So im killing myself tonight, been taking ibuprofen every half n hour or so five each everytime...

So im killing myself tonight, been taking ibuprofen every half n hour or so five each everytime, just kind of waiting for the end. Anyone wanna talk er something dyings lonely

Don't do this to yourself user you're better than this.

Yeah user you're better than this, use Tylenol Extra strength

I looked, didnt have any

Fucking /thread

Pick up the phone. Call an ambulance. Not too late to start over. Good luck user


>my sides are in orbit



I killed myself last year by eating a whole tube of neosporin.

Ok I lost

You have nothing to live for?

Great! Start over. Call ambulance, get corrected, leave. Move to another state or another country. Be the person you WANT to be.

You're killing yourself because there's nobody or nothing worth living for, in your eyes.

Fix that.

Or take the cowards way out. Your choice.

Nah im fine with this, im not cut out for this world

OP it gets better. I have severe mental illness (schizoaffective and OCD) and if you told me 5 years ago how good my life would be today I wouldn't believe it. Call 911, get your shit sorted out, and move on with your life.


Point of tactics - go by milligrams, not pill count, or don't go through. Good luck either way.

You should take more than that OP. Also why not do something faster that is going to be such a shit way to go? Like get some much better drugs and put a noose around your neck when you nod out you end up hanging yourself. Or get so drugged and go sit on the railing of the highest local bridge and right when you have no idea what's goin on jump off.

Mmk ive taken over 3000mg at this point, besides what ive been taking everyday for a while

Perhaps actually tie the noose to the bridge so when you fall you snap your neck.



I figure i deserve a shit death, besides wont matter either way once its done. Whats a little bit of pain on the way out

If every 30 minutes is really the case then you should step your intake up. If you are taking 200 mg which I assume you are then you've been going at this for a while. Seems more like a cry for help tbh .

Please include me in the screenshot

Well if i make it somehow maybe ill see things different, till then..

Came here just for this. Wasnt disappointed.

It's a lot of pain bro. Throwing the fuck up until you are dry heaving ( which feels like you are getting stabbed in your sides). You also hallucinate and just wish you were dead tbh. I was overdosing for 2 and a half days it was the worst thing I have ever been through by far.


Ive od'd before i know what its like, im scared of that, besides hallucinations should atleast make life a bit more visually interesting


Also, ffs op, just kill yourself already

Trying friend

OP why are you killing yourself


What's your name young child? Before you rise up into the heavens tell thine name

Dont feel like living anymore, im on the fast track to a shit life, not interested

That's a painful way to go. You should've chosen an easier method


Nice dubs, too bad they're ZEROES... Just like you, lmao. Geez you're a wreck.

Why don't you just live stream yourself taking a whole bottle of caffeine pills? You'll get insanely bad premature atrial contractions and then within minutes one of them will coincide with ventricular repolarization and you'll enter violent a-fib and die immediately. Whole thing shouldn't take more than a minute.

Not too long ago, dubs for pics of my head.
>I headbutted it.

I on the other hand got WORTHWHILE dubs

Down for suggestions, but i have no caffeine pills

>my reaction

If you aren't scared of dying why not do something funny or cool?

all you are going to do is fuck up your stomach, bitch out when it hurts and call 911. Congrats you are still alive but now your life sucks even more.

Fucking retard.

Then just drink shit tons of monster or coffee or sodas, like the kid in the news who died today

Live stream this

What are you feeling like right now OP?

Im going to my shrink tomorrow. Going to let him know im going to blow my head off. Just need 21 other veterans to do it with me.

You dont know who your talking to friend, im not gonna bitch out, what would be the point? To keep living? Missing the point of the thread friend

My whole stomach area is in some pain, but it has been since i started taking the pills days ago

Telling your shrink you're going to kill yourself is just a cry for attention

Either you just do it and keep it to yourself or you use it to get attention for whatever is going on

Dude you clearly don't want to end it if you are going to a shrink. They will end up baker acting you or some shit and you know it. If you really want help check yourself in somewhere .

Tell me more. Are you in school? how old are you?do you have a job?do you have a girl friend? Anything that makes you happy during the day?

