I'm really sick of this shit...

I'm really sick of this shit. I understand no one fucking cares or no one has to hear what I say or what I do and why I do it. But I do and now I will speak about it. Sup Forums, you're all a bunch of hypocrites either FBI, NSA, & CIA! I didn't come this way just so people could get rid of me I came this way so people will understand why I do things that normal people wouldn't do. Why must you hurt each? Why must you attack the person you don't know? "A stranger"! Look at me here! I may be a stranger to you but I want you to understand! I'm not what people think or see what I am! I'm a human being that wants respect from people! That's means: End racism, end poverty, help poverty, help the people, create teams, &a create jobs communities and all this structurial environment! People weren't met for a brink of destruction people were meant to built including animals. That's why we're the only ones with greater intelligence. I sound crazy yes I do but I wanna save everyone. I want people not just create but breed a family, make a colony one another I want people to dream something so impossible that it's not just dank memes posted on Sup Forums! But memes IRL where it's not just a log of shit it's a log of many logs to flush down the toilet. Please Sup Forums! I want to save you I want to be with a community with you so we can build civilization together! Stop living the madness! I know what I did wrong! Enough with the stupidity of fighting you're not just destroying me you're destroying yourself. Get mad fag cause you should be mad at what you're not really doing and is helping the people, the kids, the family and the company of stocks and business!

Too long didn't read.


Yeah OP Is a fag

Long story short:

OP is a beta teenage that thinks his opinions will fix the world.


Go back to your fish bowl, user. You're drunk.

tl;dr sage

Sum it up in a sound

I feel you. People need to educate themselves about the planet and ways to end meaningless genocide, famine, war, etc. We live in a time we're people get too content just being "average people", we have the the ability to create a better future. I hope that one day, we will all rise to create a better life in this planet.

The people rejecting your opinion without discussion are the ones that need to grow up.


Off his meds more like!

DEA, scumbag.

>memes IRL are not just a log of shit

>End racism, end poverty, help poverty, help the people, create teams, &a create jobs communities and all this structurial environment!

Yes, because niggers and beaners with a 70-80 IQ are going to cut it in a Western knowledge-oriented economy, and it's totally not going to cost 40k/student/year to try to make a quarter of these "people" useful in modern society. And as for solving poverty, why that's easy! It's just like trying to remove all the whale piss from the ocean.

I really can't be bothered to respond to the rest of your retarded rambling - all I know is the fact people like you can broadcast this shit makes me wonder if maybe the internet wasn't a good idea.

>implying this isn't the civil discussion OP's opinion merits

Wealth is what causes poverty.

i help poverty every day through buying crack cocaine from my neighborhood black man

You are literally retarded.

I don't expect someone who copypastes Sup Forums memes to understand with a single degree of depth anything about politics or economics.

>libtard here
I may disagree with you on some points, and find a few points of agreement with OP, but at least you're not a raving lunatic. There is no way we'll solve the more urgent problems in our world without rational, calm consideration. If OP wants to "stop living the madness" he'll need major psychiatric help. Otherwise, madness lives him.

Someone complains about injustice in the world, how inconvinient. We better isolate him from the sane rest of the population (refer to the other posters in this thread).

When you prepend your arguments with delusional ranting, it's difficult to take anything that follows seriously.

Work on your delivery. Short paragraphs, pithy greentext, citations to back up your thesis (in followup posts, not the OP) and try to bury the crazy a little deeper.

Also, if you're going to use memes to attack memes, try to find ones that target everyone, rather than (e.g. Flag burning) shit nobody cares about.

Someone who complains that NSA/CIA/FBI are out to get him, (whose name ain't Snowden) doesn't inspire much confidence.

Not OP, but if you are not going to bring constructive discussion on the pertinent subject (basically because you don't care), why aren't you being useless in a porn thread instead?

I am giving OP advice that would help him get his ideas across, if he could listen. Why are you complaining about my posts instead of bringing constructive discussion yourself?

''Wealth is what causes poverty'' was my post not OP's, to which you responded ''you are retarded (literally)'' which doesn't contradict or explain anything. End of discussion.

Or we could just bring porn to this thread

> build a community
Go back to plebbit faggot. We want to watch the world burn

The liberals are blocking EVERY ATTEMPT Trump makes to better this country.
They incite mass hysterious with NO EVIDENCE and continue to push the narrative on pure speculation WITH NO EVIDENCE as they investigations go unobstructed (finding yet again NO FUCKING EVIDENCE).

They want us to turn on each other so a foreign power can kick us when we are down and turn into a globalist society.

Liberals are trying to destroy this country and they are getting close to starting a Civil War..

Conservative WILL win and we WILL kill all of you fucking liberal scum.

Either stop drinking your fucking CNN Don Lemonade and open your eyes or die with the rest of the terrorists. Your call.

Are you actually fucking retarded?
You make a claim, give no support, and then get made when people say your claim is retarded and has no backing.

Provide support.... anywhere... anything. You an libfuck so get rekt.

Protip: Go ahead and mention communist/ socialist countries. They are all in civil war or completely destroyed. This will just defeat your argument for socialism and communism.

>Fucking rekt