Is there a global directive on Sup Forums to not talk about Trump's getting caught obstructing justice and passing...

Is there a global directive on Sup Forums to not talk about Trump's getting caught obstructing justice and passing state secrets to the Russians? Really, on a day like this, no threads making fun of this asshole, with Sup Forums bleeding over and posting scheming Jew? Test thread to see if this gets deleted. When will Trump be impeached is the topic.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, Trump will be impeached on July 10 of this year.






Pitiful thread, OP

>I'm a liberal and I will convict anyone of anything with no proof whatsoever to make myself feel better


>When will Trump be impeached

There arent even any DC liberals calling for his impeachment. None of them are convinced because there is no proof. Turn on the news schlomo goldstein

>>When will Trump be impeached

yeah, easier to just shoot him

>4 posters


enjoy Guantanamo

>4 posters


>Is there a global directive on Sup Forums to not talk about Trump's getting caught obstructing justice and passing state secrets to the Russians?
So the media implying it instantly makes it true? mmmhm, it's like you don't even need proof before considering slander as fact.

I'm sure the FBI is gonna take your tip very seriously. Way to go you patriot you

sure kid. just like he was going to be arrested before the election.
I know you're mad kid but please bitch that's about all you can do.

we did win my little autist.

>My tip

You insinuated you would shoot the president. The fbi doesn't take kindly to that

this thread was run this morning.
it sucked then too.

you think the guys who will soon kill another president would bother with a tip from Sup Forums?


they will. google is your friend.

I didn't insinuate shit cause i didnt say that someone else did

>You insinuated you would shoot the president. The fbi doesn't take kindly to that
nope, I didn't. I just stated it would be easier than an impeachment.
And more cost effective.

pls US Sup Forumstards. You're making the West look bad.

they have too. people are getting visits from the secret service.

Just to be safe im doing the same

knock knock

it doesn't matter what you said.


Hey faggot, bernie still isn't president.


kek ok man, if that helps you sleep at night

8 year


o gee.. now I'm terribly frightened that a law enforcement agency from the other side of the atlantic will come after me.

This is our President of the United States. How rude of you to insult him. You might disagree with some of his concepts, but this doesn't mean you hate on the person who decided to run on his own and fight through the liberal media hate. And are you sure your ideas on him aren't just driven by the fake anti-American news that is posted everyday to hate on him?

Here's a question. Why is it he relaxes like he's among friends when he's in a room full of Russians but acts like he's surrounded by enemies among his own intelligence and law enforcement community?

Don't worry, man. They're too busy investigating Trumpski to worry about you.

Hey faggot, no shit. Trump is still garbage. Defending him makes you a super faggot.

You Americans have the best president possible. I truly do envy you all.

He does love that Eastern Bloc pussy, don't he?

it's because he doesn't understand russian so he doesn't know they are telling jokes about him

Haha. Good one. Just which shit-ass country are you from, by the way?


>How rude of you to insult him
His presence on this planet insults me, so I just give back as good as I get


I defended trump?,


How is middle school, SHillary cuck?

Oh jesus trumpkins eternally btfo, pack up its over. What ever will we do.

He'll resign in disgrace before being impeached.

Then he'll right a book claiming he was framed which will become a best seller because all his loyal sheep would rather believe in some massive conspiracy than acknowledge that he's a lying manchild using the Presidency to line his own pockets


Sup Forums is Sup Forums, they'll be up Trumps ass forever because he's rich and white and praises them constantly. Those are the only qualifiers for absolute respect and admiration.
Americans are simple minded and self obsessed. They vote and develop political identities based on how much flattery politicians shower them with.

How is Sup Forums, pollack?

Nice post bro! You work for shareblue too?

All the Trump detractors are busy reading about it on legitimate current event sites. The Trump supporters don't want to bring it up because it's pretty obvious how bad it is.



I work in a tire shop.

Says the increasingly nervous man for the 284747282 time this week


Lol we call it a tire shop too broski! Ive made 14 threads today. So that's 25 buckaroos in my account. Have you met the quota today?

You work mopping up at the adult bookstore glory hole booth?

Yea dirty job but someone's gotta do it. It's those guys that come in with an I'm with her tee shirt and fap to bbc cuckold porn and jizz allover the place that piss me off.

I voted for him but I can't defend him anymore. I figured he'd be better than Hillary but I doubt we'd already be in a constitutional crisis if she'd been elected.


>Don't even deny it. He lies too much and too often to pretend it's not happening. I believed he'd stop one he'd won - I was wrong.


Obama committed blatant open treason for 8 years. He aided and abetted our worst enemies and no one did a damn thing about it.

And yall want to.impeach trump over bullshit and lies told on him. You folks need your heads examined. And hopefully lobotomized.

wtf you talking bout

This is the most used shareblue tactic.
>hurr I'm a trump supporter but now I'm regrets

Fuck your self shill

No I actually work in a tire shop.

Obvious trolling aside, my statement is not limited to just Republicans. Democrats are often suckers for praise and adoration too. We are a highly fillable people in general, and we have become complacent in trusting what politicians say publicly and negelecting to truly research, analyze, and extrapolate their motives based on their behavior like voting records and personal associations.

>Obama committed blatant open treason for 8 years

Providing healthcare isn't treason

>wtf you talking bout
seems he's talking about some alternative reality... like where alternative facts are considered true and not as lies

i really do wish to trump gets impeach like that you libtards will finally end, conservatives the ones that like guns are finally going out a erase every single little snowflake while on marshal law or civil war, hope as well something like the poisonous media cancers get haunted down and slaughter like the cattle they are. i really hope for this show

"O Allah, Trump is one of your servants, you control him and his fate. Command him – willingly or not – to serve the best interests of Muslims and eliminate oppression done to them. Spare us from his evil deeds and guide him on the right path"
Saudi Arabia plans to invest $40B in US infrastructure

Looks like Trump just gave into the Muslims. So much for keeping them out of the country.

Sounds about right

prepare yourself for links.

But taxation is theft.

>I believed he'd stop one he'd won

This isn't reddit, we know the narrative of obstruction of justice is bs since he didn't
And the "secrets" he passed all g we're about isis terror plots and fully justified.

All yall niggas retarded lmao Trump2020

I'm with you

Says a nervious man for 100th time

Better to go after his family. Leave him emotionally devastated so he's an ineffective President.

> marshal law


Is this how the left copes with loss?

No we dont idiot

Yeah, it's theft that was performed by George Washington. Get out of my country.

>Better to go after his family. Leave him emotionally devastated so he's an ineffective President.
But he's ineffective already.
And I don't think he bothers much about his family... well, maybe about his daughter's pussy

You people are far too poor to rravel from your insignificant rural towns in flyover states to the cities where we actually are.

No, just the sjw crybaby left that make the rest of us look as bad as the ultra right wing

What was it like to fail out of highschool, work a dead end job and go to a teens anime board?


Trumptards are butt hurt that thier King is about to be overthrown

Trump is loving muslims now? what changed?

Make me faggot