You won't do it faggot.

No seriously, It will fuck up your internal organs but you are very unlikely to die unless you are allergic.

Retard and an attention whore.

Grow the fuck up and realize that life isn't all roses and if you aren't happy you are the one who has the power to change that.

Seriously, don't be a moot and quit. You contribute nothing to the world that way. All you'll become is dust and echos

Im 20, i have a decent job i dont mind, my life in general is great by alot of standards, i just want to die, its on my mind always even if im feeling good


Live stream it. Die faggot

Wont know less i try


Fuck me, you got me
Kek'd hard

Using reverse psychology much? Good job

Oh no it worked, im cured :^)

/thread af


Sweet. I knew it. Now go get your stomach pump or drink Milk. Get on Tinder and meet a bitch :)

I only drink milk

Have you tried antidepressants? Seeing a therapist?

Honestly I wouldn't quit. GTA 5 is to much fun. Think of your brother and mom crying that always stops me.

That dosen't make any sense to me and its a stupid reason to end your life in my opinion
you should start your life all over again or take atleast a different Path
Life is worth living for

Yep the whole list, everything, even some that helped a little, but none of it was really useful to me

Don't listen to them op. Existing is exhausting. If you're this depressed, there's only one way out, and it's through the noose :)

So your doing this to get fucked up and have a reason to want to kill yourself? gotcha.

Just visualize something for me. Some where out there is some person who is absolutely miserable, horrid living conditions, family was murdered, lives in extreme poverty, and they are sick and dying. But they wish nothing more than to keep living and hope for a better life. They could be the nicest person anyone has ever met and they certainly deserve to live, its unfair what happens to them.

But if you go ahead and waste your life for no reason that makes you a selfish prick.

It doesnt have to make sense to you, and i know it doesnt really but its how it is

lol ibuprofen takes like a week to kill from OD. Ypi are fucked. Should of taken 5 grams of DPH.

As someone who has been thinking about doing it for a while this always gets me. At least for now I am not selfish enough to destroy my parents lives because I am a depressed little bitch. If I had a bad relationship with them I probably would have done it by now.

Wow no shit, this is true. I did that also. Now I'm in Korea with the Army fucking hoes. Also you should check out the JRE podcast with Guy Richie on YouTube.

At least go shoot up a school or something pussy

Oh no the whole the suicide is selfish shtick, fuck off, those people you describe are fools why choose to live a shit life, its stupid

Ibuprofen? Why be a pussy about it? It's almost like you want to be found and get your stomach pumped. Get a belt and Robin Williams yourself, you half-assed faggot.

Please get some help. Suicide is not the way.

If i could get a gun id just shoot myself, that just sounds like effort

Not like this, ibuprofen is going to be super painful and take a really long time

leave a suicide note that says you did because marijuana is illegal

Op here, honestly if this doesnt work out ill just bleed myself or something, maybe give you guys something to look at atleast

Well it is your choice, i wish you best of luck in your life and hope you will change your mind
Take care yourself


I have a friend who survived the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia, he barely survived with nothing left to live for, lost everything.

He is the happiest most positive person you could ever meet. If you were to ever tell him you were not happy or having a bad day he would explain to you that is in fact a good day and he has not seen a bad day since he escaped that tragedy.

Everything is about reference frame, if you think life is not worth living you need to adjust yours.

Nice dubs again you queer.
If this isn't in the news tomorrow, everyone in this thread, and the universal spirit, will know u pussied out of this.

Im dub king

OP carve Sup Forums into your chest before you kick it, you will be remembered as an hero we always needed.

No you're not, you're just a pathetic excuse for life and you should off yourself immediately.

I dont want to look like a faggot when i die but thanks for the suggestion

Wow im trying fuck off man

nigga od on a lot of benadryl. you need to take like 20 grams of ibuprofen to just get the ld50, and it takes a few days to die. At least with benadryl you will trip balls before you go out. if you do a combo you have a higher mortality rate


Frame someone you don't like into murdering you, fags won't see it coming

Ok for you i will do this