Any medfags here?

any medfags here?
How much alcohol can I put in my ass without getting colon cancer?
asking for a friend

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cancer won't be that much of a problem
you'd rather die of alcohol-poisoning

i'd like to hear the medical staff tho if they hear from the guy who got asscancer from pouring alcohol in his bum

20vodkas should be enough

Your "friend" should better ask for alcohol poisoning ....

it doesnt matter how much alcohol you put in your ass the bacteria will make sure you are safe. so you can get as drunk as you want to and just empty as many bottles in there as you like!

have fun op! impress your friends with it!

Source: GF is nurse
You won't get ass cancer. It's hard as fuck to dose your intake + it goes instantly in your blood so if you fuck up (and it's really easy to fuck up) you'll go in coma/die.

I mean like, if you expose your rectum to alcohol often enough, wouldn't that do something?

thanks, I'll tell him that

how much alcohol is too much? half a fifth?

>half a fifth
Fucking Americans. And nobody can tell you. It depends on so many factors. Just fucking ingest it like a normal person. If you want to get drunk quicker, drink through a straw. It touches the roof of your mouth which is filled with blood vessels which result in getting drunk quicker.

i really don't think there' s data for that kinda thing

i only know of that one guy who developed swallowing-problems
he was an alcoholic and poured whiskey in his ass and died pretty much instantly

your intestines shoot that shit right to your blood, so you have a hard time, and less experience, dosing the alcohol
just drink it man

There is no safe number, it will effect everyone differently.

alcohol poisoning is not fun

do not attempt

3 alcohols

that's not how getting drunk works
you can't shoot up alcohol

it has to hit your liver first

Are you fucking dense?
>never said anything about shooting up
And how the fuck do you think the alcohol gets to all the organs? Maybe via fucking blood? You fucking dumb nigger, go pour a bottle of vodka in your ass and die. Human waste.

well, it's not but it's easier than getting hard drugs

that's just overkill

We'd drink alcohol if there is enough alcohol, honestly


do it the old fashioned way, 2 drops at a time until you start stumbling and clutching your heart from organ failure

When I was in middle school girls used to soak the tampons in vodka. Idk if they got vagina cancer but I bet it burned like fuck.

take syringe and check it yourself
start with 10ml vodka assshots and check how youre getting drunk

I've never boofed alcohol. I've been wanting to try. How would I go about doing it? How much?

>>Americans are so pussy that they can't even drink alcohol
>>putting it up your arse is a normal thing

I've read the stories. usually you faggots use tampons soaked in booze. Pretty fitting really, considering you're all massive pussies.

not knowing it will bypass your liver if you take it up the ass so without the liver doing its job HUGE chance of alcohol poisoning coma and death.

Do you guys mean that we can kill someone with just filling his anus with whiskey or something like vodka? is instant kill possible?

you could also kill someone by buying rubbing alcohol and mixing it with a beer and making them chug it

Plenty of inventive ways to murder people, unfortunately poisoning gets you a long prison sentence

Requested med fag here (medic)

Chemicals absorbed rectally skip first past metabolism in the liver. As a result alcohol through this route is much more potent and easily lethal

Nah it's totally safe I do it every weekend and it feels awesome

All of it

How much would you say the average person would have needed to ' consume ' before there was any danger of poisoning ?

Thanks medfag


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>"How much alcohol can I put in my ass without getting colon cancer?"
>Close Sup Forums

It's like my grandad always said:
You don't put wine where the sun don't shine.

myth says youre getting 10 times more drunk like that , maybe drinking ethanol is a waste of it ?

the real question is why would you ever want to put it in your arse when you can drink it? I swear fucking americans want to put everything in their asses

is anyone else having problems uploading pictures ?

is anyone else having problems uploading pictures ??

That's funny because my grandad always said;
Boy, you don't put beer in your rear.

wow edgy

Obviously you've never been dependent on something, boofing drugs is the best way to take them - most bioavailability, fast absorption, dont need to taste them

yes and posting generally

taste is one of the best things unless you are drinking some cgeapest shit butt yeah i dont do drugs and rarely alcohol so you know better i guess

Imma have to shutdown Sup Forums again if this faggotry keeps up.


I know for a fact I'd out drink you and all your cucklord brethren. Get cucked by more brown people you double nigger

maybe like 1-20ml mixed into 1-2 liters of water over the course of an hour

30-40 units will kill you, depending on size, metabolism ect. It's just quicker up the arse

well 1 tampon of 80proof will get you smashed, so 2-3 times that is way too much.

That's a coincidence because my granddad died before I got a chance to meet him.

This is what happens when all alcohol are consumed through the anus.

this. as a guy you just put the tampon in your ass and it keeps you from having alcohol on your breath


Not to moralfag but you really need to think about getting some help if you're asking strangers how to put booze in your ass...

This is too subtle, holy fuck.


Let's cut the crap. It's for you.
Now, just go ahead and drop trow and post pics for the winrar

1. get tampons
2. dip one in alcohol(strong, like vodka)
3. stick it in the pooper
4. ???
5. profit

Some teens do that shit, you won't die from it.

False, a stupid friend did this "to get fucked up" his stomach lining and throat we're thinned or someshit and he can't drink regular alcohol no more for being retarded. Vomited blood and purple (grape soda, was not nigger)

Won't get cancer. Using alcohol anally will prevent any alcohol from getting filtered out by your kidneys, and you'll get alcohol poisoning. Do not do it.

You can shoot up alcohol

This. Don't go more than 20, though.