
should I know this cunt?

I hate trannies too, him included

it's Blaire White the biggest sjw cunt that calls her self an anti feminist

but blaires right?

No one cares, libtard.

>you don't know the latest attention whore using his mental illness to get attention
wow are you even connected bro?

Who gives a shit, I'm not even gonna look him up. Fuck that cunt, stop spreading shit about this tranny cunt.

Suicide on the horizon


You sound triggered.... go away blaire fanboy REEEEEEEEEE
We can only hope
blaire is a leftist cunt


I am fucking triggered, I'm sick and tired of watching these mentally challenged cunts on Sup Forums. When are people going to keep making downs threads?

>acts like a cunt to people who act like cunts
>is a tranny who doesnt like social justice and gets ostracized by all the other trannies who belong to the hivemind and dislikes them because they do that

why do u follow her?
>i dont follow her!(autistic kid voice)
then why u rant about her rants?
>IM NOT RANTING ABOUT HER RANT!(autistic fagget kid voice)
then why the fuck r u making a threat about her rant?
>ngerh34&"$%/"756y45Y#$&/"#$!%"$#"T (autistic genderfluid tansexual voice)

Now this faggot is definitely triggered. Tell me user. Why does blaire do the following sjw things:

>Block anyone who disagrees with him on twitter
>Cries to his buddies and makes her white knights go attack any disagreer's to trash them into oblivion
>Doxes people all the time
>Used ID politics to get his spot


this whole thread is you being triggered, i dont give a shit.
I was going to answer your itemized list but then i realized all my answers were "who gives a shit?"
who gives a shit? you are just mad and hate this person

oh except
>>Doxes people all the time
*citation needed*

Shit thread
boasting born

Got mundanematt to do it to a few people



You can hate your own people though. She's the uncle ruckus of trannies.








*citation needed*

now just dumping pics











She's hot, post moar

>inb4 it's a he

Don't give a shit. When you look that good and pass that well, i'll call you a she. Now post her ass.