Did some late night Encyclopaedia Dramatica surfing, and I discovered the legend himself, Chris-chan...

Did some late night Encyclopaedia Dramatica surfing, and I discovered the legend himself, Chris-chan. What can you guys tell me about him and his work, and how bad Sonichu is? Also general internet losers thread.

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Very little. Sup Forums has always been newfag central.

Go onto DeviantArt to see Sonichu stuff. He also has a YouTube channel called "Cwcville Guardian".

Why is this the second Chanfag thread I've seen today? Something is amiss..

>Dramatica surfing, and I discovered the legend himself, Chris-chan

Literally only responding because you got trips. If you found the ED page then fucking read stupid. It's archived practically everything he's done from slipping on cat shit in barbies dreamhome nightmare to the time he told his mom he wanted to be a fag.

Here you go, OP, a complete wiki detailing every part of his life:



P-p-p-p-powerbook is funnier. Chris Chan the Christian just ended up getting tedious.


Yeeeeah, so I looked it up. That's not really that funny.

Chris-chan may be dying soon from that taint infection that split

>Tfw he's gonna use it as a pussy

I keep thinking about that fucking wound. How is he not dead from septicaemia yet?

I didn't know what I was expecting
But wow

hhmm.... yeah.... *sighs*

chris is able to manifest his own will merely by sighing and ignoring reality around him.

by pure autism and binaural beats he will turn his taint wound into a vagina and you cannot stop him with your "medical" reality.

There is an extreme amount of information on chris-chan. Christorians pretty much found out what he did every day of his life, mainly because he gives out personal information about himself all the time.

He's now in a transgender phase but he doesn't respond much to trolls anymore. He is pretty much dead inside beyond repair.

Just check out the documentary to get to know the basics. Any details can be found on his wiki on www.sonichu.com

The last big event was him freaking out over sonic having blue arms in a new game and assaulting a gamestop employee because of that. After that I guess people stopped caring about him.

that shit was hilarious. Wtf why do I miss this faggot now?

Dude seems to defy medical reality. He stays in one spot playing with toys and only leaves the house to get fast-food. How is he not completely falling apart at age 35?

Check out his lesser known and underrated music


grammy nomination when?

>newfag doesnt know about chris chan

omfg what did i expect? this is the new Sup Forums. everyone is a newfag here.

Get a load of this faggot


It's actually really sad, he's struggling to survive with his elderly mom.