About to try out tor for the first time. Anything I should know about / be aware of?

About to try out tor for the first time. Anything I should know about / be aware of?

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What are you torrenting?

no, have fun

The fbi...

nothing is interesting there


most of it is broken links or monitored by various authorities

I heard Sup Forums bans people that use tor on the website.Be careful and use regular browser for the chan.

OP said nothing about torrenting. Why did you assume he's going to torrent something?

And, BTW, torrenting over Tor is incredibly rude because it places a heavy strain on the network.

there's a lot of shit you probably shouldn't look at, it's pretty much useless if you're just trying to look around, too much risk for the fun

don't use windows newfag

this guy knows

It's a proven, undeniable honeypot.

Believe me, if it wasn't.. I'd be on TOR all day everyday.

search hard candy

What about javascript?

I thought the whole reason behind tor was so that you cant be tracked

all the pointers you need here

off nigger. no windows. just dont.

this. i had windows and probably javascript on. webcam turned on by itself while on a sketchy site. never again.

Well windows is all i got. So no tor then?

>It doesn't provide protection
Use a virtual machine and a different OS if you want to do shit, idiot. I tell you, people these days make it too easy


Prove it.

Torrenting with tor is stupid because it requires a direct connection to your computer rendering tor useless

CP is retardedly easy to find, since I assume that's why you're trying it

Rule 41, guys?

You do realize that the FBI can get a warrant on you just because you are using Tor, regardless of what you're' doing with it.

I'd wager that 99% of Tor users aren't savvy enough to protect themselves, and are risking trouble...

Your isp will put you on an fbi watchlist just for launching the application.

you can't with windows
TOR browser is Firefox

Your a liar

There's no Firefox for Windows, eh?

WTF are you on about. Certainly you *can* Tor in Windows.

Doesn't mean you *should*, however...

>FBI can get a warrant on you just because you are using Tor
that's a pretty bold claim
care to back it up with some evidence?

Keep a detailed written record of the sites you visit.

Use linux (on a VM), turn off javascript, use a VPN (you will have to pay for this)

Fuck you caught me

Insult everyone, make everyone know you can't be messed with

first off, they can't, but second, "can" and "are going to" are two separate things

the government watches millions in drug trade happen over tor and simply doesn't care.

Fucking idiot kill urself

Good. .1% won't ever see a warrant. Keep up the tard traffic.

true story. though it may have been some kind of virus or something not necessarily related to tor. it freaked me out regardless.


your garden variety linux distribution is infinitely more penetrable than updated modern windows. there is absolutely no reason not to use windows, you kids just want to feel like hackers. rofl.


This seems way to fucking difficult. All I want to do is look at stuff I shouldnt be looking at

TOR loads with Firefox browser quit trying to be edgy faggot

That's like saying a pile of shit is a better vehicle than a Ferrari.

isn't tails supposed to be the best?

It's just child porn, drugs, and other boring, uninteresting shit. You won't find any of the juicy stuff, as it's highly secretive.

Dude, youre thinking internet explorer but keep saying windows

What the fuck even is the "juicy shit"

>you don't have to buy gas and insurance for a pile of shit tho

the red room

never said windows what is windows anyway I use Edge

Anyone have an opinion on DigitalGangster?

use virtual machine on a flashdrive and good proxies

Don't use Windows OP.

whats windows?

Don't ask me, because I've yet to discover anything.. but I'd assume it's what other people have claimed to find, like morbid human experimentation and other dark stuff, or paranormal material you won't find just anywhere.. but those are just stories, who knows if they are true.. People post lame ass creepypasta fiction all over the place now.. It's cancer and drowns out any real creepiness that may be true.

I learned that if you go to some backwater porn site and keep clicking the "partner site" links at the bottom of the screen, within about 10 minutes of doing so, a nude child pops up
It's kind of worrying how easy it is to access something most people think you need the whole TOR setup to do.
I wouldn't recommend doing this though, as a lot of those sites are essentially illegal.
You'd have to be grade A retarded to save anything you find while doing this too.

none of that stuff exists becuase if it did it'd be on the regular internet.

tor is for finding cp and drugs. that's pretty much it.

No one said it was easy.

Tails is the distro that, get this, had javascript enabled be default. You actually had to turn it off, manually, yourself. Even though any fuck with two neurons to rub together knew damn well it's the worst thing to have enabled with TOR.

It even had a "bug" where it would show javascript was disabled when you tried to disable it, but it wasn't. How convenient.

And sure enough, a javascript exploit was used by the US government to raid TOR, shut everything good down (it's gone forever, user), and imprison hundreds, if not thousands.

It was astonishing.

Anyone who uses tails is asking for it.

search for:
Daisy's Destruction

verify it by watching (you'll know when you see it) download it, then upload to mega and share links with us, here.

Tor has been compromised for some time now by the US government., so not much left that is cool and if you do find something, you are being watched.

If using windows use Tails and thank me later

>And sure enough, a javascript exploit was used by the US government to raid TOR, shut everything good down (it's gone forever, user), and imprison hundreds, if not thousands.

>it's gone forever
but drug markets popped up the next day after silk road was gone and the trade hasn't been impeded in fact there are tons of them now

>imprison hundreds, if not thousands
imprison tens, of child porn traders. good riddance.

doesn't work for chrome book


mv 732827068 /dev/null

Figured as much. lol People just with that there was a real life Dexter streaming live on the deep web.

Sure it will....do a search for Tails

why are you newfags so desperate to see this shit?

Did you not see the huge kiddie porn ring but a few years ago? FBI logged traffic for years and then just one day rounded up dozens of dudes worldwide

they do wish it but the most vile shit that ever exists you can see on facebook and Sup Forums

who do think provides all the kiddie porn, no fbi/no kiddie porn


show me orchestrated crime! NUMBER ONE ANSWER!

cuz i deleted the copy that was posted last night, and I changed my mind, and want another copy

Alright so im OP and all you fuckers did was manage to scare me enough to not use tor. Thanks fags

This happened to me last year in July. I just got un-b&

What's the matter Mr.(s) FBI agent?

Didn't your superiors already fill you in with all the details on how to catch unsuspecting first timers?

proof its secure exists in the multi-billion dollar industry of drugs/guns/cp/etc on there

hwikiiwc4igbolzn.onion/ ? Hidden Wiki


Mods must be asleep. They usually ban all the tor users.

whats this?

Don't fucking give any information about yourself and you'll be untouchable

>whats this?
The Hidden Wiki

So what is tails?

Prepare to be bored shitless. It's a wasteland of dead links.


You create a bootable USB stick with Tor and other security shit on it...

Hi there. May I help you?

Colonel Clusterfuck