Do we have any HEMA practitioners lurking around on Sup Forums?

Do we have any HEMA practitioners lurking around on Sup Forums?

Any LARPers? SCA? BOTN? Sport Fencers?

When did you get into the sport? What gear to do you use?
What wepons systems do you prefer?
Post vids, links and other cool shit

Larp and kendo
4 years ago
For Larp I use rapier with buckler
Best system is honor system. If you belive you've been killed, you've been killed


I just started HEMA about three weeks ago
Learning Italian Longsword
It's a lot harder than it looks


Sure bruh lemme just sit down real quick

Did I just see fucking sparkage?


Happens alot bro

I never saw anyone who started out with Italian. Most learn German longsword first.

That makes the fights go on longer m8.

I was looking at a HEMA club near here might check it out. I have a collection of a few swords, thought it'd be cool to learn how they where historically used.

I've gone to SCA events with a friend before but they're just too much of a joke for me, loved the archery and weapons stuff, but the whole roleplay medieval court and "sword fighting" was ridiculous.

The HEMA club near me apparently covers everything, German Longsword would be my main interest though.

bump with pic of current swords, feel free to laugh or whatnot

Second sword is best sword. Hand and a half all the way

That was my first one, I liked it, and received it as a present. Although compared to the 2 below it's quite a bit heavier than the two below it

I do sabre sport fencing but id really like to try HEMA. Shame there's no clubs near

Huh, never would have thought it's be heavier. Though I can see it

Yes. I'm waiting for my ride to training tonight.

We mainly study British military sabre and Meyer's Longsword and Rapier

Yeah, on 2nd look it's approximately the same weight as the bottom one, but heavier than the 2nd from bottom, it's the balance of the other 2 that make the difference. I think the distal taper, and longer grip has a lot to do with that though

>and Rapier

Which master?

Swords are pretty good but the problem with the sword is the lack of range.
Bow and arrow are good in long range but is quite useless in short range and on top of that if you miss your arrow then you just have a bow.

The best weapon during these times was the boomerang. You can use it as a club in short range and throw it really far and kill people at long range.
The best part with it is that even if you miss it will come right back and might hit your target in the back or worst case all the way back to you and you can throw it again. It is probably the best thing the indians ever came up with.
Too bad guns took over or we might have had a different world.

>Meyer's Longsword and Rapier

Oh, ok.

They just mailed me and my partners feder wasters so we should be getting back on track next week. Only piece of gear we lack is proper helmets atm