How could a coward born with a silver spoon in his mouth speak for the average American?

How could a coward born with a silver spoon in his mouth speak for the average American?

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Why the fuck do I care whether or not he fought in a phony war? I don't. Fuck you.

Life was funny when we were all 12 living in the suburbs listening to linkin park watching dragonball z drinking pepsi while playing halo co-op on the easiest setting during which we consumed doritos and looked at paintball guns on ebay in internet explorer connected through aol on a 56k modem before hopping into our balding fathers' latest midlife-crisis-impulse-sponsored japanese-built suv to head to the mall and get more skateboarding shoes and third-rate irregular levis and mountain bike parts before heading home, voting democrat and masturbating to the latest sears catalog while huffing paint in your garage before talking to ****philes on aim pretending to be whatever camwhore they're ranting about on myspace with a matrix quote/anime character name/triple six-asterisk-parentheses-surrounded screenname before heading to your supposed "good school" in the morning to buy more pot to smoke during your counter-strike lan party with jimmy and the rest of his friends taking ritalin and adderall and prozac eight times a day before taking a casual pass at local, state or national governmential figures, legislature, or structure to appear edgy and intelligent in front of your budweiser-sneaking, limp-wristed, near-to-columbine sociopathic "deep" friends who play the victim when they start losing arguements six days before their botched suicide attempt simply because school tramp number twelve wouldn't go under the bleachers with them to let them get to second base before their thirteenth birthday.

So Obama served in the US military?

> yes, you're this stupid

Muricans are pretty much universially stupid. The smart ones find some place other than murica to live, get citizenship and renounce their murican passports. All thats left is stupid, both sides of the political line

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

lmao fuck I don't know

everything about trump's image he sold was ridiculous but some tards ate that shit up

like the most ridiculous is why were the stormfront fags on his dick so hard?

I think you are a closet cuck who regularly gets fucked in the ass by his uncle and you probably haven't reached puberty yet.

He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth but he does represent the working class. He EMPLOYS the working class. The left, they are too high in openness, they do not care at all about the working class (The majority of people) vs intellectuals in schools "being right".

It is unfortunate how the tug o war of the left and right is so lost in the minutia.

So what about it? Are you going to do anything?

How many people knew who Donald Trumps dad was? How many know his siblings?

He has worked hard to make a mark on this world. I knew about him 20 years ago. This mad knows how to get shit done.

Dude he was given millions of dollars by his father, grab hold of your ancles and pull your head out of your ass

he inherited 100M when his dad died, and $50M when his brother Fred died.

Time to impeach.

Obstruction of Justice.

>Watch. Because moderate republicans will have to, to save their political lives (and every democrat will)

>double's advocate
>ship on your shoulder
>supply and command
>doggy dog world
>petal to the medal

Is this sarcasm?

>lmao fuck I don't know
Dunning–Kruger effect, keep not understanding why blue collar Americans are desperate, and Trump will have a second term.


The smart ones avoid Americas Wars.

Everything about trump is a lie, he's spent his whole life selling a lie to drive his brand

His dad gave him money to start then guaranteed the loans & gave him the connections

The guaranteed loan is what got the building built

He has officially obstructed justice as of today, we are looking at weeks if not days before impeachment.
There are rumors of RICO charges now, the Republican party is fucked.
As an American, we deserve this shitshow.

Electrofish the (gay) swamp.

Actually the story goes that he was a very dedicated soldier according to his drill sergeant but had to leave because of medical issues. He could've been the next pinochet had he not had shit genetics.

hillary should of been president cause trump is racist saying some mexicans are rapists isent true and that makes him racist it doesent mateer if he hire mexicans he still is racist and hillary is good because she is a woman and you are racist

fuggggggggggg whoever got him to pick pence was the smartest person in the group

two scoops, please

>draft dodging and not enlisting are the same
imagine being this retarded guys

trump killl isis , trump is good

Triggered? Lol. Can we all just agree that the government that we have is dysfunctional. Both hilary and donald are idiots. None represent the working class. The United states was never great. You or anyone else who doesnt agree would actually know this if you've read a book or gone to college.Im no libtard. Im just some guy who knows what the fuck is up with the world.

"Employs" if you count being a wage slave as being employed. Fucking hell, how is a born millionaire not silver spoon?

Pence is complicit, they'll find dirt on him

President Paul Ryan
>because you deserve it

people keep bring this up but I don't think they understand....that the white house wanted a feel good story to humanize trump

>dying for dr. shekelstein

Not gonna happen. 1 No president has ever been impeached. 2. Republican in the house would never vote on it. 3. He has done nothing to get him impeached.


and where is the source of this "story"?

get gassed, commies.

Which is what all working class people get when their family members pass away


Is that how you felt about Obama?

We ran shit post WWII for a reason. We didn't have to rebuild bombed out cities and had the infrastructure to become the industrial powerhouse we were.
That was a long time ago.


