I need help please i am extremely unhappy and i want someone to talk to this is my absolute last resort before i go to...

i need help please i am extremely unhappy and i want someone to talk to this is my absolute last resort before i go to a suicide hotline. please someone talk to me

Other urls found in this thread:


I am sorry if I am coming off as like desperate or whatever, but I really need someone right now because I feel really really isolated at this very moment.

i want a therapist, my mom never wants me to go see one or even lets me. she constantly makes fun of me for being depressed. I need help please.

Lets talk then.

please hi I'm sorry for bothering you but i am extremely extremely unhappy and that's really all i know at this moment. i don't want to talk to the suicide hotline because i don't want stupid cops coming to my home or whatever

explain yourself

also just thank you for even commenting like you have no idea how absolutely miserable i am at this moment

Sup nigga?

to be honest I'm in college right now and i am feeling like no one really likes me. all the people i talk to aren't really close friends of mine, my mom doesn't really like me, i feel like a failure because this school isn't even that good, and no one seems to just understand me at all.

I suggest waiting at least 10 years to see if you still want to kys.

I feel you, sometimes when i get home i feel like i'll never find anyone thats like me, like i'm alone in this huge world.

Are you depressed about things in your life or is your life perfect and have a chemical imbalance


Please click link.

It's hard to see a light at the end of tunnel. It can be so painful and dark and you feel hopeless. When you're depressed, it's physically difficult to feel like there's any hope, light at the end of the tunnel, or alternative option. When you get the help you need, you will look back and and think about what a dark place you were at and will be happy you did not kill yourself. You're likely young--your frontal lobe literally isnt even fully developed until you're 21 on average. Give yourself a chance to live man.

Good luck, I hope you get the help you need.

i mean i keep telling myself oh damn if you just wait a bit it'll get better but it doesn't. i keep like fucking waking up in the middle of the night with persistent thoughts of just ending it. i can't fucking stand it. i don't want this anymore. i have no idea how to stop myself.

I think I am gay.
I just don't wanted accept it.


this person is an imposter, stop

and i just don't know my life is good and everything i don't know why i have constant thoughts of ending it. it's very very frustrating

shit will get better with time, right now try to kill your ego. Let the sentient feelings arise and forget about thinking. Be a human and just forget that you can even talk to yourself in your head. That's my method of coping but everyone is different.

also double replying but this post really did at least kinda elevate my mood a bit, so thank you for typing that. it means a lot.

But...I mean...not being happy is a common thing. People are not just happy like that, there are only moments of that feeling. I've been there. But my advice is to just do whatever you wanna do to feel good while you wait for those random happy moments

kek his post is very believable because its an incredibly common gateway for suicidal thoughts.

What's cracking my dude

Nothing wrong with being gay. Being unwilling to accept that might make you kill yourself 'cause you'll always be unhappy. If you're conflicted about it, just wait it out. See how you feel in a few years. You don't HAVE to date anybody right now.

>last resort before i go to a suicide hotline

you should probably go do that actually, have you never been on this board before?

i think that's actually realy sage advice. being honest, i always just tried to repress my feelings and just try to sleep it off. ill def save that post and keep it. thank you so much,

You should see a psychiatrist so they can put you on some antidepressants

What are your interests?
I was in a very similar boat a few years ago.
I'd lost my financial aid for taking too many classes unrelated to my major, and was drinking every day, just waiting to die, really.
One day I said fuck this shit and tried out for a play at a local community theater. I'd been really active in theater up until my junior year of highschool, but nothing since.
I was terrified, social anxiety be damned, though.
I was determined.
I got cast, and developed superficial relationships with my castmates.
That was the catalyst.
I've made tons of new friends, and when I feel like it I have about 15 different people I can talk to, or hang out with now.

Hey dude. Everything is going to be okay. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it will.

You CAN make it through this. You are very strong for being able to handle how you are feeling and for seeking help.

user, honestly shit will get better. maybe not the best idea to go to the Sup Forums suicide hotline tho

i do have objectively a good life but for whatever reason i keep having these stupid fuckign thoughts. i want them to end, and i really can't seem to stop thinking about ending my life. and at this very moment it has been extremely hard for me to not cry and break down while facing the window. but fortunately i came here (even if this is a shitty website with SOME shitty people)
i never did. i am honestly scared of alerting the authorities

no problem, i hope you get better. just remember, whenever you need me, i'll be here, with you. never forget me, whenever you feel alone i'm here for you.

- fabe

is there any family you can call and talk to?
is there any way you would wanna get on a curse chat?

my mom is an extreme dickhead to me talking about these things to her. she never seems to care and she actually emphatically goes against my request for going to see a doctor. it's really depressing and on top of that, she is an extremely old school type of person who will do anything to not do medicine or doctors. i think it is hurting me, and i can't do anything about it but talk to people (not until I'm fully grown)

how old are you

Hey op, sorry you're feeling down bro. I'm in a pretty shitty spot in life myself. What's your favorite food?

refer to that, actually makes me more optimistic. that means a lot, and really just thank you for staying strong throughout this ordeal. shit. ok I'm not good with words but just know i really appreciate the sentiment.man i really wish my mom would say the same thing like you did. honestly, thank you like sincerely. i know it's text on a screen but just know i am extremely grateful for that.


how old are you OP? im sort of in the same situation but im gunna be out of hs in 2 years.

i love sushi

You're in college right? Just see the counseling services there. You don't even have to tell your mom

haha hs was work. college is kinda better cuz ur more independent. in my case, it was better because i didn't have to deal with my mom constantly barging me on with negative thoughts but i really do hope that you do have a successful academic career and by extension a great life thenceforth

Aww Sup Forums,

You have restored my faith in you!

