Calling all alt-rights for biggest Sup Forums troll of 2017

Calling all alt-rights for biggest Sup Forums troll of 2017
Sick of 57 genders?
Want libcucks to realis how dumb they are and eat their own shit?
Simple shit
Basically, we pretend 57 genders was a Sup Forums troll from long ago to show how gullible libcucks are and they've been riding a train wreck since
If all goes to plan they'll believe they took the bait a year ago and this is the big reveal

Dude, that is what happened. Bill Nye's a 'tard, and apparently so are you.

Is it really? I must not be caught up, doesn't stop us from revealing anyway

Well how do you plan on doing it?

I suppose it'll start with us making fake plans to pretend there's 57 genders and how libcucks will take the bait, which we then shoop to make the date sometime last year, then post screen caps of the main plans all over tumblr under the guise of a libcuck that 'discovered' them

1 person can do this. upload it here when you're done

I was really hoping someone would do it for me lol

jesus christ dude. right click, inspect element on an open Sup Forums thread. edit all the text to whatever you want. throw in some links to blogs. print screen. in photoshop, add some thumbnails of existing tumblr artwork. it takes a few minutes.

spreading it is also easy, spam a popular hashtag and wait a few days. then use some sockpuppet accounts with which you pretend to fall for it.

Wtf did you just sign up right now?

cont. at that point panic sets in and the rest happens on its own, just sit back and enjoy the show

sure why not.


Lel libshits would actually fall for this but you just told them your plan.

I've never cringed so hard. Summer never left. Fucking baby niggers.

>calling an oldfag with experience pulling off these sorts of things a summerfag

wew lad


Whichever Sup Forumsro completing the dirty work please post screen caps

im hooked this is crazy enough to work someone get on it

That's actually kind of funny



come on Sup Forumstards we can pull this off

You think this up during recess?

Nah. Don't blame Sup Forums... place is close enough to getting shut down.
Blame reddit or something. It'll be more believable.

Not sure if a 'big reveal' would even come close to ever working, but its a hell of an idea.

I'm mostly liberal and I think this multiple gender shit is retarded.

Someone really needs to do this

Sounds legit, I'm in.

If I see this in the wild on social media I'll help spread it

Good number user,

if we pull this off it will be the greatest thing to happen this year

someone get on it and well spread it

Take this to /pol make a discord and plan operations just like shia.

do you think the boys at Sup Forums would get behind this?


They would do it in a heartbeat.


someone needs to go venture to Sup Forums to present them with this idea.

all we need are the resources and determination of the Sup Forums army

Holy shit. That's brilliant. Let's not let this thread die. This NEEDS to happen.


>replying to myself

but seriously my brothers we need to bump this thread to the top to make sure this plan gets put in action


We will need memes op

Can Andy Sixx help?

Vros I'll be honest I'm the laziest cunt here I'm just here with the idea lmao, i figured there'd be some pro shoopers around to help out
If anyone's made some ventures into other boards please post links

someone needs to take the thread to Sup Forums

Nah full honesty this is what I'm doing to procrastinate on my exams

im down but how?

Alt-right morons like this are a bigger cancer on Sup Forums than MLP ever was.

Holy fuck you people are dense.

Don't make any more threads. We all know what to do, get to making those shoops, spam the hashtags when they're ready. They're guaranteed to make the rounds, just keep your eyes peeled and help spread them when you see them.

90% of us are gonna be mostly liberal but not to the point of cringe
90% of those will also be edgelords so

>Alt-right morons like this are a bigger cancer on Sup Forums than MLP ever was.
At least we're pretty sure MLP is 90%+ genuine.
I'd like to believe the alt-right is at least 1/3 trolls.