Early morning stoner thread

Early morning stoner thread.
what are you smoking this morning? i'm smoking Alien Dawg, pic related.

Nothing as of yet, waiting to hear back from my guy on a half, though. Living in a black market state sucks.

Weed makes you gay.

Marijuana turns you into a communist. Meth is for true Americans.

nice. i just got a half of medical weed from a buddy yesterday. got the alien dawg and jack herer.
pic related is the jack herer


here's 10g of alien dawg

no shit...

I usually don't know what strain I get, so it's normally a gamble. Have another dealer that has specifics, but the guy I normally buy from always has good at least. I've only ever been disappointed once with him.

can't tell if satire


wish I knew what I smoked last night. Spent all yesterday scoring it.

Just picked this up, my dude says its a bb kush strain. It certainly hits harder than the usual shit I get but I can't tell if it's really a known strain or if he's just bullshitting me.

You still smoke meth?

Pussy. Real men IV drip carfentanyl, meth, DMT, and crack all at once. If you cant handle that, then dont talk to me.

Looks weird. Like it was packed in a brick or something. But it doesnt look exactly like brick weed. Weird.



better lighting

Strains are really all the same excepts for heavy sativas or indicas, it just depends on how well the weed it grown

If its bought on the street stop giving it names lol. Unless youre the grower or the literal second guy to buy it you cant believe any name given. Itll be just "my guy said it was ______." Pic related. Street weed of unknown origin but its pretty good.

certain strains straight up have more THC content than others

you goof, thats No Name Flame

you know that just means it gets you higher faster right

OP here, like i said my buddy has a medical card and he ordered the package for me...still sealed when i got it. so i know the strains.

you're framing this like it isn't highly desirable

Ahh of course. The ol' Unnamed Propane.

Sure feels like summer

>gets you higher faster

This is exactly why people made hash, then oil, and it's why people dab instead of smoking spliffs. Everyone who loves weed wants to get higher, and faster.

No worries mate. You are essentially the "second guy." Im talking about people without that luxury like myself. When dealers tell me names im almost have to laugh. My picture? Supposedly named Dog Treats. I mean cmon what a fuckin meme.

green crack

im putting this on my twitter

It's 1am mate, off to bed with ya.

I mean in general yeah but that has more to do with how well its grown and cured, you can get the same strain and one can be some reggie and the other can be some good shit based on how it was grown

I'm testing out a batch of brownies I made with my canna-coconut oil. I will be on my ass in an hour or so if all goes as planned. These things are no joke.

how is it that even the hairs are green

Currently enjoying a bowl of banana split hybrid sativa

most of the hairs in look orangey to me

However that picture is pretty bad quality, but it makes me think of those green sour chewy strips with sugar all over them

That's the mersh. Mexican commercial. Regs. Brick.

9 am, chief. Breakfast time.

ah, i see.
this was the first time i got the medical stuff, since he just recently got his card.
pic related is some pretty good weed i got from a dealer

4.15, 5 mins from 4.20 here. Weed time.

AZ? A bit later than us.

it's an autoflower I grew, shitty pic. the bud pic I posted earlier but I had to resize this before I could post.

Vaping k1. Smoking is for future cancer patients.

>"early morning" thread
>posted at 10:15am
Fucking stoners



Three kings live resin

I find it hard to enjoy weed, everytime I've smoked it I've felt uncomfortable.

got some orange haze for later


White widow has this moring in the sunshine state looking glorious

Maybe try some Indica then. Sativa's give some people anxiety. Indica puts you Indacouch


just picked up a quarter of northern lights


I'm in australia, but we have the equivalent here (bikie/viet weed). Although it doesn't seem like that stuff, which usually has almost no visible crystals on outside.

It doesn't look like it was packed in a brick at all you Autist. Looks like a Indica dominant strain because the nugs are so dense.

hell yeah just snorted 10mg

Durban poison my nigga

Herojuana flower and some White Fire OG Shatter

its full of Additives and GMOS

Cheese Wreck & Sensi Star!

clearly doesn't look like packed in a brick, maybe just cured weird or it was vac sealed for a period of time

Grand Daddy Purple. I am in Mexico.

Damn you get GDP in Mexico?? Thats pretty cool didnt think you could score some indoor in Mexico.

Its not packed brick by any means. Thats just the bud structure of that particular hybrid strain. Different phenotypes.

you can score indoor, this was like 2000 dls per oz. You can get any quality.

Purple Punch

image is unrelated

>not living near a dispensary

Damm 2,000 US Dollars? or 2,000 Pesos..

Most people in the states still buy weed illegally because of cost ratio.

4500 pesos

True in medical and legal MJ states the dispensary sells ounces for 300 bucks. You can get them for 250 if you know a grower or got a good connect.

>cost ratio

the fuck are you.. no fuck off
People don't buy legal cause the no have access

Damn thats like 250 a zone.. Thats a good deal same as the states.

I smoke only stabilizer sorts of some central america "sativas" and haze. Shitty hybrids is for marijuana childs.

I smoke around 6 gr bud daily, it cost me around 3-10$

Sounds pretty gay if you ask me.. Great hybrid strains in America have like 22% - 25% THC

i'm dabbing some god's gift


Got some decent iced grape, it has a nice taste but it leaves you dumb as a rock. i cant vidya when i smoke this thing so i got some skunkish looking dank.

Elite White Gorilla
So Cal

you have no idea.
right now i'm eating a mcdonalds quarter pounder BLT, with added mcchicken sauce and taco bell hot sauce.
then dipped in more mcchicken sauce.
this is some good weed.

>Alien Dawg
I'm smoking weed you faggot

I believe this is one hundred OG. Good shit nonetheless.

so am i, you faggot. but i'm smoking the dank BC bud and you're not so get fucked.

Smoked half of one before work... Some unknown weed my friend gifted me. Hits hard, but doesn't get me sleepy, so it fits the bill. How often should I take a t break if I smoke one blunt a day?


dabmarines with some tangie wax and tekate
>stay litty.
who in their right mind wants to start the day off not high and buzzed

Got hypoglycemia from alcohol so i can't smoke my own bud kek.
Pic is some 73u and 90u bubble hash i made but can't smoke. Gave alot to my older brother and best friend because i can't smoke yet. Low blood suger sucks.