in class

> in class
> marines are visiting to recruit seniors
> marine asks, "so which one of you woke up with a positive thought this morning?"
> some Chad raises his hand
> Marine asks chad, "what was your thought?"
> Chad says in his California beach boy accent, "I mean I woke up alive"

Are you fucking serious? How is it possible that people on this earth wake up happy to be alive
I wake up every morning with my stomach sunk yelling at god why he woke me up another day
I just don't understand the happiness in people

Other urls found in this thread:

Ignorance is bliss, stupidity is happiness.

I fucking hate happy people. This is why I hate school. Just a bunch of fucking retards who have friends and are happy with their stupid little lives.

Amazing isn't it? I truly don't understand just being happy with life and contentness

People always tell me, "hey man you're depressed you need help seek help man" fuck off lad and fucking kill your self for the both of us

Not really. You just parrot mainstream qoutes to sound smart.

OP here, my chest hurts I think I'm having a heart attack. Ffs it's about fucking time

If u believe your life is stupid, you are:
>less happy
>less motivated
>more likely to do dumb things

If life is meaningless and ignrance is bliss all be the dumbest ass I can be

He's a Chad
every day is a good day in the life of a Chad
A joy you will never know because your genetics fucked you up before you were even born.

Can you even imagine what Chad's life is like? He sees his own good looks in every hero, every sports star, every celebrity.
When he starts going through puberty, he becomes tall, strong, and handsome.
His desires and affections are reciprocated by everyone he is attracted to.
He asks someone out and they say yes, every time.
He watches porn and thinks "Huh, kind of a small dick" or "my girlfriends are hotter"
He will get hired every time he puts in an application, but his family is already rich.

You will never know such a life.

ever seen a depressed retard ?

I fucking hate my life. My parents think I'm a shitter, my girlfriend treats me like shit, my grandma is dying of fucking late stage breast cancer, I don't have any friends, I'm posting on fucking Sup Forums. I wish I had the capability to do dumb things so I could have a higher percentage of dying on accident. Today I was close to throwing myself in front of a train because I'm fucking fed up with this bullshit XD

Well noone's responsible about your happiness but yourself. I guess you didn't grow up to learn that you had to move your own ass in order to get what you want to, that includes beeing happy. Do you know why chad is happy and you're not? Because even you yourself see that your lazy and entitled attitude thowards everything is despicable. You're just as bad as fat as fuck feminists who try to make people believe that "big is beautyful" because they're too lazy to change their own behaviour, so it just seems easier for everyone else to change according to them. Chad on the other hand does sports to stay in shape and goes on parties and has a positive view on life because he gets rewarded for beeing more then you are.
Get out of your fucking comfort zone and make something of yourself, the positive attitude will follow.

Life is beautiful

>go outside
>Buy a motorcycle
>find a girlfriend
>Have sex
>Go rock climbing

and post again.

I used to do those things. My life took a fucking nose dive and now I wanna go rock climbing and jump off the fucking mountain

I used to be like Chad. I used to have friends and I used to be fucking happy and I used to have a lot of shit. I'm not fucking entitled to anything I don't deserve any fucking thing that this world has to offer. I'm just fucking pissed that I'm alive

Just go and work out, OP. Do some exercise, you'll feel better.

I dont know what i need to be happy, and everytime i try i get fucked over. I have a shattered anlkle now I cant do shit.

[insert therapist voice]
Where does all this anger come from? Do some soul seraching, what went wrong that you're not happy anymore?

death is not a solution, death is the end of everything, only pussys commit suicide

game over man, game over.

I don't know what the source is. All I know is that I hate myself and I hate everything else

The life is a game, play better.

>just git gud at the game bruh
if life is a game how do i reset?

Then can you name a point in the past where things started to get worse?
Did something important happen at that time?

The end of everything is what I want but I'm such a faggot that I can't bring myself to fucking end it. All I do is cut and pretend that I'm gonna kill myself but I can't cos I'm a little bitch

start from 0, you can do it in every moment.

I got locked up for a while. That's when It started I gues.

you are not a faggot, because only faggots commit suicide.

Suicide and pray to god the buddhists were right

Jesus christ some edgy 16 yr olds in here. You guys don't even know what depression is yet. Wait til you are expected to slave away at work to hardly be able to make ends meet. Shit is only going to get worse from where you are now fags.

So you were isolated from your friends and family for a period of time.
Also their perception thowards you might have changed, is that a fear of yours?
How did they react to the things that happened?

I fucking work 5 days a week 6-8 hours you fucktard
I was diagnosed with depression and took shitty mess for it for a year

Fuck the doctor fuck therapy and fuck my life

Riding a motorcycle is one of the great joys in life.

That possibly might not have been directed at you but the kid literally said he was still in high school....

I lost all my friends and my family doesn't talk to me anymore

A girl who I knew wrote to me when I was locked up and told me she loved me
When I got out she visited me
She stuck with me
We got together
Now she treats me
Like shit

Does your work include using your muscles?
Do you spend time outside?

my friend welcome to nihilism please try these complimentary drugs that force you to experience unearthly pleasures so you can avoid reality.

