General rekt bread. new shit certainly appreciated

general rekt bread. new shit certainly appreciated





















this makes me so damn happy




fucking pitbulls man. bred to murder people.

whats the story?


She disconnected his ps4 while he was in the middle of a clan battle. So she pretty much got what she deserved


cunt deserved it


This got to me so hard when I realized he was still alive.

>rekt bread
>new shit
Pick one

Wtf! And I thought I've seen the worst, yet you've shown me otherwise kek



There's a lotta shit i can handle but this kinda shit always makes me squeamish af

so true

Thanks for the new fetish


What the FUCK is he even doing? ???


It's even better with sound

Ty, I needed this

He is fucked up l:

yeah, for your pizza c:

Holy shit. What happened



poor family in azia
guy with severe mental and physical birth defects
family can't afford hospital so his mom rigged >up a bunch of stuff so he can stay comfortable.

looks worse than it is, he's actually flailing cuz he's just happy to see the camera person.

people donated to the family and he's in a proper institution now.


shit i thought that red puddle was the baby hahahah




Dont start posting that shit just because you had the same childhood faggot


I know the guy that did this, his name is jeroen and he is my friend haha

Sounds awfully like projecting.

You got me user

Nice double dubs, checked. But wtf are you on about?

she autistic or just cruel?

I've had it with this fucking shit. Fuck this thread. Fuck this place. Fuck everyone who fucking comes here.. Fuck YOU!

Nigga, it's even worse with sound








im fucking ill



Fuck this thread, I'm out

yeah, he's actually lucky. I read there is a big stigma in those parts of the world and they are often abandoned. his family was caring enough to put all that stuff together so he was comfy and taking care of him and stuff

Old joke is old. Let it go.


In the real vid the pupper squealed when bit

Not a cat person but I love that one.


Its starting to get real summer in here





Ok, thats it. Enough internet for today...
Probably the most disturbing thing ever to be posted on Sup Forums you sick fuck

i had to recover from that


Show me the Times Square ploughing faggots

quantum teleportation
>via nerve gas


dont have much more i dont think ill check
ratto gets drowned

I'm going to guess since it was filmed she baited him into doing it. Knew he would rage if she unplugged his playstation and he did.

hasn't been posted to tumblr or 9gag yet


So she had kids just to do shit like this? There is a worse one where the kid throws up and the nig/mexi steps on it's head.


goddamn it spidey, you stay out of this