every vote gets a new teen pic

Where the Fuck are the mods?

this pic is older that you, kiddo

wheres the delivery opey


Vote for KITTYPURRY to fuck his poll up.

story behind dat photo?

I don't know about the pic but what OP said deserves a ban.

im waiting my photo

>because 18 and 19 year olds are illegal

>IP Duplication Checking


I got banned for a "cp" pic that wasn't cp and could easily be reversed image search but this clear violation is ok? Ummmm ok

CandidHD Ukrainian nudists

this in my country is legal

18-19 aren't teens i guess? you are a fucking moron

i was already banned on my fist day here and i didnt posted anything, just lurking, except this moment

It's pretty fucked up that the FBI posts cp to trap people on this site. You people are literally the scum of the earth can't wait until Trump fires each and every one of you child molesters.

Quadruble dubs as prove. Praise kek!

>You people


Screen cap it and put me in it

Me too thanks.

it's the fuzz guys


Good work anons.

His poll is now meaningless.
He won't know if it was legit more popular, or if it was people voting because he didn't deliver.

Jesus fuck get gassed you dick licking fur fag.