How can I summon a demon?

How can I summon a demon?

Call your mom.

invite your mother-in-law over

Not the answers.

Why would you say that? You don't know what his question is?

>believes demons exist

I bet you listen to ICP...right?

I'm right here OP

you can't summon something that isn't real you 15 year old.

Play justin beiber music in your house. It'll be like one is right next to you screaming awful lyrics making you want to kill yourself.

you can guarantee this kid is praying to milenko every night

12 year old inbound

Well kids clearly OP is a colossal faggot...I'm out

and tell her to fuck off

the fuck is a milenko

like the god of the juggalos or some gay shit

>"12 year old inbound"
please, kill yourself nigger.

sharpen my edges, child.

that's pretty fucking put a gun in your mouth and paint the ceiling gay

...your wife likes it. (OP)

go to /x/ idiot

What is ICP?

Need your help. (OP)

I ever tell you about the time I made a bitch out of your daddy sport? Let me tell you he's got a real taste for the cock, sucks it real deep, ya know? Goodtimes.

>google motherfucker
something about clowns and gay sex

first of all, you must have a clean and pure soul, since you are in Sup Forums i doubt you have access to that tipe of thing, and, no, a baby soul is not pure, is tainted by the so called original sin
that means that you have to build a sacrifice deposit pot before any ritual can be made, you have to claim several tainted souls until you have enougth material to destille a pure soul

oooooh wizard level go on

No, you never told me that tale... But stories like that don't interest me. To each his own.

Yeah, nah, all you cunts saying demons are bullshit are fucked. Give one a real reason to come and prepare to shit your pants.

They don't just come for nothing because there is a balance that the other realm works off.

demons dont exist

Thanks! Not everyone on Sup Forums is a jackass. (OP)

shit (human), semen (human) and blood (human).

I'll give you the ingredients but not the recipe, figure that out for yourself.

the so called ritual killings is a way to build the deposit pot, but is hard to get by and dont get found by the police, so it can take years to archive a significant result

when was the last time you saw one?

Have a child and give him all he/she wants

About a year ago. From what I understand from personal experience they are not "evil" do much as narcissistic and bored.

This kind of stuff isn't a joke, kid.
Don't do anything you may regret

When you do.. summon the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny for me, them niggers owe me money!

I'm 46 years old auctully... and my life has been unfullfilling. Which is why I'm turning to such desperate measures. If I can only summon my inner-demon... This would be satisfactory. (OP)

SSooooo SSoooo close

if you had changed "off" to "you" it would have been great

you can't because they are not real

The first thing I thought of was to post my ex wife's phone number.

Sez who? What defines reality?

turn off all the lights find a sacrifice preferably your mom get 5 mirrors and one laser align the mirrors so when you turn on the laser so that it makes pentagram while bouncing off the mirrors get in the center and say 3 times chin chin