16 year old boys is far from being in any closet.
Sup Forums pretty much screams "I love the cock" and traps

Fag cum.

That's some amazing shit right there, back to back double 5's

Fucking gay