If you were payed "a lot of money" to take an autistic woman's virginity, how do you think you'd do?

If you were payed "a lot of money" to take an autistic woman's virginity, how do you think you'd do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Go on, i might do this for free if she doesn't look fucked up

What reason would there be not to? I don't get it.

Id probably do it for free and money wouldn't improve my performance

really fucking well as long as she'd showered, brushed her teeth, and been cleared of any diseases beforehand

If she didn't want to back out i'd go in for some half rape break her comfort and force my way in while shes really awkward and feels violated. sounds fucking hot.

>How do you think you'd do

You are literaly talking about fucking a stupid girl OP. It doesn't matter how I do, she'd end up acting like it was the best sex of her life eitherway, since it will probably be the only sex of her life.

Now, sauce on the doujinshi please.

As long as she isn't low-functioning or batshit crazy, then sure.

About the same as usual. She'd be disappointed, but I'd get my rocks off. Only THIS time, I'd get paid.


can i have source ?? it is porn right ??

In that case, she's not really acting, is she?

with my dick?

I'm trying to say that if she got another guy, it might not be, and that she surely can pay for another prostitute.

If it was this girl, I would spend hours bringing her to orgasm repeatedly with my mouth before ever penetrating her, then I'd joyfully spurt a load as deep into her tummy as possible.

Please tell me you're going to post all of this.


Agree because of resasons

listen op you got me interested and im having a hard time finding autistic girls getting fucked or raped . can we get some more of this?

Courage is harder to come by than money.
I could, but OP can't bump his own thread but every 10 minutes. So someone else would have to every 3 minutes or so.
Everything is porn if you're brave enough.
Your rite.

Typing shit like that is probably why you never get to.

Is the autistic girl offering the money or is she being whored out? If it's all her, absolutely.

post as much as you can then OP, this woman is adorable!

Need sauce

You have a point there, but still. If and when she did, I'm sure he would far outclass me


Gimme da Saus Baus

That's in fucking japanese

english source?

Meh. Is not that good.

hey satan


Don't be pissed at me, all I did was try hunting down the source and posted what I was able to find

is the fag who keeps posting pages and refusing to give the source

You can't expect gratitude.


Based user with the Sauce.


I didn't realize Leonardo DiCaprio was FtM and autistic...

I don't see it. STrange that you do. Must be faggotry.

I can kind of see it, maybe a very very young DiCaprio... like 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape' young. Still, really fucking gay that that's the first thing his mind jumps to.

this should be a meme

I've seen some 'fukken saved' edits on /u/, so maybe it is.


this pic is from the actual manga
gave me a good kek

It does strike a good balance between comedy and tragedy for the autobiography of a sperg.

>implying there's something wrong with being an adorable Sperg

She seemed to think there was.

Us spergs often complain about ourselves, but I mean, look at Tomoko from Watamote, she's a sperg, and everyone on here thinks she's fucking adorable too (Last I checked anyways).

I'd make sure she came, then finish in side no condom.

Pretty standard issue stuff. I take cash.

>Payed a lot of money

>implying i\I wouldn't pay an autistic girl to take my virginity

If she's anything like that sperg chick who covered herself with peanut butter in a bikini, I'd tag that shit pro bono.

Is there sauce to the full comic anywhere? I'm only get the unsubbed one, and it doesn't have the full thing.

Thanks in advance.


Only if we were married.

Shadilay, brother.

I'm personally not a particular fan of intercourse, but it would depend how autistic they were.
Incredibly socially awkward? I can handle that.
So developmentally impaired that they're still learning the alphabet? Probably not.

Probably with my dick. Though really, she's the paying customer here, so whatever the fuck she tells me to do.

She would most likely rely on you for guidance, but still expect a good experience.

What's the sauce, boss

Fellow sperg here. I generally hate conversing or otherwise associating myself with others like myself. It's probably because I hate seeing what I consider the worst of myself within others.

Cute art style.

>Stick dick inside vagina

I just might have been born for this job.

I was lightly abused as a child, not enough to traumatize me, but enough to sexualize me. Had my first ejaculation at 11, and I have spent the following 30 years years seducing (as thats my thing, my vice).

Have deflowered 5 virgins. Judging from my expirience, experience matters. I have also given several lesbians and traumatized rapevictims their only good time with a man in years or ever.

I'm trained in various mystical, sensual and sexual arts such as massage (I specialize in swedish), nlp, couples meditation and yoga, cunnulingus, kama sutra/tantra et cetera, due to autisticlike superpowers and a liking to please. I find that while I am not uncharismatic, I truly excell in one to one encounters. Autistic people love me! But really, I'll make friends with streettrash, new money and old money, academics, hillbillies, niggers, hippies, gangsters, veterans, antifa, alt-right and whores and quite a few other cathergories – my father was an academian and a socialworker, my mother a therapist – ppl just find it natural to open up to me.

just in, immediately out and leave?

I am a welbred, educated world traveler – And while I'm not 20 anymore I was once concidered enough of a prettyboy to walk the catwalk and do some shoots, and while the sixpack is long gone my (discrete) tattoos and scars and topkek personality just might be more of a plus than a shadow of a beerbelly and dentalwork needed is a minus.

