Early 40s, little exercise but not over weight.. Started getting aches and pains and some stiffness.. Aids...

Early 40s, little exercise but not over weight.. Started getting aches and pains and some stiffness.. Aids, arthritis or just getting old?


Just getting old m8. It's weird. At least for me it was almost one day to the next.

Yepp, and you've probably wasted most of your time here

Knocking one out is the only thing takes my mind of aging.. Gf 25, has made me feel older

did you exercise to improve things or just became accustomed?

Poor thing. If you're gonna brag, post pics.


I do exercise and it does help. Eating well and staying active helps also. Unfortunately getting older is a huge bitch. People say "age is just a number". Yeah, the number of fucking years you've been alive.

there is a big difference between late 30's and early 40's

you feel lots more aches and pains, its the beginning of arthritic conditions, your body is more prone to injury, and those injuries take much longer to heal

and you are more prone to re injure in the future

by the time your hit late 40's you begin to realize you need to be more careful and try and protect your body, its starting to break down

Mid 50s here -- welcome to the club. More exercise helps, but Time remains undefeated.

It's not arthritis.

43 year oldfag here.

you're just getting old.

you have stuff popping and cracking every morning.

Op here. Very very helpful guys.

hear ya. Hit the damn gym, it helps a lot!


So much bullshit in this thread.

I know guys who are aged 65+ and can`t retire yet due to their financial situation. They still work 8 hour shifts doing heavy manual work 5 days a week and don`t moan about any aces or pains.

You must be massive faggots if you get this type of thing late 30`s early 40`s. You need to get in shape. You don`t even need a gym. Just hiking large distances and doing correct exercises in your room and diet will help.

do you spend lots of time outdoors in the woods or grassy areas? could be lyme disease

I work my balls off, but I take your point

Fuck you. Just because they don't whine about it doesn't mean they don't feel it. I don't bitch about it but I'm definitely not as "spritely" as I was when I was younger.

the old guy that can't retire still feels it, just too proud to complain about it.

but there is a change in the body once you hit the 40s. believe it or don't, idgaf.

Ffs.. That's given me plenty to worry about

yeah it's quite common but most people have never heard about it. most doctors won't figure it out so you have to suggest it to them but there is a course of treatment, it is curable.

it starts right after you turn 40

stretching works

If you wake up in the morning without any pain or discomfort you probably died in your sleep