How do you get over a cheater?

How do you get over a cheater?

It's been 5 years since it happened, and it still hurts. I still have the rotten images playing back in my mind.

I passed up so many women and relationships since then only due to fear of repetition.

I've locked myself in, stopped going out, and rejected any advance from females.

Recently a 8/10 17yo qt messaged me, to which I just said
>no thx

Does it end? I just want it to stop.

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dont know fam. my gf sometimes gets upset over my cheating, and the only time she knows about is like 3 years ago. she needs to lighten up.

You're a piece of shit nigger.

there are two sides to every story. your side sounds kinda shitty, glad I'm on my side.

It sound shitty because my partner was you sans penis.

This is why cheaters get banned

The worst part is when you know it was something about you that she didnt like but she doesn't want to tell you what it is because she 'doesn't want to hurt your feelings' after already fucking cheating on you

Fuck women
If I wasn't sexually turned off by men I would definitely be gay

This. So much this.

The worst part is, she admitted it and said
>it's just a bump on the road baby, I'm sorry, please forgive me

Fortunately I still had a shred of self respect left, and said no.

When did it get better?

Guess it didn't.

Fuck dude. Are you me?

Here I've been thinking why havent I got over it yet? Its been six years. My friends, fam, everyone says move on she was a slut get over it. I just can't. Its ruining any shit I try to get on with other girls. I know ive missed out on lots of good stuff with hot chicks, sometimes i kick myself. Every other area of my life is going good. But when it comes to girls, i dont wanna run the risk. Just not feeling anything anymore.

Hope things work out for you man.

Same here bro.

I've more or less given up on the idea of marriage and children because of it.

Even though I really want to be a father.

Lol here's my plot twist. She and I had a baby together. Four months after he was born I found out about her cheating.

Went through years of her trying to stop me to have anything to do with my boy. Then one day her boyfriend said 'I'm sick of this kid, either him or me.' So she gives up our son, suddenly she gives me full access.

My kids so happy to be living with me full time now. But it gets me in the feels when he asks what's the deal with his mum. He wants to know why she doesn't want him anymore. I've gotta hold my tongue. In years to come he's gonna end up hating her, what kid wouldn't

Shit, women are bitches. I picked the wrong one there. Fucking evil

>Fortunately I still had a shred of self respect left, and said no.

Proud of you, user

Stop playing counter strike it's filled with cheaters.

I kek at my gfs shitty life she has now.

addicted to heroin and forced to suck dick.
fucking kek

OP here.

Mine moved on on went to college and is in a new ltr. I feel sorry for the poor bastard. She has a good life. Probably doesn't even remember me anymore.

Glad for you, though.

Are you sure the kid's yours?

nah jokes on me it fucking tears me up i hate life oh god kill me now

She wpuldnt have it any other way

I know, right?

honestly thats what keeps me happy, knowing that deep down its her fucking problem, and not me

still, its weird to see a person go that deep into the rabbit hole when I knew her as an adorable innocent girl I used to play vidya with.

The feels are strong in this one.

Yeah mate. Good question and you're not the first to ask that. My son looks exactly like me. I'm blonde Swedish heritage. The guy she fucked is a weird gangly dark haired Irish dude. Haven't done a DNA but no one doubts he's my boy. I look at photos of me age six and I might as well be looking at him.

Apparently I'm a decent catch and a shitload better looking than the other guy was. Has all my mates scratching their heads. But hey, she legit has mental issues and is on a whole heap of meds to stop her sperging out. Can't make sense of some people.

ever thought about getting a test done and taking her kid away.. ya know, for revenge lulz. or if you're a normal person, because you have a genetic disposition to loving him?

Yeah, mine cucked me with a literal virgin.

I have an 8in cock[not like its sees use]; you can imagine the blow my ego took.

No i think you guys are me.

I was in this same situation 4-5 years depressed. It instantly went away when i went out with a girl that was indisputably more beautiful that the girl i was hung up on

its here, after she left a girl legit fondled my dick and jumped on me, and I was so numb and fucked up on every drug I could find I just dropped her, got up, and walked out the door.

This shit needs to be bred out of future generations because god damn thats too much power

2 of the most beautiful women ever to crush on me were right after I got cucked.

I basically friendzoned them due to fear and insecurity, and now they're both dating guys uglier than i

Here's the thing mate. She tried so hard to stop me seeing my boy. I had two years of shit fighting for access. Then one day she decided he was holding her back, and dumped him on me. He's with me now.

What fucks me off is all the social workers, everyone involved were women. And they were all over themselves telling her she made the right decision. She's so deceptive, she would cry to them saying 'I love my son, but everything is so hard boo fucking hoo'. And then she would give me the exact opposite.

One Christmas eve I was doing night shift, she phoned me and said '
> take your kid. Take him now.
What? Wtf are you on about?
> your son is ruining Christmas for my bf and me.
So deal with it, I'm at work
> if you don't fucking take him I'll just leave him on the steps of the police station
Are you kidding me? Its 7pm on Christmas eve
> click

Later that night I was tucking my boy in. He said where's mummy?
Even though that was four years ago I still rage hard. Poor little cunt, what mother does that just so she can party?

Its shit like this that makes me not wanna bother with women anymore.

> 8"

You were a pussy. She didnt want a pussy



Doesn't help, with the insecurity and abrasive, defensive personality.

Five years ago she was the one hurting you

Today it is only you hurting yourself

Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.


So rusty at this point I can't even talk to women anymore

Cheers bro. Here's a man hug.

I'm not sure what the answer is. Like you I've been told I'm a fucking good catch. Three weeks ago I went out and had 3 chicks throwing themselves at me. I act pretty aloof around women, I think they interpret that as me being alpha or something. Tbh I've turned into a misogynist and only see the bad in women.

One day I hope to move past this and shack up with my dream woman. A decent, well meaning red head with fair skin. My fear is she'll start off sweet and innocent and then I discover about six months she's on drugs and has a serious mental illness.

Same here brosef.

permaban him, even though my servers prohibit cheats

No wallhax

This thread has given me the feels.

Fells bad man.

Easy. Realise she did it because of her own low-self esteem and the fact she felt nobody could love her as much as you did and she's to afraid of knowing she'll probably never find it again so against better judgement she chose to validate her fears by fucking around meaning shes immature and didn't have any respect for you. Know that you are better off regardless. You win, she loses. Go find some girls and fuck her out of your system, ultimately it's the only way you do it.

Post of the year. Thanks user. Im not OP, but I needed that. Great perspective

Do women ever suffer like this when their man shits on them? Seems like its just us guys who suffer


Your gf should have left you and you should be alone as the loser you are.