Girls You Know

Girls You Know.

Any ATL Anons?

Other urls found in this thread:


I've been her friend for three years, I had a relationship with her best friend to get close.
They are not close anymore but I replaced the void.
She sends me nudes a lot.
I love her. ._.





Know this chick from ny, she got posted all over , she got a fat ass and is sexy as hell, still looking for her vid, hoarders wont let go


Up in cumming son


770 beeeatch


Anyone else know her?


She's a D cup and barely 19 dude.

God fucking help me being friend zoned


Dump pls

So hot

Sup OP. Live from alpharetta

Fuck Yeah

Anyone wanna see nudes?


Yes please
Poster of these, no more saved, have to hunt messenger photos, bear with me

Please dump

I'm in ATL. Live in marrietta

pic was posted yesterday.

amusing cuz i know the girl from hs.

My wife

Take your time




I dumped what I had, looking for more in my messenger photos.
Damn, moar.



keep going with her

Appreciate you user. Need to get my mind off some shit and this is helping

You know anyone with the vid?



i wish I did

Id pay good money to see that lol


Pull those titties out



Keep going. I wanna cum on her face



You still there user?

Any nudes?

I love her too

>Getting nudes
>Being in the friend zone
Send her dick in response

I can't seem to find more.
Messaged her for more.

Red 5 Standing by
Stay away from my waifu

unfortunately not

Any good ass shots of her??

I work with her now too, got her the job like the cuck I am. She starts at 7am, it's 6:30 now she should be on her phone, wait like 10-15 minutes.


Real mvp

I need more of that fat ass

Dude gimme everything you got

You need to get some, then. I want to see those tits.



im trying



Any other ny chicks?

That this is beautiful




girl from cumming


Can't take 3" of cock.

Pleb tier



Nice, more

friends gf


Yeah I bet you can take more, you sound like a pro.


Is there something stopping you?

She is so fucking hot dude


have moar

I can take 10 inches anally, 7 Inches vaginally and 6 inches orally bitch.


her bf mostly




Status on this?

How did you get the pics you do have?

any nudes from WV?

She's coming over for tea and cuddles but no nudes?

Sorry Sup Forumsros I cucked out

before she got a bf

Honestly happy for you dood.


Anymore cumshots?