Sup lil fellas how yall doin today?

Sup lil fellas how yall doin today?


When you're so insecure you have to talk shit on short people who arent even that short. Hows the micro dick?


But John 117 is exactly 2 meters tall without armor, 7 feet with it, OP. I call shenanigans.

fuck me jerry

Why are manlets so pathethic?

why are you such a twat?

Op probably thinks its a real person and not a statue

6.2 here. Feels good.

Isn't 5'7 and below manlet? I'm 5'8 and it's alright, I guess?

Nope. Kill yourself.

>Still using the imperial system

6'6" here and youre both pathetic jokes who should kill themselves

>your country uses metrics, hasn't been to the moon

LOL when 5'11 and I tower over everybody.
Anyone below 6'0 is a manlet though, true fact.

Lanklets BTFO

5'3" n wld crack ur fuckin head

Lanklet shits

6`4" and still growing b!tch


>What lanklets look like to normal human beings.

A more accurate lanklet interpretation

enjoy arthritis in a few years bean pole

This is how you look if you are over 6'0

your just the right height for me to smack you right in the balls

>Implying tall people are retarded
Wew lad.

The blood takes longer to get up there.
By definition they are handicapped and most tall people are dumb as rocks.

Manlets detected

manlet is more a state of mind than anything. I'm 5'10" and I would hate to be taller.

POG reporting in, I might be short, but my money long XD, she ain't looking at my size, she looking at my phat pockets fam

omfg i just lmfao
i wish you good luck today

Lanklets BTFO

Just look at danny devito and all the bitches he be getting

i'm seriously dying here


Holy shit these lanklet jabs are hysterical

Why is it that only manlets care about height?

Ok fam, what ever u say,

i'm 5'3 and i just don't give a shit
i think it's how you view the world

So OP, the guy on the rights head is 3" high?

I'm 6'2", used to be lanky but now I've got a more filled body type due to active job and working out. Means some things are a bit difficult though. It's hard finding shirts that fit my shoulders that aren't huge around the middle (XXXL shoulders, but only 34 inch waist). 15 inch biceps when resting, can't use those blood pressure testing machines. Pants fit at 34 34, but thighs are too tight with today's styles. Even "loose fit" jeans fit skin tight.

Clothing designers assume anybody over 6' is lanky.

Shirts are the worst dude. Im 6'2" too and I'm neither scrawny not built and I have to choose between buying shirts that fit me length wise but fit loose or shirts that fit me well but are too short
>Mfw I want to be a manlet

Not too bad, thanks for asking