Still went from being a millionaire to a billionaire.
Most rich kids just blow their inheritances.

In contrast, Hillary made her career by being married to a famous rapist.
>inb4 'i didn't vote for hillary either', normies have a huge blindspot for criticizing stupidity on their own side of the isle if there's a welfare cheque in it for them.

What fucking treason?

No shit. He was the healthiest candidate. The other candidate was literally a side of beef.

Some interview with guy who was his instructor but I think he says it in one of his biographies so take it with a grain of salt

>waaaah wealthy elites are abusing the desires of the working class to gain power and restrict our rights!
>Donald Trump will save us!
cognitive dissonance incarnate

obama didn't make a whole campaign making wild promises he could never deliver on then slowly backing off them and delivering nothing while the same party controls both houses of congress & presidency

You notice how he doesn't even say radical islamic extremist terroism anymore after spending the whole campaign acting like it was a magic power word that you just had to utter to decimate your enemy?

Now he's going to pray in mecca and sell the Saudi's 100 billion in advanced weapons in a few days




Actually impeachment has been done in the past.

there was never a draft that Obama was eligible for faggot


He is only in his first 120 days retard and he has done more than Obama ever could have dreamed of doing. Cutting Planned Parenthoods funding and repeal and replace Obamacare is great news to me


we all hate you, rich and poor alike

Because activist judges blocked the Muslim Ban.


He served two full terms.

I know you are but what am I

Are liberals still butthurt over the election? Seriously children, it's been months, and no they won't find a way to impeach him in the first 4 years.

Neither of those things have happened.......

you mean all the illegals he imploys? quit tryin to deny your cuckery


Hello Comrades! Greetings from America!

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Impending impeachment
>This inconvenient truth will trigger Trumptards


Actually it has

and they are going nuclear on Obamacare


Face it lefty, you guys fucked up by running the criminally stupid Clinton whose long career in government was leveraged into making a fortune. Is is really a surprise that anyone other than Clinton could win by a landslide?


Drumpf will have an 'unexpected' heart attack.
will either die, or be severely incapacitated.

Thanks Russia!

An inconvenient truth for Trumptards, hence the lack of witty and ad hominem replies.

Yup, till we get rid of him

Donald Trump 'asked James Comey to shut down Michael Flynn investigation'

>'He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go,' the President is reported to have said

>inb4 Trumplets defend obstruction of justice


Planned parenthood is still part of the medicaid program as it has always been which is what people are talking about

Republicans don't even have 50 votes........or a bill even to vote the senate to repeal obamacare.

Trump just has photo ops to make it look like he does things when in fact he hasn't

Which is shocking because he said he was going to repeal and replace obamacare on day 1

Strawman and slippery slope fallacies is all the left brings to the tsble



Clinton was impeached for lying about an affair. Trump has yet to be impeached over lying about why he fired the director of the FBI, leading to obstruction of justice. He's also declassified top secret documents entrusted to us by our allies to our allies enemies. These are just in the last few weeks alone. Now who sounds more like a snowflake

I call that tactical espionage, but hey it's not about what you know it's all about who you do.

Instead of working for it as Bill Clinton by getting paid half-a-million or more per speech...
Receiving money from authoritarian middle-eastern governments such as Algeria, serving the military industrial complex including Lockheed Martin (Producer of the F-35 for which costs have gone out of control), and Goldman Sachs.
Paying upwards of half-a-million for a speech makes little sense if they don't get something out of it.

Is that why no Republicans are willing to go on Fox News to defend Trump?


poor rosenstein getting his careered ruined by trump going on the air the next day and incuding trump russia investigation as part of the reason he got rid of comey

Only a fool would get in the middle of trumps self inflicted hurricane



This should be a thread unto itself.


what does the "r" stand for, again?

EPA is getting cut down to size too, thank God. Maybe they can prosecute al Gore for crimes against humanity as well.


bunch of Russian shill nonsense I'm not gonna bother reading Ivan

People talk about Hillary/Obama speaches after they left office

Just imagine how impossible it would be now to catch trump... Any country can send a diplomat to check into one of his hotel rooms @200k a day to pay him off and it would be impossible to figure out


Thank you. Inconvenient truth - the House AND the Senate need to vote to pass a bill before it can be considered eligible to be signed into a law.
>Trumptards forget this and think Obamacare has been repealed

go back and read the constitution asshole


You're one of the newest people I've ever seen.

By listening

All jokes aside, he seems to be finely tuned to responding to what his audiences really want to hear

"By the end of my second term, we'll have the youth so thoroughly brainwashed that they will accept our agenda without question" President Obama is reported to have said

so he's a used car salesman?
wow. what a great president.

Might as well prepare that resignation speech then.

Reported by whom?

"By the end of my second term, we'll have the youth so thoroughly brainwashed that they will accept our agenda without question" President Obama is reported to have said, according to Sup Forums