OP, shit gets better man. Believe me. I've been where you are now. I held on and my life is sooo much better. It's not perfect, but I am happy and so glad I'm still here.

I know it's hard but hold tight! The fog will lift!

OP you are soooooo fucking pathetic!! Where are you from? What do you do to improve your situation?

i should. actually ill think about going maybe tomorrow after tonight.

where are you? if youre canadian do you have your OHIP cards?

my kik is DinoOfTheCrazy
lets talk man

honestly, thank you you made me feel more hopeful for the future, and i thank you for that.

I just woke up from a dream that I was going back to college as my current 31 year old self. In that dream I had to move into an apartment that looked like a hotel room, and with 7 18 year old roommates. I wanted to kill myself until I woke up and realized it was all just a really shitty dream. Drinking a 30 pack of beer now.

Fuck you nigger faggot. Go back to your trap threads

what don't they get about you?

no kik xd
no, USA here.

You know what, OP here, I am feeling a lot less suicidal than I was before. I am not even joking I was pacing my dorm contemplating just charging the window and jumping out. I had already attempted before by punching my window, but I was just left with scars on my wrist. Then I tried to search on google "I want to talk to someone" And when reddit didn't work, downloading a suicide chat didn't work, I resorted to this site as a last resort before I went to the hotline. And honestly, you guys have really made me feel a lot better of myself. I know that these feelings are going to come back soon and I know that these thoughts will persist, but knowing you guys have done this much for me and even made an effort to comment on this thread has really made me feel a whole gratitude for life now. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, just thank you for the immediate support you guys have given me. I honestly might have just jumped out of the window if it weren't for you guys.

Seriously, to everyone to has even commented, thank you.

Just keep thinking positive thoughts, friend.
Positive thinking is like anything else; you get better at it with practice.
If you always counter the
>I'm such an idiot, loser. no one likes me and no one ever will
>Fuck that shit I'm a god damned BAMF and I know it
It really helps. Never allow a negative thought to be the last in a thought stream. Always follow it up with something like
>I'm valuable. I have a unique worldview and perspective that no other human can offer this world.
This is true, no matter what anyone tells you, or what happens.
No other human on this planet thinks exactly like you, and therefor you have SOMEthing to contribute. Whatever it may be.
Don't forget that.

What's wrong with being gay?

Worst thing about the dream was that Indiana Jones and the temple of doom theme song playing on repeat, and no matter what I did to the tv it stayed on. Never fall asleep with a DVD that won't turn itself off after a period of time. I suggest you get drunk

I saved this, thank you


I just accepted it. Constantly thinking that no one will ever understand me. It's true, yet here I am surrounded by Sup Forumsrothers and I can fully express myself. It just really depends on finding that place where you can really let yourself go and express your inner self.
I too felt like no one wanted to be around me and constantly thinking about it killed me. Just gotta try something new that you haven't done before. Don't try crack or smoking a joint out of a hobos asshole. Do something positive, different, get yourself in a social environment like community service. Changing one small detail in your life can make a change.
And bro, I love you. If no one loves you, I love you man. Don't know you OP, but you don't deserve to die

No matter how happy other's seem, inside, they are miserable, we all are.
We want only what we dont have and it doesnt matter how much you have, you'll always want more and never be satisfied.
We all know we are going to die, everything we love will eventually vanish, we all suffer mentally and phisically at some point in life, everyone has inner demons.

Either accept this and try to make the best of life while it lasts, or just be a quitter.

Learn to deal with it or you won't survive in this world

Damn straight, user. He hit it right on point

How do you deal with it?

I hope it helps moving forward.
I love ironically shitposting about niggers, traps, and all as much as the next guy, but I'll always respond to you if I'm on Sup Forums and you really need to talk.

Go get professional help man and maybe get medicated. Not every medication is gonna work for you the same it does for other people though. I see a mental health worker and take meds , it is what it is.

I won't forget you, thank you.

You potentially might have saved a life.

Ok! I obey my Master!!! .l. .l.

Smile at every stranger you see, then. You never know, they might be me.
Godspeed, friend.

I've been on the edge a couple of times op, here is my advice: sometimes life sucks for a while, and you just have to wait it out. It will get better but it might be a while. Both times I was sure it wouldn't get better, but, eventually, it did. There may not be anything you can do to make this time in your life not suck, but if you just go through your days and do the basic things you have to do, one day things will turn, and then you'll be glad you decided to stay.

That, and don't take lithium if they tell you to.

