What was the Best thing youve ever seen on Sup Forums?

What was the Best thing youve ever seen on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


For your sake I hope is is unrelated.

We're hitting newfag levels that shouldn't be even possible

There's a hilarious banana image I see here sometimes.


The boxxy wars
Or dusty




Cheese pizza

Wasn't that good


not the best thing but saw
lotus boob that shit fucked me up
some nude baby with some guy squating and taking a shit on it
people being killed which fucked me up as well
people dying
gay sex
death pics
never really seen fucked up cp or even cp the mods are working hard lol
saw a lot of the celeb leaks which were excelent

not the best thing but saw
lotus boob that shit fucked me up
some nude baby with some guy squating and taking a shit on it
people being killed which fucked me up as well
people dying
gay sex
death pics
never really seen fucked up cp or even cp the mods are working hard lol
saw a lot of the celeb leaks which were excelent

Also got introduced to gee gee gee gee gee thanks to Sup Forums now my life is even better lol

could it be... THIS ONE?!?!?

i found this


That was a fun recent thread

kind of sad i wonder how her friends and family felt about that

truly sad



Fuck sad...
This is Sup Forums
And some bitch ratted it out almost instantly and the pictures were taken down.
It was more fucked up that op posted her name and it was all on her death anniversary.

Nice tripps

You know. I've been here since 2006.

It's time I go.

chek'd you glorious bastard

ywar, singles

Didn't screen cap it but this one was fun.

When Sup Forums found out Boxxy was dead.


works! thanks again since 2007

A dude jerking off at a pizza place



This was a sketch in the BBC comedy show newman and baddiel in pieces.

oh lawd


It was a running gag throughout the show iirc

>ISIS post training video
>Sup Forums sees is
>use weaponized autism to locate training site via google earth
>tweets at member of the RUAF
>airstrike the area killing the terrorists
They later used these skills to BTFO Shia LeCuck in the greatest game of capture the flag ever


Naked little girls



silly user, you're here forever remember?

Lots of terrible funny fucked up comments and memes. But the best I think is when the thread for raiding Microsoft's AI went up and totally fucked it up. That thing was racist as shit because of /b. But the best part were the articles that came after: 'Stanford scientists find out why Microsoft AI was racist' 'the downside to AI' and a slew of other articles using that corrupted AI for a story. They never did the research or came to realize it was force fed /b's autism by human hands. I eat up every bit of bullshit analysis they put out saying otherwise.