How intense is a female orgasm compared to a male one?

How intense is a female orgasm compared to a male one?

Because in homemade porn women always act like they are in heaven when they cum.

Can't generalise. Varies from person to person...

How in the fuck-all could anyone even answer this question?

With science.
I mean, I don't know the actual answer off the top of my head, (and am too lazy to look it up) but I do know that neuroscientists have studied the brain activity and brain chemistry during orgasms to try and find some sort of quantitative measure.

Isn't it not as good as a mans but they can keep going right away so it evens itself out?

I remember reading that the male orgasm was more intense but only lasts like 1.2 seconds whereas the female one stretches out for 30 seconds getting slightly less and less intense but starting at just under the male orgasm. I think they were looking at stimulation in the pleasure center of the brain in an MRI.

>another millennial learns about sex from porn

Why don't you make some women come, and find out?

people have been debating this since ancient times. But it cant be as good since , mostly men rape , mostly men pay for sex and %99 of females complain about men bothering them for sex when they font want it.

I have you fucking moron which is why I'm asking the question, I want to know how much she enjoyed it.

>font want it.

*dont want it.

Simple. Ask a post op trans

i've had girls shaking and twitching for minutes after they came.
it all comes down to devotion, when they feel safe with you and can give up control beautiful things happen.

i can

>Ask a post op trans

Nope. A mutilated male with psychological problems is not a female.

Yes good sir, yes.

dudes, what about how much can a male orgasm can differ?

i've had orgasms barely better then wanking, you know boom - relief - little tired.
right the way through to crazy sensations - like 50 trains are all lining up at the junction waiting ... waiting ... then BOOM! all the trains try get through at once. The trains are all coated in dopamine and there's heaps of them and it takes so so much loner than a normal 'gasm, and then afterwards all you can do is lie there and remark upon how fucking ridiculous that was.


I've heard it's better for girls because they have more nerve endings where it counts. Also, they're inside the body (excepting the clit) and a cock is hanging out, so a cock won't be as sensitive since it's got to have some resistance to sensation as it's more exposed. Don't know if any of this is true, it's just what I heard.

Sexual desire does not directly determine sexual pleasure.

OR it's harder for women to have orgasms, harder to find men who can give them one, and it's much more psychological and they need to feel safe and aroused in order to have one, whereas men pretty much just need to get their dick stimulated, so women are less likely to go looking for sex because sex that will satisfy them is harder to find.

>Implying you made a female orgasm
>female orgasm
>on Sup Forums

Some of us aren't complete degenerate social outcasts.

All things in this post
except for the last are complete myths

It's heavily influential though. Think of the difference between an orgasm while watching boring porn and one during sex. The intensity of the orgasm is drastically different

i think i read something about female orgasm being longer in duration but less intense than male. So both probably release about the same amount of pleasure. Male orgasm is like crack cocaine a quick hit of pleasure , female orgasm is like snorting cocaine a slower hit of pleasure that lasts longer.