Asking Sup Forums for advice, not sure what to do

asking Sup Forums for advice, not sure what to do

>be me
>nice guy for the most part
>meet girl
>9/10 hot as fuck without makeup
>casually sends me pics of her body
>later it gets better
>still being super nice
>she's bipolar
>has a episode
>she tells me she hates me, despises me, I try to reason but I'm a "piece of shit"
>ignore her for 3 hours
>she messages me "I miss you"
>ask her about it and she apologizes
>a few days pass and it happens again
>equally as bad, she sends me pics later which is cool I guess
>she asks about my dick
>send shitty pic and I'm laying down so it looks god awful
>next day rolls around
>send top tier pic
>she complains about not asking for it
>she goes from upset to an episode
>it's the worst it's ever been
>says to call her or she's gonna "block me soon anyways"
>call her
>"I didn't actually think you'd call to be honest, user."
>degrade me more
>"That's it femanon, I'm ending this call."
>she gets into a panic attack
>supremely upset
>begs for me back
>I got into a relationship a few hours beforehand anyway
>now it's at the point where she's like "but you love me more than them right? why did you date them? if that date falls over you can rebound to me.."

she messaged me saying she misses me while I made this thread,

here's a message she left when she was mad at me and I threatened to OD because she made me feel really shit.

its not worth it man

that's what I'm figuring man, everyone including my parents is telling me to leave but it's almost like fucking mind games dude she's like "everyone leaves" and I didn't want to leave cause I thought she was done wrong but holy shit is it hard

Do you know if she's ever dated someone else before?

yeah she has, they've basically all been made out to have been idiots (which from the stories I've taken with salt, they do turn out to be retards.)

Naut werf.

show us the pics she sent dude

here's a sample

sample 2


no problem my man, I would've been down to dick her and become un-cucked n date her and shit but I'm not sure I want to put my dick in crazy

If ur gonna ditch her, at least smash first so it isnt a total lass.

Don't stick your dick in crazy. /thread.

crazy aint worth it most of the time

whenever girls get attracted to me I swear they're always like this I don't know why, I'm charismatic and apparently no one else treats them like this?

If you're not having fun with the crazy you're not cut out for it. She'll fuck your life up. It takes a certain brand of sociopathy to vibe with a bitch like this, and I say this from personal experience

I'll probably just ignore her when she's having a episode

Absolutely don't get into a relationship with this kind of woman. The only way to support this shit long term (and i have no example of more than a few years for both bipolar girls i know) is to be completely madly in love AND her working on that shit with a pro.
You don't seem to be like that, so either make it clear you want JUST a friendship (with benefits considering the pics, bipolar girls are fucking heaven in bed from what i know), or never talk to her again

No you won't
You either block her or you play ball. Those are the only two options, and if you're not 100% about either of them, she's winning.

Hate fuck her, stage her suicide, and you get free sex without the permanent crazy.

I put my first GF into a psych ward
Shit was bananas

>Block her out of your life

Require a nude to make a final decision. Otherwise currently its a coin toss. It'll be fucking unbearable eventually, but with the sex make up for it? Who knows.

Sex isnt always a net positive dude, especially if hes got options

final decision, rolling up.

I'm already in a relationship with a guy who is mentally stable, just wondered if I should go back to her / still care if this one doesn't work out.

Can you imagine having children with her?

Then don't.

extremely good point, that finalizes this thread then.
hopefully girls won't don't this when I'm charismatic again.

I'd say at least fuck her but i'd give my left nut to have someone in my arms right now.
Well that is if i hadn't have it removed last week

>in a relationship with a guy
>taking about this girl, but your gay

Wait, what?

Bisexuality is a thing, user.

I'm bi you intelligent men

Alright boy, let me get this straight off the bat: "Women are psychotic."

Wow, OP actually is a faggot

(no offense OP)

Even if your relationship doesn't work out, there are better people out there than this girl, from the sounds of it. If she is bipolar or manic depressive she needs therapy or meds

none taken, I always encourage everyone to call the OP a faggot.
that's why I'm dating a guy right now

Well now I don't know how to feel.

Sorry she got attracted to a degenerate like yourself, or sorry she has a mental illness. Your most likely leaving out a huge part of your story and conversations, maybe she really does like you but can't grasp the fact your fucking a guy over a woman. She's probably losing her mind at the fact western civilization has congee down to a boiling point where men like yourself are more of a basket case then ever, and for once would like to have a relationship where the guy was serious about his intentions rather then it being a huge game for pics.

Sorry user, you dropped this back there

Best of luck though dude. Maybe if she gets help you guys can be friends later. Mentally abusive relationships fucking suck and some times the "abusers" are just really shit at dealing with their own mental illnesses/insecurities.


Well, findinng out that you basically botched this thing up by dating a guy, I cant give you a final decision. Shes a basket case but hot as fuck, I'd hit it and quit it, but if you want the other sex that whatever floats you're boat bro.

As a guy with bi-polar, we don't get that fucking crazy usually. She's probably a sociopath, if she lacks empathy then she's certainly a sociopath.

FUCK you both.

The cringe is real.


thats why you one night stand those kinda girls if shes 9/10 no makeup theres a reason shes single

The cringe is strong with this one.

Morty shut the fuck up