Why is CIV 6 so crappy?

Why is CIV 6 so crappy?

Because you have shit taste

I didn't play it yet


clown visuals, and AIs are even more unpredictable making policy and diplomacy pointless

CIV IV is where it's at

You obviously don't belong in this thread, get out

I still play civ 4 despite the shit tier combat system.

yeah, the viduals look like they're from a cartoon. The only thing that I found positive was the comprehensive interaction screen.

civ 5 is fun enough. the ai is pretty stupid though.


I enjoy 5 the most tbh


>Civ5 for casuals/normies
>Civ4 for the above but who prefer doomstacks
>Civ2 for autists, vets and dadgamers

Civ II is best civ

Don't be an idiot like Sup Forums.... Civ V with ALL expansions is the best. Civ IV vanilla is the best vanilla.

But fuck, I loved Civ II.

Did they ever fix the memory leak?

>Still playing 4x and pretending to be of superior intellect when Factorio exists

so they ca sell you CIV VII

bad AI
half-baked UI

>Not playing civ II

I am about to purchase my first Civ game. Should I go with IV complete or V?

IV complete is $7 on gog right now. Civ V complete is much more.

Either way, which is the better game for a newcomer?

played through it once... I really have no desire to play it again. I honestly can't believe it's even known enough to generate a hate topic after all this time.


Civ V complete is crazy expensive. Civ IV complete is 7 bucks

still missing half the features and civs that made civ 5 great. absolutely retarded ai thats at best unpredictable and at its worst incredibly unfair , plus the useless policy / government tree that adds little to the game.

The best thing they did with civ6 was the religion victory.
I can deal with the mobile game style visuals, except the mini map is a brown mess thats illegible.

>7 bucks
It was one dollar in the humble bundle, together with civ 3

You can learn both pretty easily. I have 5, and it's alright. My cousin has 4, and he says it's superior because of the espionage system.

I like 5 because there are tons of modded civs on the workshop, such as Spiderman, Gwyn, The Emperor, House Lannister, and many more. Don't know about civ 4 mods.

They also charged people like $80 for a incomplete game.

IV absolutely

I still play 4.

Civ 5 was shit as well until the expansions made it great. Maybe 6 needs an xpac like BNW as well.

civ 4 had good mods, but the community really took civ 5 and ran with it and made its replay value insane.

i kind of like it but havent played in a while

found it quite annoying that the districts took so long to build

They need to add about 15-20 new civs, and 20-30 new leaders still to make it worth buying. The scenarios are pretty fun but not worth 15$.which is why i will always torrent this game until its worth my money

Civ V is like $12 on kinguin/g2a

Might as well have said it's free if you pirate it, it's better to do that than to buy a stolen copy.

Only played Civ V (love it) and from the graphics Civ VI doesn't look that different, is it still better though?

Can someone link me a torrent :) want to play

just buy it poorfag

>TFW bought civ 5 but too dumb to get into the game

KEK not wasting my money on a game half the people said are shit dumb nigger, go back to africa

Cartoon look..... obnoxious gameplay & controls.

I was like that at first, too, just keep messing around with everything until you get it

Let's change this thread to why Factorio is best

What is factorio. I mean I know the game but I just don't understand how it's fun.


I want to own my game, not DRM steam keys.

Gog or pirate is the only way to own.

is anyone else having problems uploading pictures ?

Its an autist game... its practically a giant mini game. its retarded.

Can't you connect your gog account with a steam account and have them convert some of your games to gog games?

No, it's only you


we've got to the point where the ai should be pretty good..instead its not.
you move too close to their boarders? war.
You have a wonder before them? war.
A city state favors you more? war.

you cant even get a decent trade with anyone. literally all the other civs try and shaft you as hard as possible.
also..why the fuck cant military units attack religious units..its fucking dumb.

eurofag or americunt?

Im not sure, I don't have steam. I have been out of the loop for nearly a decade. Getting back into PC gaming. Learned about DRM and always online connection. Learned about Gog vs Steam. Steam has way more Games, Gog is Slowly catching up.

Why buy games you don't even own? At that point, just pirate. That's why I use gog. Legit games you own. instead of paying for a license to play, until they decide otherwise.

I was told VI was a step back because females were involved in the development. Is this true?

Short answer, because the game designer is bad and they never seem to learn. My guess is that the game designer is one of the casual players and made a game for casual players who enjoy point and click games isntead of strategy games.

Poor strategy, cheating AI as always but its also really incompetent. Big balance issues and they simplified the game to attract new casual players.

On top of that they removed tons of options that where in civ4. Demographics and stats you could use to figure out stuff, where the enemy planted and so on. Civ4 sure was flawed but instead of making that better they made civ5 that is a pile of shit and civ6 is pretty much the same game, a modified civ5.


I can. You did something wrong chief.

Hm, no.

Not even through origin?