Homosexuality is a mental illness

String up faggot
Live stream it tho

Honestly, you don't help with those kind of comments.

I am not going to go on a rant as to why your comment is wrong and just plain bad, but just know that if you ever are in a situation where you are depressed, I will go to you and not comment that, but try to show you a light to life.

Thanks Sup Forums for giving company to a fellow user in distress. I'm happy to see this because I've been OP many times and the responses are usually kill yourself.

I had a psych professor in college.
On the first day this is what he said
>Who hear has ever contemplated suicide?
There was uncomfortable shifting, no one raised their hand
>Professor raises hand
>Don't be shy, everyone. If we are really honest with ourselves I think we'll find that many of us have
Still only two people raise hands.
He had us put our heads down and close our eyes and asked again.
>hands shoot up
>Now did you hear how many of your peers raised their hands
>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and
He paused
>Okay blah blah blah all that shit you always hear. You want to know the REAL reason not to commit suicide?
We're like
He says
>Killing yourself is the only way that you can be absolutely sure you'll never have sex again. Fuck that.
We all had a laugh, but it really resonated with me.
I think about it any time I get sad and can't help but chuckle.

Oh my god I laughed out loud to that.

I will never forget this comment. I saved it. I will def look at this comment when I do feel bad.

If a friend ever tells me they are feeling down, I will tell them this story. If they ask where they got it, I will tell them Sup Forums (Just saying, all my friends are SUPER liberal, so this hopefully not just cheers them up, but shows them that even their political opposites cares.)

Don't give a fuck about what other people think.

Learn to enjoy your mind and the amazing things you can do with it.

Do drugs or meditation or whatever else you need to be more than your ego.

Accept yourself and actually be okay with the person you are.

start doing something you can take pride in

also this

This. Also pic related is my gf passed out in my bed. Does that increase your suicidal thoughts OP?

Sage advice, thank you.

Im surrounded by many many friends and they easily open up to me, all of them tell me about how sad they are and how hard living is, about their sad teen years or how ugly they think they are or how fat ...etc.
I feel the same as them, I have my own self doubts and feel the random sadness.
We worry so much about what others think about us and we try so hard to be perceived as a perfect robot.
Intelligence comes with a price, sadly.

>Don't give a fuck about what other people think.
Easy to say
>Learn to enjoy your mind and the amazing things you can do with it.
Like what? What if you are a total fuck up in life that can't do anything right?

>Do drugs or meditation or whatever else you need to be more than your ego.

>start doing something you can take pride in
And if nothing feels worthwhile?

The cringe here is off the fucking charts. What the fuck is going on here? Take a step back. Realize you're a faggot. Then tell OP to kys now.
> don't forget the live stream


STFU you stupid manlet niggerfaggot.
There is a time and place for that shit.
Like right now.

What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?

OP man the fuck up. Stop being a whiney faggot, accept ur gay and go and get some good dick.

I'll have you know I was an ARMY ranger with the biggest dick in my unit.
Countless dickrate threads won, hundreds of women in Iraq can't walk right ever again.
I'm going to use all the power and resources at my disposal to find you, and fuck you.
You really fucked up didn't know who you were talking to should have watched your little faggot mouth.
You're fucked kid.

How do I know if it's good dick?

Assuming OP is a dude, add to this list reduce fapping and increase egg intake. Low T will make you depressed.

What if I chop my dick off?

>Easy to say
Yeah and easy to do. Why do you need to fit in? Be a fucking individual

>Like what? What if you are a total fuck up in life that can't do anything right?
I don't know you so I can't tell you but think about it and figure it out yourself instead of being a whiny little bitch. Take some god damn initiative

>Do drugs or meditation or whatever else you need to be more than your ego.
If you don't understand I can't help you

>start doing something you can take pride in
>And if nothing feels worthwhile?

Then try and find something that feels worthwhile or just fucking end it and stop bitching. If you just wallow things never get better


Dick will make you slap somebody


I see many people here telling you to "man up", but they don't know what depression really feels like.
I've been treating depression, anxiety and OCD(knowing that the last one has no cure) for the last 6 months and I'm already feeling good, after 3 years of suffering withou hope. I can tell you that things are pretty fucked up, the recovery is not easy.
When you are depressive, you cannot think straight, it's phisically impossible, that's why you need the right treatment(meds + shrink).
I had these thoughts of murder and rape(like I wanted to do it), and I used to torture myself for having those. This was just a part of my illness. I'm now free, and I don't judge myself for those thoughts.
If you seek help today, and believe in the treatment, I am sure you will be good in max 3 months. Don't ever give up, but also don't try to fight a disease without seeking a professional, it's not possible. Hope you'll do good.

That good dick like diamonds

none of you people know what the bottom of the barrel is.

Ran out of food in nepal in the mountains, nearly died on Aconcagua, e.t.c.

DO stuff that can legitimately kill you, & you start to see that it's all in your head.

do shrooms or tested acid. it breaks the depression loop

>Ran out of food in nepal in the mountains, nearly died on Aconcagua


Dis dat good dick

There's nothing wrong with going to the ward, in fact you could probably make some friends there.

This is the face you make when you get that good dick