I am OP. I go to a continuation school.
I only go to school from 8-12 3 days a week

^This, officeworks are depression works

I work at fucking McDonald's

pot and good tunes help me get by

Sent me all you got before that, help a guy in a poor country.
Joking........or not.
Actually don't kill yourself if you are a men cuz only faggots do it. If you are a little fagot send me all you got pls.

That's an amazing song. Thanks for the post actually.


Yeah everybody loves a negative person!

Shut the fuck up, normie scum

Fuck you faggot

OP here. Fuck this I'm going to sleep. I hope you all pray that I don't wake up in the morning. Night Sup Forums

Yup. Pic related.

One time I peed on the toilet bowl and my dad said he would make me lick it off next time. Never did I do that again.

May i ask why you got locked up, and if you repented? (You don't have to answer that one if you don't feel like it.)

So i'd say that your self perception is ruined for two reasons:
a) You think of yourself as a criminal, you probably think that everyone you encounter will magically see what you've done and instantly judge you. A part of you thinks that you deserve that. You need to let go of that perception, you got your punishment, try see this chapter of your life as closed. Start over new: Not as "user the criminal who went to jail" but simply as "user". Re-invent yourself if you need to have more space from the things that remind you of your past.
b) Social contact is important, i think you've alienated the last couple of friends with your self loathing behaviour. If you think your relationship thowards them is damaged beyond repair then move on and find other people to spend time with. Get a hobby which requires you to leave your house and persue it. Become good at it, this will be good for your self perception.
b.2) Family is important, if you anyhow can get in contact with them and spend time with them. Don't force it, as they might need time to accept you back into their lifes.
b.3) Once you've rebuilt yourself take a good and long look at the relationship of you and your girlfriend. Does it really suck that much? Can you talk to her so it might get better? I'd say this problem is not the most urgent one, so just deal with it for the moment.

You can change everything in every moment
>life for 20 years in a fucking town
>only 3 friends
>hate my school
>no money
>no work
>play videogames 24H in a dark room
>wake up every morning with tears in the eyes

One day, I take my car and 200 Euro, travel for 2000 km

>I found a cool city
>cool peoples
>a girlfriend
>real friends
>a work

Now I have money, a house, a car, a motorcycle, a girlfriend and two kids.
Life is awesome, because you can change it in every moment.

Well there's your problem. You should try your best to find a job that satisfies at least one of those two things:
a) Requires bodily capability
b) requires mental capability
As you probably found yourself, your job doesn't qualify for neither. This can be a phase, but try to get away from it within this year. You need a job you can be proud of, your self perception will improve drastically.

Op here, quick reply before I knock out

Got locked up for attempted murder charge dropped to assault
Girlfriend treats me like shit because she uses me as a punching bag to take her anger out on me. She never considers my opinion about anything and disregards my feelings (yeah I sound like a pussy fuck off)
Anyways, thanks for the advice
I screenshotted it to review whenever I'm feeling suicidal. Thanks a lot and have yourself a drink. You deserve it. Night

Pic related. This is me

Have a good one fgt

itt: excuses

Seriously, what the fuck kids. Quit being faggoys and take some responsibility for yourselves.

>happiness is ignorance

No, ignorance is assuming intellectual superiority for a plethora of reasons foremost being you cannot understand why others are happy when you are not.

>he's a chad, everything has been handed to him, he'll never know the difficulties I've faced, etc.

Oh poor baby, would you like me to throw you a pity party just so you can feel special for day? Seriously, we can have party hats and everything. Or, novel idea here, man the fuck up. The old saying, "Hard times create strong men, and easy times weak men" (or any similar mutation) is true. You're just a pussy unwilling to accept responsibility for your own happiness, much less your own life.

>if life is a game how do i reset?
Make a fucking effort bitch. It resets every day when you wake up as everyday is a new day.

>i was like you but then x...
Yeah, how's about you return to square one and start enjoying it again or just fucking kill yourself already?

Finally, motivational and otherwise beneficial reading.

"The Power of Full Engagement" by some faggots

"The 48 Laws of Power" by a faggot

""Tao Te Ching" Translated by Stephen Mitchell

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey

"There Are No Secrets" by Wolfe Lowenthal

Let's just hope no refugee snatches that away from you, buddy.

What city did you end up in, by the way?

Trips checked

why do these silly misery threads always cheer me up

South Tyrol, in the mountains

Because you're a little bitch

[Palpatine voice] search your anger. Search your hate. Feed from it. Let it flow through you. Embrace the hate. Fuel from it. Go kill some sandniggers in the name of the empire!

Get a job and go get laid in that order
Nice dubs

You ar probably overweight and pay too much attention to social and cooperate media
Join a sport become a Marine and become a fucking ceo of a major company!! Do it for your sadness

Holy fuck are you guys gay, just KYS or change your life you cringe shit

I almost died in a car accident. Like really really close. Ill have pain the rest of my life badly.
I live my life Like Im dead. Like anytime I have a hard time, or Im upset, or sad, or embarrased, I just think "in 60 years Ill be dead and literally none of this matters, so I might as well enjoy it"
Like, If I dont die in am accident, and Im laying on my deathbed, I know Ill look back on my life and reflect on it, and If I spent the time being mostly happy.
Its gay I know. But honestly really helps me get thru life on a daily basis.