Some months ago, bought it but never activated.

thread is derailed as fuck.

nobody cares about the other civs you fucking hipster fanbois. the question is why did they fuck up 6 so bad?

i've spent many hours trying to get into 6, shit just seems like poor design. too much packed in it's like you have to play epic speed just to experience what's in the game. standard speed you don't get a second district in a city til turn 100 and thats as long as you keep growth under control

eh stopped caring about DRMs way back in 2009 and just accepted it. I've had no problems with Steam for the 5 years that I've had an account

From what I read on Sup Forums it was SJW bullshit that screwed 6, that and casuallizing it to the extreme. It's a casualized, SJW, cartoon now. Hardly the civ game we all know and love.

change female to SJW and we have a nice b8 m8

But is it true. I wasn't baiting, I just thought there was talk of some women getting involved and doing some non-gamer friendly choices.

Maybe they were/are SJW. I dunno.

Most civfags like IV the best. Personally, I prefer V. IV is a deeper game, so if you are into strategy games, go with IV. The main thing I prefer about V over IV is the lack of unit stacking. Waging an effective offensive war in IV was a nightmare because any competent opponent would be able to put you at a massive disadvantage. You had to significantly outgun and outmaneuver them just to barely win. In V, you can't stack military units, so they can't just stack a rock, paper, and scissors onto one tile, making you always fight whatever counters you.

I would go for IV if you are well into strategy, but V if you aren't. Don't buy vanilla V though, buy complete. I've heard vanilla V is awful.

because it needs a few addons (as usual)

its not that bad

bro...seriously tell me how you did it because the bloody game wont install because i read that windows 10 disables some shitt that exposed itself that black and white 2 uses...some program that gives out backdoor exposure to your pc...i bought a new badass rig just so i can play that game again but i cant....windows 7 yeah but not 10. SO how u do et man?

endless legend

>bought a badass new rig
>to play black & white 2

IV is great except for stacks of doom and the retarded way it handles siege units / artillery (having to suicide them into stacks to cause damage)

If there's a mod that changes that I'd love to have it. Even better if the mod also limited stack sizes, because Kublai Khan loves to create massive stacks of doom everywhere and you can barely fight back.

Stuff takes FAR too long to build, compared to scientific advances. You're researching a new tech every few turns, while it takes like 500 years to build a granary or whatever and it just seems off.

The AI is utterly irrational to the point that bothering with diplomacy at all is a waste of time and it doesn't know how to fight you either.

Also I miss cultural borders: they were a great passive-aggressive way to fight other Civs without actually declaring war.

What about Civ3???


Played alot Civ3 PTW but it had big issues with the game going out of sync and you cant reconnect to the game. It had an even worse multiplayer support than civ4 belive it or not. They always neglected MP.

I don't anyone ever played it.

I like IV more, but the mechanics of V will ease you into the newer releases easier as it was a major departure from IV.

I'm a fan of the lack of stacks in V, but I would have preferred something like needing to build defensive structures in cities instead of letting players drop bullshit balls of spit in a single turn.

Because they've yet to implement a lategame. Without something like UN lategame is just transport

Rise of mankind/ rise of mankind: a new dawn fixes some of this while expanding the complexity as well. I really enjoyed it but it take for fucking ever to do anything. Also civ IV AI can't into unit stack caps so using that option in single player is sort of pointless.

i have civ 3 on CD user you can borrow it just remember to give it back

It's a game about managing shit. Basically, you start on an alien planet, and have to build your way to launching a satellite, but it's more of a sandbox game. Get's really addictive, I'm just shit at explaining things. Just manage a giant, outdoor factory, and keep safe from aliens, or invade them with tanks and flamethrowers.

>Playing anything but Alpha Centauri
Come on, Sup Forums


i have a relatively decent rig but CIV V and CIV VI turns just take for fucking ever. CIV IV is much faster.

trust me i know, i manly did it for the new Deus EX but i really wanted to play that game again whebn i bought a new pc, i dint want to switch from windows 7 to 10 becuase it cannot play that game and that was almost a deal breaker for me.......

it's pretty funny at first, and I do quite enjoy it from time to time, but it's repetitive and a grindfest

Are you pretending to be retarded?

Fuck no. I love civ and I've been playing it since Civ 1 on SNES. I bought into the hype and went for Endless Legends but I was massively disappointed.

The game is just not fun. The strategy depth is ok, but it feels so underwhelming. In civ you can actually sit down and rejoice on the power of your empire, but in EL everything feels so foreign. You're not building a nation, you're just min maxing some points and killing some monsters.

I should have saved that money and just bought Civ 6 instead.

Get all when steam has a sale. They should be having one in the next month or 2. I got the first five for like 10 or 12 bucks but that was before 6 was out. Then you can see what you like

you can't just blame SWJ's for everything.

They can't possibly responsible for bad UI and useless AI.

More likely the publisher had them rush them game out for financial reasons.

Fuck you steam is for artists. Only idiots use steam. GTFO summerfag

Because the entire game industry has been outsourced to the lowest bidder: Malaysia.

God tier game. Shame Beyond Earth fell so hard.


Butthurt loser mad at steam because his comp crashes.

the is the laziest bait i've ever seen.


>not civ1

Fuck you. Steam is for pussies. No skill. Ps4 is where gaming is at. It does it all and then some and it's 1/10th the price of the cheapest PC. Fucking losers