The following might be a pro or a con or a mixture: My member, nicknamed Mr Penis, Is just short of 20cm and fits smack into that perfect penis chart. It has been said often that Mr Penis is very estetic and perfect and whatnot – but what real man doesnt have misgivings about his cabo? I find my balls are way to big, I sometimes wish for a more intimidating girth and while I get how my very straight man is concidered estetic, I wish he was born a little bit more croocked and stargazing.

As to how that would depend a lot on the girl. I find the hardest part of the taking of the innocence to be finding the balance between assertion and patience. I have been blessed/cursed with TWO girls with double hymen - and I must admit I failed with both. Only after several tries did I break through - and I must further admitt that my softheartedness ended up hurting the ones I loved.

While you quite obviously are a trap fapping your shit of to your virgin fantasy - but in case you are real: I'm likely the best candidate for the job and I need the moneys and I promise you I'll make you feel beautifull and fullfilled: Gimme your terms in the commentsfield of this song... you can call me Thom-Thom.

P.S While I haven't been paid for a virgin before, I do have some experience as a sexworker (mostly 'live dononor' to wiccan cat women – but it's not like it's *that* easy to get jobs in this field at my age) – and I promise you satisfaction or your money back.

TL;DR: Tits or get the fuck out bitch!

I'm taking a woman's virginity, technically, that's what I would have done if I just stick the dick in and leave.

thank you based housemaster

Same sperg you responded to fellow Sperg. I was waiting in line the other day and I had this fucking Sperg behind me, mother fucker kept looking over my shoulder, trying to see what I was playing on my PSP (PSP because I'm a poorfag ). Literally almost touching me and everything. He must have done it like 5 times, wanted to deck the fucker every fucking time. I mean, it's like "Can you not, please, just, just stop." I have zero fucking tolerance for others of our kind who refuse to try and make themselves at least tolerable in public, so I get what you're saying, trust me, I get ya.

That fucking doujin...


>wiccan cat women

Is that a reference to Scooby Doo on Zombie Island?

What about it?

It's not really a doujin. She worked on it alone, and it was published. There's even talk of an official translation, so this fan one will probably be C&Ded in the next month or so.

he just wanted to know what a proper autist is playing on his psp 2bh

No, those are women who 'hate' men, but for spiritual reason want to be inseminated the traditional way. There are many donors, not so many that have a nordic genetic profile, mensa level IQ and the knowledge to participate in ceremonies.

It's like being a glorified fucktoy and donor at the same time.

Song by the way, is this one: youtu.be/7kGPhpvqtOc

Was that you man?

Na I was just guessing. Im a bit curious though, don't you think it's "weird" to play on your psp in public? If I saw someone doing that, especially if they're an adult I'd immediately assume that they're "special". I might be wrong for all I know.

Not really, honestly, I usually only play it on the bus or while I'm waiting for something so I'm not bored out of my mind. I admit it might be a little weird, but seems like everyone is doing shit on their phones nowadays, doubt anyone notices, since i keep the Volume muted.

Those always make me laugh.
It's not even "wicca", it's "witta". That's a common misconception because the old lowercase t had a lot more curve to it and looks like a c with a flat top.
It's like if a whole sect of christians called themselves "chrislians".

I hear that Japanese Christians are very active on youtube. Like they wanna document every single thing they do as a grooup.


Last thing we need is a religion worshipping Chris-Chan

Not him, but I carry a psp everywhere (and recently switched back to my Vita now that I could get it hacked again and put all my psp games, psx games, and old emulator roms on it). I'm 40 and have been a gamer since Atari 2600. No learning disability, parent's basement, neetbux, or anything of the sort. I know that I have my own apartment, a decent job, my own vehicle, and pay my own way via skilled labor (electrician). It never even crosses my mind what other adults will think of me for playing a handheld. Sometimes I'll notice someone (usually a kid) trying to see what I'm playing, and I'll turn a little and angle it so they can see. More often it's a case of someone saying "It's going to be a five minute wait" for my food or whatever and I casually comment that I always keep my psp on me so I never get bored when I have to wait. I don't think I've ever had anyone give me the "ewwww" look or talk down to me for it. Sometimes it does attract the attention of the spergs who don't realize that picking up my food and heading for the door means that I don't want to stand there and chat about Zelda all day, but usually it's either mild interest or disinterest not sneering.

I have to agree with you on that, no one really seems to care.

Any more of this? Or this were it ends?

Yeah, a bunch.

What if I'm autistic?

Dump the rest before this thread gets 404'd?

Yeah man! This is actually quite interesting

it's linked here a couple times with translation and without.

it's like magnets.

it's just a female neet.

I was just waiting for more than one person to ask. It'll only 404 if someone besides me doesn't post every 3 minutes or so.

She's not autistic OP, she's emotionally crippled.
There are more mental disorders than autism



I've been reading this through that link somebody posted earlier. This is interesting.



jfc this is depressing




Then I will try to keep on bumping this thread